Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Autojust


Autojust: Optimizing Sludge Collection Efficiency in Wastewater Treatment

In the realm of wastewater treatment, efficient sludge collection is crucial for maintaining optimal plant performance and minimizing operational costs. One key component in achieving this efficiency is the Autojust system, a revolutionary automatic feedwell gate controller developed by USFilter/Aerator Products for circular sludge collectors.

What is Autojust?

Autojust is an innovative technology that provides automatic control over the feedwell gate in circular sludge collectors. This gate regulates the flow of sludge into the collection hopper, ensuring a consistent and optimized collection process. Traditional manual systems often face challenges like inconsistent sludge flow, potential overflows, and the need for frequent manual adjustments. Autojust addresses these issues with its intelligent automation.

Key Features and Benefits of Autojust:

  • Automated Gate Control: The Autojust system automatically adjusts the feedwell gate based on various parameters like sludge level, flow rate, and other operational data. This ensures a constant and efficient flow of sludge into the hopper.
  • Reduced Overflow Risk: By precisely controlling the sludge flow, Autojust minimizes the risk of overflows, which can lead to downtime, environmental hazards, and costly cleanups.
  • Increased Efficiency: The automated system optimizes sludge collection, minimizing energy consumption and maximizing the efficiency of the entire treatment process.
  • Minimized Labor Costs: Autojust significantly reduces the need for manual adjustments, freeing up valuable time for operators to focus on other critical tasks.
  • Improved Sludge Quality: By ensuring consistent flow, Autojust helps maintain optimal sludge density and consistency, leading to more efficient downstream processing.

How Autojust Works:

The Autojust system employs a combination of sensors, actuators, and control logic to achieve seamless operation. Sensors monitor various parameters, such as sludge level, flow rate, and pressure, while actuators respond to the control logic by adjusting the gate position. The system continuously analyzes data and adjusts the gate in real-time, ensuring optimal sludge collection performance.


Autojust represents a significant advancement in wastewater treatment technology, offering numerous advantages over traditional manual systems. By automating the feedwell gate control, it promotes efficiency, minimizes risks, and reduces operational costs. With its intelligent control and user-friendly interface, Autojust provides a reliable and sustainable solution for optimizing sludge collection in circular clarifiers. As wastewater treatment plants strive for continuous improvement, Autojust stands as a powerful tool for achieving optimal performance and minimizing environmental impact.

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