Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: background organic matter (BOM)

background organic matter (BOM)

Unraveling the Mystery of Background Organic Matter (BOM) in Environmental and Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, understanding the composition and behavior of organic matter is crucial. While specific organic chemicals are often the primary focus, a significant portion of organic matter exists as Background Organic Matter (BOM), a complex mixture of naturally occurring compounds.

Defining BOM: A Complex Mixture

BOM refers to the diverse array of naturally occurring organic compounds present in water, soil, and other environmental matrices. These compounds originate from a wide range of sources, including:

  • Decomposed plant and animal matter: This includes humic substances, a heterogeneous group of compounds formed by the decomposition of organic matter.
  • Biological processes: Microorganisms produce a variety of organic molecules during their metabolic activities.
  • Natural weathering and erosion: The breakdown of rocks and minerals releases organic compounds into the environment.

BOM is characterized by its complexity, with a wide range of molecular structures, sizes, and functionalities. This makes it difficult to analyze and characterize, and its behavior in environmental systems can be unpredictable.

BOM in Environmental and Water Treatment: Challenges and Opportunities

BOM plays a crucial role in several environmental and water treatment processes.

  • Water Treatment: BOM can affect the effectiveness of water treatment processes. For instance, it can react with disinfectants, leading to the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs), which are harmful to human health. BOM can also interfere with coagulation and flocculation processes, making it difficult to remove suspended solids from water.
  • Soil Remediation: BOM can influence the bioavailability and mobility of contaminants in soil. For example, it can bind to organic pollutants, making them less available for biodegradation.
  • Wastewater Treatment: BOM contributes to the formation of sludge in wastewater treatment plants, adding to the cost and complexity of treatment.

Understanding the nature and behavior of BOM is essential for developing effective environmental and water treatment strategies.

Addressing the Challenge:

Researchers are actively working to develop advanced analytical techniques to characterize and quantify BOM.

  • Advanced analytical techniques: Techniques like high-resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy are being used to identify and characterize the diverse components of BOM.
  • Modeling and Simulation: Mathematical models are being developed to predict the behavior of BOM in different environmental systems.
  • Treatment strategies: Novel treatment technologies are being developed to remove or degrade BOM, including advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and bioaugmentation.

Natural Organic Matter in a Mixture with Specific Organic Chemicals

BOM plays a significant role in the fate and transport of specific organic chemicals in the environment.

  • Adsorption: BOM can adsorb organic chemicals, reducing their bioavailability and mobility.
  • Transformation: BOM can influence the transformation of organic chemicals, leading to their degradation or modification.
  • Bioavailability: BOM can affect the bioavailability of organic chemicals to microorganisms, impacting their degradation rates.


BOM is a significant component of organic matter in the environment and plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment processes. Understanding its complex nature and behavior is essential for developing effective solutions for protecting human health and the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unraveling the Mystery of Background Organic Matter (BOM)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Background Organic Matter (BOM)?

a) A specific type of organic compound found in water. b) A complex mixture of naturally occurring organic compounds. c) A synthetic organic compound used in water treatment. d) A type of organic matter that is easily biodegradable.


b) A complex mixture of naturally occurring organic compounds.

2. Which of the following is NOT a source of BOM?

a) Decomposed plant and animal matter b) Biological processes c) Synthetic chemical manufacturing d) Natural weathering and erosion


c) Synthetic chemical manufacturing

3. How can BOM affect water treatment processes?

a) It can enhance disinfection efficiency. b) It can interfere with coagulation and flocculation. c) It can increase the effectiveness of filtration. d) It has no significant impact on water treatment.


b) It can interfere with coagulation and flocculation.

4. Which of the following advanced analytical techniques is used to characterize BOM?

a) Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) b) High-resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) c) Gas Chromatography (GC) d) Titration


b) High-resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS)

5. How can BOM influence the fate and transport of specific organic chemicals in the environment?

a) It can enhance their bioavailability and mobility. b) It can adsorb them, reducing their mobility. c) It can degrade them into harmless products. d) It has no significant impact on their behavior.


b) It can adsorb them, reducing their mobility.

Exercise: BOM and Water Treatment

Scenario: You are a water treatment engineer tasked with improving the efficiency of a water treatment plant. You notice that the plant is struggling to remove suspended solids effectively, potentially due to the presence of BOM.


  1. Identify two possible ways BOM could be interfering with the coagulation and flocculation processes.
  2. Suggest two potential solutions to address the BOM-related issues and improve the efficiency of the water treatment process.
  3. Explain why your proposed solutions are likely to be effective.

Exercice Correction

1. **Possible ways BOM interferes with coagulation and flocculation:** * **Competition for coagulant:** BOM can compete with suspended solids for the coagulant, reducing its effectiveness in neutralizing the surface charges of the particles. * **Stabilization of suspended particles:** BOM can stabilize suspended particles by forming protective layers around them, preventing them from aggregating and settling. 2. **Potential solutions:** * **Pre-treatment with activated carbon:** Activated carbon can adsorb BOM, reducing its interference with coagulation and flocculation. * **Optimization of coagulant dose and type:** Experimenting with different coagulants and optimizing their doses can help overcome the competition for coagulant and improve the overall efficiency of the process. 3. **Explanation of effectiveness:** * **Activated carbon:** By removing BOM, activated carbon reduces its competitive effects on coagulants and allows for more efficient aggregation of suspended solids. * **Coagulant optimization:** Selecting a coagulant that is less affected by BOM and optimizing its dosage can improve the process by maximizing the coagulant's effectiveness in neutralizing particle charges and promoting aggregation.


  • Humic Substances in Soil, Sediment and Water: Geochemistry, Isolation and Characterization: This book offers a comprehensive overview of humic substances, a key component of BOM, and their role in environmental systems.
  • Organic Matter in Soils and Water: Importance and Challenges: This book explores the significance of organic matter, including BOM, in soil and water systems, and highlights the challenges associated with its characterization and management.
  • Water Quality: An Introduction: This textbook provides a broad introduction to water quality, including the role of BOM in influencing water quality parameters.


  • "Background Organic Matter in Water Treatment: A Review" by X.Y. Zhang et al. (2019): This review article provides an in-depth discussion on the occurrence, characteristics, and impacts of BOM in water treatment processes.
  • "The Role of Natural Organic Matter in the Fate of Emerging Contaminants" by J.S. Smith et al. (2020): This article examines the influence of BOM on the fate and transport of emerging contaminants in the environment.
  • "Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Removal of Background Organic Matter in Drinking Water" by K.L. Lee et al. (2018): This research article explores the application of advanced oxidation processes for removing BOM from drinking water.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website offers valuable information on water quality, organic matter, and environmental regulations related to BOM.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA website provides resources and research findings related to water treatment, including the impacts of BOM on treatment processes.
  • International Humic Substances Society (IHSS): The IHSS website is a resource for information about humic substances, their characterization, and their role in various environmental processes.

Search Tips

  • "Background organic matter" + "water treatment" + "environmental fate": This combination will help you find relevant research articles on BOM in environmental and water treatment contexts.
  • "Humic substances" + "drinking water" + "disinfection byproducts": This search will provide information on the role of humic substances, a major component of BOM, in the formation of disinfection byproducts in drinking water.
  • "Natural organic matter" + "soil remediation" + "contaminant bioavailability": This search query will lead you to articles exploring the influence of BOM on contaminant bioavailability and mobility in soil.
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