Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Resource Management: basic water requirement (BWR)

basic water requirement (BWR)

Basic Water Requirement: A Foundation for Sustainable Water Management

The concept of Basic Water Requirement (BWR) is essential in the field of Environmental & Water Treatment, representing the minimum amount of water needed by a person to maintain a basic quality of life. This includes fulfilling fundamental needs like drinking, sanitation, bathing, and cooking. While the exact figure can vary depending on factors like climate and lifestyle, a commonly accepted BWR is 50 liters per person per day.

Understanding the Importance of BWR:

  • Human Health and Dignity: Access to safe and sufficient water is crucial for human health and dignity. A BWR ensures individuals can meet their basic hygiene needs and prevent waterborne diseases.
  • Sustainable Water Management: Recognizing the minimum water requirement helps us prioritize water resources for essential needs, ensuring equitable access and sustainable use for current and future generations.
  • Planning for Growth: Understanding the BWR allows us to effectively plan for future water demands in expanding populations and changing societal needs.

Factors Influencing BWR:

  • Climate: Hot and arid climates require higher water consumption for cooling and hygiene.
  • Lifestyle: Urban and rural populations have different water consumption patterns, influenced by factors like access to plumbing, hygiene practices, and food habits.
  • Water Quality: Poorer water quality necessitates higher consumption for basic needs, as more water may be required to achieve desired hygiene standards.

Challenges to Meeting BWR:

  • Water Scarcity: In many regions, water scarcity limits access to adequate quantities of safe water, posing significant challenges to meeting the BWR.
  • Inefficient Water Infrastructure: Leaking pipes and outdated water infrastructure can lead to significant water losses, further exacerbating water scarcity and hindering access to BWR.
  • Financial Constraints: Lack of financial resources, especially in developing countries, can limit access to water treatment and distribution systems, making it difficult to provide clean water and meet the BWR.

Addressing Challenges:

  • Improving Water Infrastructure: Investing in robust water infrastructure and implementing water conservation measures can enhance water efficiency and availability.
  • Promoting Water Conservation: Public awareness campaigns and education programs can encourage responsible water use and minimize unnecessary consumption.
  • Community-Based Solutions: Empowering communities to manage water resources, develop local solutions, and ensure equitable access to water is crucial for sustainable water management.


The BWR serves as a critical benchmark in water management, promoting equitable access to essential water needs and advocating for sustainable practices. By addressing the challenges and prioritizing water conservation, we can ensure that everyone has access to the basic water requirement, supporting a healthier and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Water Scarcity: A Guide to the Crisis and Its Solutions by Tony Allan and Richard Black (2011): Discusses water scarcity and its impact on human society, including the importance of basic water requirements.
  • Water: The Global Crisis by Tony Allan (2006): Examines global water issues, including water scarcity, access, and management, highlighting the role of basic water requirements in sustainable solutions.
  • The World’s Water: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources (published by the World Water Assessment Programme): This report provides comprehensive information on global water resources, including data on water use and basic water requirements.


  • "Basic Water Needs: A Global Framework for Sustainable Water Management" by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) (2004): Outlines a framework for defining and meeting basic water needs, emphasizing the importance of sanitation and hygiene.
  • "Water Security: The Basic Water Requirement and its Implications for Water Management" by M.G. Acreman and D.L. Hughes (2010): Explores the concept of basic water requirement and its role in ensuring water security, considering factors like population growth and climate change.
  • "Basic Water Needs and Water Poverty" by M.A.H. Bakker (2002): Discusses the link between basic water needs, water poverty, and the implications for development and water management.

Online Resources

  • World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP): Offers comprehensive information on global water resources, including data on water use, scarcity, and basic water requirements.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): Provides guidelines and information on safe water access, hygiene, and sanitation, emphasizing the importance of basic water requirements for health and well-being.
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): Offers resources and information on children's access to safe water and sanitation, highlighting the vital role of meeting basic water requirements.

Search Tips

  • "Basic water requirement" + "sustainable water management": Search for articles and resources that discuss the BWR in the context of sustainable water management practices.
  • "Basic water requirement" + "population growth": Explore information on the impact of population growth on water demand and the need to ensure access to the BWR.
  • "Basic water requirement" + "climate change": Search for resources on the effects of climate change on water scarcity and the challenges in meeting BWR in different regions.
  • "Basic water requirement" + "urban vs rural": Compare water consumption patterns and challenges in meeting BWR in urban and rural areas.
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