Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: afterburner


Afterburners: Burning Away Air Pollution

The term "afterburner" might conjure images of roaring jet engines, but in the environmental context, it refers to a technology with a much more benign purpose: reducing air emissions. Afterburners are devices specifically designed to incinerate organic matter present in a gas stream, effectively breaking down harmful pollutants before they are released into the atmosphere.

Here's how it works:

  • The Gas Stream: The gas stream containing the organic pollutants is directed into the afterburner. This stream can come from various industrial processes, such as combustion engines, chemical plants, or waste incinerators.
  • Combustion Chamber: Inside the afterburner, the gas stream is mixed with additional air and ignited. This combustion process creates a high-temperature environment, typically reaching 1,500°F (815°C) or more.
  • Incineration: The high temperature in the afterburner breaks down the organic pollutants into simpler, less harmful substances, primarily carbon dioxide and water vapor. This process effectively removes the pollutants from the gas stream before it is released.

Benefits of Using Afterburners:

  • Reduced Air Pollution: Afterburners significantly reduce the emission of harmful pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter, and carbon monoxide. This contributes to cleaner air and improved public health.
  • Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Many industries face stringent regulations regarding air emissions. Afterburners help these industries achieve and maintain compliance, avoiding fines and penalties.
  • Increased Efficiency: In some cases, afterburners can be integrated with existing processes to recover energy from the combustion process, further enhancing efficiency.

Types of Afterburners:

  • Direct Flame Afterburners: These utilize a direct flame to ignite the gas stream, providing a consistent and controlled combustion process.
  • Thermal Afterburners: These use a heat exchanger to preheat the gas stream before combustion, improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
  • Catalytic Afterburners: These use a catalyst to lower the ignition temperature, promoting faster and more efficient combustion at lower temperatures.

Limitations of Afterburners:

While effective, afterburners do have some limitations:

  • High Energy Consumption: The combustion process requires a significant amount of energy, which can increase operating costs.
  • Maintenance Requirements: Afterburners need regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure optimal performance and prevent damage.
  • Limited Applicability: They are primarily effective for eliminating organic pollutants and may not be suitable for all types of air emissions.


Afterburners are a valuable tool in the fight against air pollution, offering a proven technology for reducing harmful emissions from various industrial sources. Their effectiveness, however, is influenced by factors like the type of pollutants, operating conditions, and maintenance practices. As environmental regulations continue to tighten, afterburners will likely play an increasingly important role in ensuring clean air and a healthier environment.

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