Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: auto-oxidation


The Silent Threat: Auto-oxidation in Environmental & Water Treatment

Auto-oxidation, a self-induced oxidation process, often lurks in the shadows, posing a silent threat to the efficacy of environmental and water treatment systems. While seemingly benign, this phenomenon can have detrimental consequences, impacting water quality and treatment efficiency.

Understanding the Process:

Auto-oxidation refers to the spontaneous reaction of a substance with molecular oxygen, often catalyzed by trace metals or free radicals. This process typically occurs at room temperature, driven by the inherent reactivity of oxygen molecules with certain compounds.

The Environmental Impacts:

Auto-oxidation's ramifications extend beyond just the treated water. It can lead to:

  • Formation of harmful byproducts: Oxidation of organic compounds can generate toxic byproducts like aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids. These compounds can pose health risks to humans and aquatic life.
  • Fouling of treatment systems: The buildup of oxidation products can lead to fouling of membranes, filters, and other treatment components, reducing efficiency and increasing maintenance costs.
  • Corrosion of equipment: Auto-oxidation can accelerate corrosion of metal components in treatment systems, compromising their integrity and longevity.

Water Treatment Implications:

In water treatment, auto-oxidation is a critical factor to consider for:

  • Disinfection: Chlorine, a common disinfectant, undergoes auto-oxidation, forming harmful byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs). This necessitates monitoring and control strategies to minimize their formation.
  • Coagulation and flocculation: Auto-oxidation can influence the effectiveness of these processes, impacting the removal of dissolved organic matter and suspended particles.
  • Iron and manganese removal: Auto-oxidation plays a crucial role in the oxidation and removal of these metals from water, requiring proper management to ensure efficient treatment.

Controlling Auto-oxidation:

Managing auto-oxidation in environmental and water treatment involves a multi-pronged approach:

  • Minimizing oxygen exposure: By reducing oxygen contact with treated water, we can limit the potential for auto-oxidation reactions. This can be achieved through various techniques like deaeration or using inert gases.
  • Optimizing process parameters: Controlling parameters like pH, temperature, and residence time can minimize the rate of auto-oxidation.
  • Adding inhibitors: Specific chemicals can be introduced to inhibit auto-oxidation reactions. These inhibitors can scavenge free radicals or prevent the formation of reactive intermediates.


Auto-oxidation, though a natural process, can have significant implications for environmental and water treatment. Recognizing its potential impact and implementing appropriate control measures are crucial for ensuring safe and effective treatment processes. By understanding the mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon, we can work towards minimizing its detrimental effects and safeguarding the quality of our water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Silent Threat: Auto-oxidation in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary driver of auto-oxidation?

a) Sunlight exposure b) The presence of bacteria c) The inherent reactivity of oxygen molecules d) High temperatures


c) The inherent reactivity of oxygen molecules

2. Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of auto-oxidation in water treatment?

a) Formation of harmful byproducts b) Increased water clarity c) Fouling of treatment systems d) Corrosion of equipment


b) Increased water clarity

3. How does auto-oxidation affect disinfection processes using chlorine?

a) It enhances the disinfection efficiency of chlorine. b) It leads to the formation of harmful byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs). c) It prevents the formation of chlorine byproducts. d) It has no impact on chlorine disinfection.


b) It leads to the formation of harmful byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs).

4. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for controlling auto-oxidation in water treatment?

a) Minimizing oxygen exposure b) Using ozone instead of chlorine c) Optimizing process parameters d) Adding inhibitors


b) Using ozone instead of chlorine

5. What is the main benefit of understanding and controlling auto-oxidation in water treatment?

a) Reducing the cost of water treatment b) Increasing the aesthetic appeal of treated water c) Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of treatment processes d) Eliminating all potential health risks associated with water consumption


c) Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of treatment processes

Exercise: Auto-oxidation in a Water Treatment Plant

Scenario: You are a water treatment plant operator. Your plant uses chlorine for disinfection, and you have noticed an increase in the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) in the treated water. You suspect that auto-oxidation is contributing to this problem.


  1. Identify at least three potential causes for the increased THM formation, considering the factors influencing auto-oxidation.
  2. Propose two practical solutions to mitigate the issue and reduce THM formation based on the methods for controlling auto-oxidation.

Exercice Correction

1. Potential Causes for Increased THM Formation:

  • Increased chlorine dosage: Higher chlorine levels can accelerate auto-oxidation and THM formation.
  • Longer contact time: Prolonged contact between chlorine and organic matter in the water can lead to higher THM production.
  • Elevated water temperature: Higher temperatures can increase the rate of auto-oxidation and THM formation.
  • Presence of trace metals: Metals like iron and manganese can act as catalysts for auto-oxidation and THM formation.

2. Solutions to Reduce THM Formation:

  • Optimize chlorine dosage: Reduce the chlorine dosage to the minimum level required for effective disinfection, while minimizing excess chlorine that could contribute to auto-oxidation.
  • Minimize contact time: Shorten the contact time between chlorine and organic matter by adjusting the flow rate or utilizing a more efficient disinfection method.
  • Improve water quality: Remove organic matter and trace metals from the raw water source to reduce the substrate for auto-oxidation and THM formation.
  • Consider alternative disinfectants: Evaluate the use of alternative disinfectants, such as ozone, which are less prone to producing THMs.


  • "Chemistry of Organic Compounds" by Paula Yurkanis Bruice: A comprehensive textbook covering organic chemistry, including sections on oxidation reactions and radical mechanisms.
  • "Free Radicals in Biology" by William Pryor: A detailed exploration of free radicals and their roles in biological systems, including auto-oxidation processes.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by David A. Davis and Charles H. Bear: A textbook on water treatment principles, discussing auto-oxidation's implications in various treatment processes.


  • "Autoxidation of Organic Compounds: A Review" by S. J. Khan and A. W. Khan (Journal of Chemical Education): Provides an overview of auto-oxidation processes and their implications in different applications.
  • "The Role of Autoxidation in the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts" by J. C. Crittenden et al. (Journal of American Water Works Association): Focuses on auto-oxidation's influence on the formation of disinfection byproducts during water treatment.
  • "Autoxidation of Iron and Manganese in Drinking Water: A Review" by G. A. Minear and J. C. Crittenden (Journal of Environmental Engineering): Examines the impact of auto-oxidation on iron and manganese removal processes.

Online Resources

  • "Autoxidation" on Wikipedia: A general overview of auto-oxidation, its mechanisms, and applications.
  • "Autoxidation" on ChemSpider: A database providing information on chemical compounds, including auto-oxidation reactions.
  • "The Autoxidation of Organic Compounds" by University of California, Berkeley: A lecture note discussing the basics of auto-oxidation and its relevance in organic chemistry.

Search Tips

  • "Autoxidation AND water treatment": Focus your search on auto-oxidation's relevance to water treatment processes.
  • "Autoxidation AND disinfection byproducts": Search for articles specifically addressing the formation of disinfection byproducts due to auto-oxidation.
  • "Autoxidation AND iron removal": Target publications related to the impact of auto-oxidation on iron removal processes.
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