Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: AirRaider


AirRaider: A Powerful Tool in the Fight Against Groundwater Contamination

In the field of environmental and water treatment, the term "AirRaider" often refers to a powerful technology used to combat groundwater contamination. This technology utilizes a system known as "pump and treat," designed to remove contaminants from the ground and treat them before releasing them back into the environment.

One prominent example of an AirRaider system is the MTBE pump and treat system by Product Level Control, Inc. This system focuses specifically on removing methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), a common gasoline additive, from groundwater.

What is MTBE Contamination and Why is it a Concern?

MTBE, despite its widespread use in gasoline, is a significant environmental hazard. It easily dissolves in water and is highly mobile in the subsurface, making it a major threat to groundwater resources. Contamination can occur due to spills, leaks, and improper disposal of gasoline-related materials. MTBE is particularly concerning because it:

  • Is difficult to remove from water. Traditional treatment methods are often ineffective at removing MTBE.
  • Has a strong odor and taste. Even low concentrations can make drinking water unpleasant to consume.
  • Can pose potential health risks. While long-term health effects from low-level MTBE exposure are still under investigation, the chemical is classified as a possible human carcinogen.

The AirRaider MTBE Pump and Treat System: A Comprehensive Solution

Product Level Control, Inc.'s AirRaider system offers a comprehensive solution for MTBE groundwater contamination. The system employs a multi-step approach:

  1. Extraction: A series of wells are installed to extract contaminated groundwater from the subsurface.
  2. Air Stripping: The extracted water is then passed through an air stripping tower. This process utilizes a stream of air to remove the volatile MTBE from the water, effectively transferring the contaminant to the air stream.
  3. Air Treatment: The air stream containing the MTBE is then passed through a dedicated air treatment system. This system utilizes specialized adsorbent media to capture and remove the MTBE, preventing its release into the atmosphere.
  4. Treated Water Discharge: The treated water, now free from MTBE, is either discharged back into the environment or utilized for other purposes, depending on local regulations and water quality standards.

Benefits of the AirRaider System:

  • High Efficiency: The system is designed to effectively remove MTBE from contaminated groundwater, achieving significant reductions in contaminant levels.
  • Environmentally Friendly: The air treatment system prevents the release of MTBE into the atmosphere, minimizing further environmental impacts.
  • Reliable and Sustainable: The system is engineered for long-term operation, providing a sustainable solution for MTBE contamination.
  • Cost-Effective: The AirRaider system offers a cost-effective alternative to other MTBE removal technologies, particularly when dealing with large-scale contamination.


The AirRaider MTBE pump and treat system by Product Level Control, Inc. represents a significant advancement in the field of groundwater remediation. It offers a powerful and comprehensive solution for removing MTBE from contaminated groundwater, protecting valuable water resources and minimizing environmental risks. As we continue to grapple with the challenges of groundwater contamination, innovative technologies like AirRaider will play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and sustainability of our water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: AirRaider and MTBE Groundwater Contamination

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "AirRaider" typically refer to in the context of environmental remediation?

a) A type of aircraft used for aerial spraying of pesticides. b) A powerful technology for removing contaminants from groundwater. c) A specific type of filtration system for removing heavy metals. d) A chemical compound used to break down contaminants in soil.


b) A powerful technology for removing contaminants from groundwater.

2. What is the primary contaminant addressed by the AirRaider MTBE pump and treat system?

a) Lead b) Arsenic c) MTBE d) Chloroform



3. Why is MTBE considered a significant environmental hazard?

a) It is highly flammable and explosive. b) It is a major source of greenhouse gases. c) It is easily dissolved in water and highly mobile in the subsurface. d) It is a potent neurotoxin that affects animal behavior.


c) It is easily dissolved in water and highly mobile in the subsurface.

4. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in the AirRaider MTBE pump and treat system?

a) Extraction of contaminated groundwater. b) Air stripping to remove MTBE from water. c) Chemical oxidation to break down MTBE. d) Air treatment to capture MTBE from the air stream.


c) Chemical oxidation to break down MTBE.

5. What is a key benefit of the AirRaider system?

a) It is extremely inexpensive compared to other MTBE removal technologies. b) It completely eliminates all traces of MTBE from the water, leaving no residual contamination. c) It offers a sustainable solution for MTBE contamination with long-term operation. d) It requires minimal maintenance and supervision, making it very user-friendly.


c) It offers a sustainable solution for MTBE contamination with long-term operation.


Scenario: A community is facing MTBE contamination in its groundwater supply. The source of the contamination is a leaking underground storage tank at a nearby gas station. The community is considering using the AirRaider MTBE pump and treat system to remediate the contamination.

Task: Explain to the community members the key advantages of using the AirRaider system compared to other MTBE removal technologies. Consider the following factors:

  • Effectiveness: How well does it remove MTBE?
  • Environmental impact: What are the potential environmental risks and benefits?
  • Cost: How does it compare to other remediation options?
  • Sustainability: How long-lasting is the solution?

Exercise Correction

Here is an explanation of the AirRaider system's advantages for the community members: **Effectiveness:** The AirRaider system is designed to be highly effective in removing MTBE from groundwater. It utilizes air stripping, which is a proven method for removing volatile contaminants like MTBE. The system can achieve significant reductions in MTBE levels, making the water safe for consumption. **Environmental impact:** The AirRaider system is environmentally friendly because it prevents the release of MTBE into the atmosphere. The air treatment system captures and removes the MTBE from the air stream, minimizing further environmental risks. **Cost:** While the initial cost of installing the AirRaider system may be higher than some other MTBE removal methods, it offers a cost-effective solution in the long term. The system is designed for long-term operation and requires less maintenance than other technologies, reducing overall operating costs. **Sustainability:** The AirRaider system provides a sustainable solution for MTBE contamination. It can operate for many years, effectively treating the groundwater and preventing further contamination. This long-term approach ensures the safety and sustainability of the community's water supply. **Conclusion:** The AirRaider system offers a powerful, effective, and environmentally friendly solution for addressing MTBE contamination. It is a valuable tool for communities facing this challenge, providing a sustainable and long-term approach to protecting their water resources.


  • "Groundwater Contamination: A Practical Guide to Remediation" by David A. Dzombak - This book provides comprehensive information on groundwater contamination, including MTBE.
  • "Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design" by David T. Allen and David R. Manahan - Offers a broad understanding of environmental engineering, with sections on water treatment and remediation.


  • "Air Stripping for the Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water" by J.H. Snoeyink and D.A. Jenkins - Discusses the principles and application of air stripping technology in water treatment.
  • "MTBE Contamination: A Review of Sources, Fate, and Remediation Technologies" by S.A. Khan and R.A. Kookana - Provides a detailed review of MTBE contamination and available remediation technologies.
  • "MTBE Removal from Groundwater: An Overview of Current and Emerging Technologies" by K.R. Reddy and R.A. Kookana - Focuses on the latest technologies for MTBE removal from groundwater.

Online Resources

  • Product Level Control, Inc. website: - Explore their website to learn more about the AirRaider system, case studies, and technical information.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - EPA website contains information on MTBE contamination, regulations, and remediation strategies.
  • National Groundwater Association (NGWA): - NGWA provides resources and information on groundwater issues, including contamination and remediation.

Search Tips

  • "AirRaider MTBE" - Find specific information about the AirRaider system for MTBE removal.
  • "MTBE groundwater remediation" - Discover various approaches for MTBE groundwater remediation.
  • "air stripping technology" - Learn about the principle and applications of air stripping in water treatment.
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