Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Resource Management: artesian well

artesian well

The Artesian Well: A Natural Pressure Source for Water

An artesian well is a fascinating example of nature's ability to provide a sustainable source of water. It's a well that taps into an aquifer, a layer of rock or soil that contains groundwater, where the water is under pressure. This pressure is created by the weight of the water above it, confined between layers of impermeable rock. As a result, the water in an artesian well rises naturally to the surface, often without the need for pumping.

Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Confined Aquifer: Groundwater is trapped within a layer of permeable rock (aquifer) sandwiched between two layers of impermeable rock.
  2. Recharge Area: Water infiltrates the aquifer from a higher elevation area, known as the recharge area.
  3. Pressure Build-up: The weight of the water above creates pressure within the confined aquifer.
  4. Artesian Well: When a well is drilled into this confined aquifer, the water pressure forces the water to rise up the well.

Types of Artesian Wells:

  • Flowing Artesian Well: The water rises above ground level, sometimes creating a natural fountain.
  • Non-flowing Artesian Well: The water level rises within the well but does not reach the surface.

Environmental and Water Treatment Implications:

Artesian wells are a valuable resource, offering several advantages for both environmental and water treatment applications:

Environmental Benefits:

  • Sustainable Water Source: Artesian wells utilize naturally pressurized water, reducing the need for energy-intensive pumping, making them environmentally friendly.
  • Reduced Water Contamination: The confining layers of impermeable rock act as a natural barrier, protecting the aquifer from surface pollutants.
  • Reduced Land Use: Artesian wells can be constructed in areas with limited surface water sources, minimizing land disturbance.

Water Treatment Applications:

  • Raw Water Source: Artesian well water can be used directly or as a source for water treatment plants.
  • Irrigation: The pressure from artesian wells makes them suitable for irrigation systems, especially in arid regions.
  • Domestic Water Supply: Artesian wells are commonly used for providing drinking water to homes and communities.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Over-extraction: Excessive withdrawal can deplete the aquifer and cause the water level to drop.
  • Salinization: In coastal areas, over-extraction can lead to saltwater intrusion into the aquifer.
  • Sustainability: It's crucial to manage artesian well use responsibly to ensure long-term sustainability of the aquifer.


Artesian wells represent a natural water resource that offers significant advantages for environmental and water treatment purposes. By understanding the principles of artesian aquifers and implementing sustainable management practices, we can maximize their benefits while protecting this valuable resource for future generations.

Test Your Knowledge

Artesian Well Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic of an artesian well? a) It's a well that requires extensive pumping. b) It taps into an aquifer where water is under pressure. c) It's used solely for agricultural purposes. d) It's located only in coastal areas.


b) It taps into an aquifer where water is under pressure.

2. What creates the pressure within an artesian aquifer? a) The weight of the water above the aquifer. b) The force of wind blowing into the aquifer. c) The movement of tectonic plates. d) The gravitational pull of the moon.


a) The weight of the water above the aquifer.

3. Which type of artesian well has water rising above ground level? a) Non-flowing artesian well b) Flowing artesian well c) Deep artesian well d) Shallow artesian well


b) Flowing artesian well

4. What is a major environmental benefit of artesian wells? a) They are the only source of freshwater in arid regions. b) They are immune to contamination. c) They reduce the need for energy-intensive pumping. d) They are easily accessible to all communities.


c) They reduce the need for energy-intensive pumping.

5. What is a potential challenge associated with artesian wells? a) They can be expensive to construct. b) They are not suitable for irrigation. c) Over-extraction can deplete the aquifer. d) They can only be used in areas with high rainfall.


c) Over-extraction can deplete the aquifer.

Artesian Well Exercise

Scenario: Imagine a community in a semi-arid region relies on an artesian well for their water supply. They are experiencing a decline in water levels and are concerned about over-extraction.

Task: Develop a plan outlining three sustainable management practices the community could implement to address the water level decline and ensure the long-term sustainability of their artesian well.

Exercise Correction

Possible solutions could include:

  • Water Conservation: Implement water-saving measures such as low-flow showerheads, water-efficient appliances, and landscape watering restrictions to reduce overall water usage.
  • Monitoring and Regulation: Establish a system to monitor water levels in the aquifer and set limits on water extraction to prevent over-exploitation.
  • Alternative Water Sources: Explore alternative water sources such as rainwater harvesting, greywater systems, or desalination to supplement the artesian well and reduce reliance on it alone.


  • Groundwater Hydrology by David K. Todd (2005) - Provides a comprehensive overview of groundwater systems, including artesian aquifers.
  • Hydrogeology: Principles and Practices by Donald Davis and Robert De Wiest (2007) - Covers the fundamental principles of hydrogeology, with dedicated sections on confined aquifers and artesian wells.
  • The Geology of Groundwater by Robert L. Miller (2010) - A textbook exploring groundwater resources, with in-depth explanations of artesian systems.


  • "Artesian Wells" by USGS - This informative webpage provides a basic understanding of artesian aquifers and wells.
  • "The Hydrogeology of Artesian Aquifers" by P. F. Hudak (2005) - This journal article delves deeper into the geological aspects of artesian aquifers and their dynamics.
  • "Sustainability of Artesian Wells: A Case Study" by [Your Local Research Institution or Relevant Journal] - Look for publications specific to your area or a case study relevant to your interests.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Artesian wells" + [your location] - Find articles and resources specific to your geographical area.
  • "Artesian wells" + [topic of interest] - Refine your search with specific keywords like "sustainability," "over-extraction," "water treatment," etc.
  • "Artesian aquifers" + "hydrogeology" - Combine terms for more detailed and technical information.
  • "Artesian wells" + "case study" - Look for real-world examples and practical applications of artesian wells.
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