Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: AfterBlend


AfterBlend: Enhancing Chemical Feed Efficiency with USFilter/Stranco Technology

In the realm of environmental engineering, efficient chemical feed systems are crucial for achieving optimal water treatment results. AfterBlend, a technology developed by USFilter/Stranco, plays a vital role in boosting the performance of these systems by minimizing chemical waste and maximizing utilization.

What is AfterBlend?

AfterBlend is a specialized mixing and blending system designed to optimize the use of chemical feed solutions in water treatment applications. It focuses on the "after" stage, where chemicals are already blended and ready to be injected into the water stream. This technology addresses a common issue in traditional chemical feed systems: incomplete mixing and chemical stratification.

How Does AfterBlend Work?

The AfterBlend system employs a unique design that incorporates a series of static mixers and a proprietary blend chamber. These components work together to ensure:

  • Thorough mixing: The static mixers break down any chemical clumps or layers, creating a homogeneous solution.
  • Precise blending: The blend chamber facilitates controlled mixing of different chemical streams, ensuring optimal ratios and consistent feed.
  • Reduced waste: By minimizing chemical stratification, AfterBlend reduces the amount of unused chemicals and minimizes the need for frequent chemical adjustments.

Benefits of AfterBlend:

  • Improved chemical utilization: Reduced waste translates into lower chemical consumption and significant cost savings.
  • Enhanced water treatment efficiency: Consistent chemical feed ensures optimal water quality, minimizing the risk of treatment failures.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Less chemical waste means a smaller environmental footprint.
  • Simplified operation: The system requires minimal maintenance and is easy to operate.

Applications of AfterBlend:

AfterBlend finds extensive applications in various water treatment processes, including:

  • Water softening: Optimizing the use of softening chemicals like lime or soda ash.
  • Coagulation and flocculation: Enhancing the effectiveness of coagulants and flocculants in removing suspended particles.
  • Disinfection: Ensuring uniform distribution of disinfectants like chlorine or ozone.
  • Corrosion control: Optimizing the feed of corrosion inhibitors to protect pipes and equipment.


AfterBlend is a valuable addition to any chemical feed system, offering significant benefits in terms of efficiency, cost savings, and environmental responsibility. By optimizing chemical mixing and blending, this technology plays a vital role in enhancing the performance of water treatment processes while reducing waste and improving overall sustainability. As the demand for efficient and environmentally friendly water treatment solutions continues to grow, AfterBlend technology will undoubtedly remain a crucial component in achieving these goals.

Test Your Knowledge

AfterBlend Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of AfterBlend technology?

a) To increase the production of chemicals used in water treatment. b) To improve the mixing and blending of chemicals in water treatment systems. c) To reduce the cost of water treatment by eliminating chemical use. d) To monitor and control the flow of water through treatment systems.


b) To improve the mixing and blending of chemicals in water treatment systems.

2. How does AfterBlend address the issue of chemical stratification?

a) By adding more chemicals to the water stream. b) By using a series of static mixers and a blend chamber. c) By monitoring the pH levels in the water. d) By adjusting the flow rate of the water stream.


b) By using a series of static mixers and a blend chamber.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using AfterBlend?

a) Improved chemical utilization. b) Enhanced water treatment efficiency. c) Increased chemical waste. d) Reduced environmental impact.


c) Increased chemical waste.

4. AfterBlend finds applications in various water treatment processes. Which of the following is an example of its application?

a) Filtering out large debris from water. b) Removing dissolved salts from water. c) Adding chlorine to disinfect water. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the key advantage of AfterBlend in terms of sustainability?

a) It uses less energy to operate. b) It minimizes the use of harmful chemicals. c) It reduces chemical waste and its environmental impact. d) All of the above.


c) It reduces chemical waste and its environmental impact.

AfterBlend Exercise:

Scenario: A water treatment plant is struggling with inconsistent water quality due to inefficient chemical mixing in their coagulation and flocculation process. They are considering implementing AfterBlend technology.


  1. Identify potential problems that the water treatment plant is facing due to poor chemical mixing, such as inconsistent particle removal, increased treatment time, or chemical waste.
  2. Explain how AfterBlend can address these problems by highlighting its key features and benefits.
  3. Describe the potential cost savings and environmental benefits that the plant could experience by adopting AfterBlend.

Exercice Correction

Potential Problems: * Inconsistent particle removal leading to cloudy or turbid water. * Increased treatment time due to inefficient floc formation. * Higher chemical consumption due to poor utilization and chemical waste. How AfterBlend Can Address These Problems: * AfterBlend's static mixers and blend chamber ensure thorough chemical mixing, resulting in consistent floc formation and effective particle removal. * This leads to a reduction in treatment time, as particles settle out faster with optimal floc formation. * AfterBlend minimizes chemical stratification, reducing chemical waste and maximizing utilization, leading to cost savings on chemical purchases. Cost Savings & Environmental Benefits: * **Cost Savings:** Reduced chemical consumption translates to significant cost savings on chemical purchases. * **Environmental Benefits:** Lower chemical waste minimizes the environmental impact of chemical disposal, promoting sustainability.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by AWWA (American Water Works Association) - This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water treatment, including chemical feed systems.
  • Water Quality and Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water by AWWA (American Water Works Association) - This handbook offers detailed information on different treatment processes and technologies, including chemical feed optimization.
  • Chemical Engineering Handbook by McGraw-Hill - This reference book provides extensive coverage of chemical engineering principles, including mixing and blending technologies.


  • "Optimizing Chemical Feed Systems in Water Treatment" - Search for articles with this title or similar keywords on online platforms like ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar.
  • "AfterBlend Technology: A Solution for Efficient Chemical Feed" - This article may not exist yet, but searching for similar articles on the topic of chemical feed optimization with the keywords "AfterBlend," "USFilter/Stranco," and "chemical feed efficiency" might yield relevant results.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Stranco Website: The company website may offer technical documentation, case studies, and product information about AfterBlend technology.
  • Water Treatment Industry Websites: Search for websites of organizations like AWWA, WEF (Water Environment Federation), and other water treatment associations for articles, technical resources, and industry news.
  • Technical Journals: Explore journals focused on environmental engineering, water treatment, and chemical engineering for articles on chemical feed systems and optimization techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: "AfterBlend," "USFilter/Stranco," "chemical feed efficiency," "water treatment," "static mixers," "blending systems," "chemical mixing," and "waste reduction."
  • Include quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "AfterBlend technology" or "chemical feed optimization" to refine your search.
  • Combine keywords: Use boolean operators like "AND" and "OR" to narrow your search. For example, "AfterBlend AND water treatment."
  • Explore advanced search filters: Use Google's advanced search options to filter by date, language, file type, and other criteria.
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