Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: asbestos cement pipe

asbestos cement pipe

A Legacy of Danger: Asbestos Cement Pipe in Environmental & Water Treatment

Asbestos cement pipe (ACP), a material manufactured by combining asbestos fibers with Portland cement, once held a prominent position in water distribution systems globally. Its affordability, durability, and resistance to corrosion made it a popular choice for decades. However, the hidden dangers of asbestos have cast a long shadow over ACP's legacy, making its use a major concern for environmental and water treatment professionals.

Understanding the Risks:

Asbestos, a naturally occurring fibrous mineral, is known for its exceptional strength and resistance to heat and chemicals. While these properties made it a valuable addition to ACP, it also poses significant health hazards. When asbestos fibers become airborne, they can be easily inhaled, leading to serious respiratory illnesses like asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. These diseases often develop years after exposure, making it difficult to trace their origin.

ACP in Water Treatment:

ACP was widely used for water conveyance, particularly in older infrastructure. Its non-corrosive nature made it ideal for transporting potable water. However, the presence of asbestos in the pipe raises serious concerns about potential contamination of drinking water.

Addressing the Issue:

As the health risks associated with asbestos became clearer, the use of ACP has been phased out in many countries. However, millions of miles of ACP still remain in service, posing an ongoing threat.

Water treatment professionals face the challenge of managing and mitigating the risks associated with ACP. This includes:

  • Assessing the condition of existing ACP: Regular inspections are crucial to identify signs of deterioration, which can release asbestos fibers into the water.
  • Developing strategies for replacement: When ACP reaches the end of its lifespan, it must be removed and replaced with safer alternatives, such as PVC or ductile iron pipes.
  • Implementing proper handling protocols: Workers handling ACP during replacement or repairs must wear protective gear and follow strict safety protocols to minimize exposure to asbestos fibers.
  • Monitoring water quality: Regular water testing can detect any asbestos contamination and prompt immediate action to protect public health.

Moving Forward:

The legacy of ACP underscores the importance of using safe materials in water treatment infrastructure. While it once seemed like a practical solution, the risks associated with asbestos have forced a reevaluation of its use. By embracing safer alternatives and addressing existing ACP responsibly, we can protect both the environment and public health for future generations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: A Legacy of Danger: Asbestos Cement Pipe

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main reason for the concern surrounding asbestos cement pipe (ACP)?

a) It is susceptible to corrosion. b) It is expensive to manufacture. c) It contains asbestos fibers that pose health risks. d) It is not a durable material.


c) It contains asbestos fibers that pose health risks.

2. Which of the following health risks is NOT associated with asbestos exposure?

a) Asbestosis b) Lung cancer c) Mesothelioma d) Diabetes


d) Diabetes

3. What is the main challenge water treatment professionals face regarding ACP?

a) Finding affordable replacements. b) Managing and mitigating the risks associated with ACP. c) Ensuring ACP is used in all new infrastructure. d) Developing new methods to manufacture ACP.


b) Managing and mitigating the risks associated with ACP.

4. Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for addressing ACP in water treatment systems?

a) Regular inspections of ACP for signs of deterioration. b) Replacing ACP with safer alternatives when it reaches the end of its lifespan. c) Using ACP for all new water infrastructure projects. d) Implementing proper handling protocols for workers handling ACP.


c) Using ACP for all new water infrastructure projects.

5. What is the main takeaway from the legacy of ACP in water treatment?

a) ACP is a safe and efficient material for water conveyance. b) The use of asbestos in construction materials is always safe. c) The importance of using safe materials in water treatment infrastructure. d) ACP should be used for all water treatment systems.


c) The importance of using safe materials in water treatment infrastructure.

Exercise: A Practical Scenario

Scenario: You are a water treatment engineer tasked with evaluating the condition of an aging water distribution system containing ACP pipes. The system serves a small town with a population of 10,000.


  1. Identify the potential risks associated with the use of ACP in this system.
  2. List the steps you would take to assess the condition of the ACP pipes.
  3. Describe the mitigation strategies you would implement to address the risks identified in step 1.

Exercise Correction

Potential Risks:

  • Asbestos fiber release: Deteriorated ACP can release asbestos fibers into the water, posing a serious health risk to the town's residents.
  • Pipe failure: Aging ACP can become brittle and prone to cracking, potentially leading to leaks and disruptions in water service.
  • Contamination of water: Asbestos fibers released from the pipes can contaminate the drinking water supply.

Assessment Steps:

  • Visual Inspection: Visually assess the exterior of the ACP pipes for signs of deterioration, such as cracks, corrosion, or visible fibers.
  • Water Sampling: Collect water samples from various points within the system and analyze them for asbestos fiber concentration.
  • Pipe Pressure Testing: Test the pipes for leaks and pressure integrity.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Replacement of ACP: Prioritize replacing ACP pipes with safer alternatives, such as PVC or ductile iron pipes.
  • Water Treatment: Implement water treatment processes to remove any asbestos fibers that may have entered the water supply.
  • Public Information: Educate the town's residents about the potential risks of asbestos exposure and the steps being taken to address the issue.
  • Worker Safety: Ensure workers involved in any ACP handling or replacement activities follow strict safety protocols and wear protective gear.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor the condition of the pipes and water quality for any signs of deterioration or contamination.


  • "Asbestos: A Comprehensive Treatise" by J.A.C. Kent, edited by W.H. Allen and M.R. Lally. This provides a detailed overview of asbestos, its properties, and its use in various applications, including ACP.
  • "Asbestos: Properties, Applications and Hazards" by K.E. Cook and D.M. Roy. This book delves into the scientific aspects of asbestos, its health risks, and its management.
  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by James M. Symons. This book provides comprehensive information on various aspects of water treatment, including pipe materials and their associated risks.


  • "Asbestos Cement Pipe: A Legacy of Risk" by EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). This article summarizes the risks associated with ACP and provides guidance on its management.
  • "Asbestos Cement Pipe: A Public Health Hazard" by World Health Organization (WHO). This article highlights the health risks posed by ACP and emphasizes the need for its safe removal and disposal.
  • "Managing the Risks of Asbestos Cement Pipe in Water Systems" by American Water Works Association (AWWA). This article provides practical guidelines for water utilities on managing ACP in their distribution systems.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website offers a wealth of information on asbestos, including its risks, regulations, and guidance on managing ACP.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO website provides comprehensive information on asbestos, its health effects, and global efforts to address the issue.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA website offers resources for water utilities on managing ACP, including safety protocols and best practices for removal.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "asbestos cement pipe," "ACP water treatment," "asbestos contamination in water," "ACP removal," "ACP management."
  • Combine keywords with relevant locations to find regional resources and regulations. For example, "asbestos cement pipe regulations Canada," "ACP removal guidelines California."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like quotation marks to find exact phrases, "asbestos cement pipe health risks," or minus (-) to exclude certain terms from your search results, "asbestos cement pipe -construction."
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