Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Ashaire


ASHRAE and Aeration in Environmental & Water Treatment: A Look at USFilter/Aerator Products

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) plays a vital role in setting standards and advancing knowledge in various fields, including environmental and water treatment. One crucial area where ASHRAE guidelines are relevant is aeration, a critical process in water treatment.

Aeration is the process of introducing air into water. This process serves multiple purposes in water treatment, including:

  • Removing dissolved gases: Oxygen depletion, hydrogen sulfide, and other unwanted gases can be removed by aeration, improving water quality and taste.
  • Oxidizing iron and manganese: Aeration helps in oxidizing iron and manganese, converting them into insoluble forms that can be easily removed.
  • Increasing dissolved oxygen levels: Aeration increases the dissolved oxygen content, improving water quality for aquatic life and reducing corrosion in pipes.
  • Controlling odor and taste: Aeration can help in removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to unpleasant odors and tastes in water.

USFilter/Aerator Products: Leading the Way in Aeration Solutions

USFilter, now part of the Pentair family, has a long and successful history in water treatment, offering a wide range of aerator products designed to address various needs. Their Aerator Products line encompasses diverse solutions, including:

1. Packed Bed Aerators: These aerators utilize a packed bed of media, such as plastic or ceramic rings, to increase the surface area for air-water contact. This enhances oxygen transfer efficiency and is particularly effective for removing dissolved gases and oxidizing iron and manganese.

2. Spray Aerators: Spray aerators employ a spray nozzle system to disperse water into fine droplets, increasing surface area and promoting oxygen absorption. This type of aerator is often used in applications requiring high oxygen transfer rates.

3. Diffused Air Aerators: Diffused air aerators use a network of diffusers to introduce fine air bubbles into the water, enhancing the air-water contact for effective oxygenation. These aerators are commonly used in large-scale applications like wastewater treatment plants.

4. Cascade Aerators: Cascade aerators utilize a series of cascading steps or waterfalls to increase oxygen transfer. The cascading action creates a large surface area for air contact, making them suitable for applications where aesthetics are important.

ASHRAE's Influence on Aeration Practices

ASHRAE guidelines and standards play a significant role in shaping best practices for aeration in water treatment. These guidelines ensure proper design, operation, and maintenance of aeration systems to achieve optimal performance and meet regulatory requirements.

By adhering to ASHRAE standards, water treatment professionals can optimize aeration processes, leading to:

  • Improved water quality: Removing unwanted gases, oxidizing iron and manganese, and increasing dissolved oxygen levels contribute to improved water quality.
  • Reduced operating costs: Efficient aeration systems minimize energy consumption and maintenance requirements.
  • Enhanced environmental protection: Effective aeration helps minimize the release of harmful substances into the environment.


Aeration is a crucial process in environmental and water treatment, and USFilter/Aerator Products provide a wide range of solutions to address diverse needs. ASHRAE guidelines and standards ensure that these solutions are implemented effectively, contributing to improved water quality and environmental protection. As we continue to face challenges related to water scarcity and pollution, understanding and applying these principles will be essential for a sustainable future.

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