Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: atmosphere supplying respirator (ASR)

atmosphere supplying respirator (ASR)

Breathing Easy: Understanding Atmosphere Supplying Respirators (ASRs) in Environmental & Water Treatment

The hazardous nature of many environmental and water treatment tasks necessitates specialized equipment for worker safety. One such piece of essential equipment is the Atmosphere Supplying Respirator (ASR).

ASRs, also known as supplied-air respirators, are designed to provide a safe breathing environment for workers exposed to oxygen-deficient atmospheres, toxic gases, and particulate matter. Unlike simple face masks, ASRs supply a continuous flow of clean air or oxygen to the user, ensuring a breathable atmosphere regardless of the surrounding environment.

Types of ASRs:

ASRs come in various types, each suited for specific applications:

  • Hose-Connected Respirators: These respirators use a long hose connected to an external source of clean air or oxygen. They are ideal for working in confined spaces, allowing the user to move freely within a designated area.
  • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): These respirators carry their own air supply, allowing for independent operation. SCBAs are typically used in situations where access to an external air source is limited or impossible.
  • Combination Respirators: Combining features of both hose-connected and SCBA respirators, these devices provide additional safety and flexibility.

Advantages of using ASRs:

  • Enhanced worker safety: ASRs eliminate the risks associated with breathing contaminated air, protecting workers from potentially fatal exposures.
  • Increased productivity: By ensuring a safe and breathable environment, ASRs allow workers to focus on their tasks without the worry of respiratory hazards.
  • Reduced downtime: ASR usage minimizes the risk of worker illness or injury, reducing potential downtime and associated costs.
  • Compliance with regulations: Many industries have strict safety regulations mandating the use of ASRs in specific situations.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

ASRs are crucial safety equipment in various environmental and water treatment settings:

  • Confined spaces: Workers entering tanks, sewers, or other confined spaces often face oxygen-deficient atmospheres, requiring the use of ASRs.
  • Wastewater treatment plants: Exposure to toxic gases and particulate matter during wastewater treatment operations necessitates the use of appropriate respiratory protection.
  • Hazardous waste management: ASRs are essential for handling and disposing of hazardous materials, ensuring the safety of workers.
  • Industrial cleaning: Cleaning operations involving chemical spills, dust, or other hazardous materials often require ASRs to protect workers' respiratory health.

Choosing the Right ASR:

Selecting the appropriate ASR depends on several factors:

  • Type of hazard: The specific contaminants and their concentrations determine the required level of respiratory protection.
  • Work environment: The nature of the work area, including space constraints and the availability of an external air source, influences the choice of ASR.
  • Duration of exposure: The length of time workers will be exposed to the hazard dictates the required air supply capacity of the ASR.

Proper Maintenance and Training:

To ensure optimal performance and safety, ASRs require regular maintenance and inspection. Workers must be thoroughly trained on the proper use, maintenance, and limitations of ASRs.


ASRs play a vital role in protecting worker safety in environmental and water treatment industries. Their ability to provide a breathable atmosphere in hazardous environments makes them indispensable for ensuring worker health and productivity. By understanding the different types of ASRs, their advantages, and proper use, employers can create a safer and healthier working environment for all.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Atmosphere Supplying Respirators (ASRs)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an Atmosphere Supplying Respirator (ASR)? a) To filter out dust and pollen. b) To provide a clean and breathable atmosphere for workers. c) To protect against loud noises. d) To regulate body temperature.


b) To provide a clean and breathable atmosphere for workers.

2. Which type of ASR is ideal for working in confined spaces with limited access to an external air source? a) Hose-Connected Respirator b) Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) c) Combination Respirator d) None of the above


b) Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

3. What is NOT an advantage of using ASRs? a) Enhanced worker safety b) Increased productivity c) Reduced downtime d) Decreased cost of operation


d) Decreased cost of operation

4. Which of the following scenarios would NOT typically require the use of an ASR? a) Cleaning a chemical spill b) Working in a sewer line c) Performing routine maintenance on a water pump d) Handling hazardous waste materials


c) Performing routine maintenance on a water pump

5. What is the most important factor to consider when choosing an appropriate ASR? a) The type of hazard present b) The cost of the respirator c) The brand of the respirator d) The user's personal preference


a) The type of hazard present

Exercise: Selecting the Right ASR

Scenario: You are a supervisor at a wastewater treatment plant. A team of workers will be entering a confined space to inspect and repair a malfunctioning pipe. The space contains elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide gas, a highly toxic substance.

Task: Based on the information provided, select the most appropriate type of ASR for this task, explaining your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The most appropriate ASR for this task is a **Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)**. Here's why:

  • **Confined space:** SCBAs are designed for situations where access to external air sources is limited or unavailable.
  • **Toxic gas:** SCBAs provide a completely independent air supply, protecting workers from hazardous gases like hydrogen sulfide.
  • **Safety:** SCBAs offer the highest level of respiratory protection, ensuring worker safety in a potentially dangerous environment.


  • Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice (ACGIH): This comprehensive resource covers respiratory protection, including ASRs, with detailed information on selection, use, and maintenance.
  • Respiratory Protection in the Workplace: A Practical Guide (HSE): This guide offers practical advice on choosing, using, and maintaining respiratory protection devices, including ASRs, in various workplace scenarios.
  • Safety and Health in the Chemical Industry (Royal Society of Chemistry): Discusses occupational hazards in the chemical industry, including respiratory hazards, and provides guidance on the use of ASRs.


  • "A Guide to Selecting and Using Supplied-Air Respirators" by NIOSH: A comprehensive guide on selecting, using, and maintaining supplied-air respirators for various applications.
  • "Respiratory Protection in Confined Spaces" by OSHA: This article details the importance of respiratory protection, particularly ASRs, when working in confined spaces.
  • "The Importance of Respiratory Protection in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by Water Environment Federation: Discusses the hazards present in wastewater treatment plants and the role of ASRs in protecting workers.

Online Resources

  • NIOSH Respiratory Protection Program: Offers comprehensive information on respiratory protection, including ASRs, with guidance on selection, use, and maintenance. (
  • OSHA Respiratory Protection Standards: Provides information on regulations and standards related to respiratory protection in the workplace, including ASRs. (
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA): Offers resources and information on various aspects of industrial hygiene, including respiratory protection and the use of ASRs. (
  • Water Environment Federation: Provides information on wastewater treatment, including safety practices and the use of ASRs. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "atmosphere supplying respirators," "supplied-air respirators," "SCBA," "hose-connected respirators," "environmental applications," and "water treatment applications."
  • Combine keywords with industry-specific terms like "wastewater treatment," "confined spaces," and "hazardous waste management."
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches.
  • Refine your search using filters for specific websites like NIOSH, OSHA, or AIHA.
  • Use advanced operators like "+" and "-" to include or exclude certain terms.
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