Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: API gravity

API gravity

API Gravity: A Key Indicator for Liquid Hydrocarbons in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, understanding the properties of pollutants is crucial for effective remediation. One important property, particularly for liquid hydrocarbons, is API Gravity.

API Gravity is an inversely related index to specific gravity, a dimensionless quantity that compares the density of a substance to the density of water at a specific temperature. In simpler terms, it measures how heavy or light a liquid hydrocarbon is compared to water.

Here's how it works:

  • Specific gravity (SG): This is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water. A specific gravity greater than 1 means the substance is denser than water and will sink, while a specific gravity less than 1 means it's less dense than water and will float.
  • API Gravity: Calculated using a specific formula, API Gravity provides a more convenient measure of the relative density of hydrocarbons, with higher API Gravity values indicating lighter oils.

Significance of API Gravity in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Identifying Hydrocarbons: API Gravity helps differentiate between different types of hydrocarbons. Lighter hydrocarbons (higher API Gravity) like gasoline and kerosene tend to be more volatile and mobile in the environment, requiring specific treatment methods. Heavier hydrocarbons (lower API Gravity) like diesel and crude oil are less volatile but can pose longer-term contamination risks.
  • Estimating Pollution Severity: Knowing the API Gravity of a spilled hydrocarbon can help assess the potential environmental impact. Lighter hydrocarbons evaporate faster, potentially posing a risk to air quality. Heavier hydrocarbons, on the other hand, can contaminate soil and groundwater for extended periods.
  • Choosing Treatment Techniques: API Gravity plays a role in selecting the most appropriate treatment methods for contaminated sites. Techniques like bioremediation, which relies on microorganisms to break down hydrocarbons, are more effective for lighter hydrocarbons with higher API Gravity.
  • Understanding Oil Recovery Processes: In oil and gas extraction, API Gravity is crucial for evaluating the quality and recoverability of oil reserves.


  • Crude oil with an API Gravity of 30°: This indicates a relatively heavy oil that might be more challenging to extract and could pose a significant threat to the environment if spilled.
  • Gasoline with an API Gravity of 60°: This indicates a lighter oil that is more volatile and evaporates quickly, potentially impacting air quality.


API Gravity is a valuable tool for environmental and water treatment professionals. It provides crucial information about the characteristics of liquid hydrocarbons, allowing for better assessment of contamination risks and the selection of appropriate remediation strategies. Understanding API Gravity is vital for making informed decisions and ensuring the effectiveness of environmental protection measures.

Test Your Knowledge

API Gravity Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does API Gravity measure?

(a) The density of a liquid hydrocarbon compared to water. (b) The viscosity of a liquid hydrocarbon. (c) The boiling point of a liquid hydrocarbon. (d) The chemical composition of a liquid hydrocarbon.


(a) The density of a liquid hydrocarbon compared to water.

2. How is API Gravity related to specific gravity?

(a) Directly proportional (b) Inversely proportional (c) Unrelated (d) Logarithmically related


(b) Inversely proportional

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE about hydrocarbons with higher API Gravity?

(a) They are heavier than water and sink. (b) They are less volatile and evaporate slowly. (c) They are more likely to contaminate groundwater. (d) They are more easily broken down by bioremediation.


(d) They are more easily broken down by bioremediation.

4. A crude oil with an API Gravity of 15° is considered:

(a) Very light (b) Light (c) Heavy (d) Extremely heavy


(d) Extremely heavy

5. Why is API Gravity important in environmental & water treatment?

(a) It helps determine the type of hydrocarbon. (b) It aids in assessing the potential environmental impact of a spill. (c) It informs the choice of treatment techniques. (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

API Gravity Exercise

Task: A spill of an unknown hydrocarbon has occurred at a site. The following information is available:

  • The hydrocarbon floats on water.
  • It has a strong odor and evaporates quickly.

Based on this information, estimate the API Gravity of the spilled hydrocarbon and explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The hydrocarbon is likely to have a high API Gravity (e.g., above 40°). Here's why:

  • **Floating on water:** This indicates a lower density than water, suggesting a light hydrocarbon.
  • **Strong odor and quick evaporation:** This points towards a volatile substance, characteristic of lighter hydrocarbons with higher API Gravity.

Further testing would be needed to determine the exact API Gravity, but this information suggests that the spilled hydrocarbon is likely a gasoline-like product.


  • "Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective" by Suresh K. Dentel - Provides comprehensive coverage of environmental engineering principles and applications, including oil spill remediation and hydrocarbon treatment.
  • "Petroleum Geology" by William D. Rose - This book covers the basics of petroleum exploration and production, including discussions on API Gravity and its significance in the industry.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Mark J. Hammer - A comprehensive resource on water treatment technologies, including chapters on contaminant characterization and removal techniques for hydrocarbons.


  • "The Role of API Gravity in Oil Spill Response and Remediation" by John Doe (Fictional Article - Search for similar articles on relevant platforms) - This type of article would focus on the practical applications of API Gravity in oil spill management and cleanup.
  • "Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils: A Review" by Jane Smith (Fictional Article - Search for similar articles on relevant platforms) - Discusses the use of bioremediation for treating hydrocarbon contamination, highlighting the importance of API Gravity in determining treatment effectiveness.

Online Resources

  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website has extensive information on hydrocarbon contamination, remediation technologies, and oil spill response.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): NOAA provides resources on marine oil spills, including information on API Gravity and its relevance to spill response and environmental impact.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website offers detailed information on API Gravity, its calculation, and its significance in the oil and gas industry.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "API Gravity," "hydrocarbon contamination," "oil spill remediation," and "water treatment" in your Google searches.
  • Combine keywords with relevant location names or industry terms to narrow down your results.
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches.
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "+" (for required words) and "-" (for excluded words) to refine your searches.
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