Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Waste Management: AFC


AFC: Revolutionizing Organic Waste Management with Advanced Fluidized Composting

AFC stands for Advanced Fluidized Composting, a revolutionary technology developed by USFilter/Industrial Wastewater Systems for the efficient and sustainable treatment of organic waste. This innovative process is gaining traction worldwide, offering a viable solution to the growing problem of organic waste disposal.

Understanding Fluidized Composting:

At its core, fluidized composting involves suspending organic material in a controlled environment where microorganisms thrive and break down the organic matter. The process is characterized by:

  • Fluidization: The organic material is mixed and agitated with air, creating a "fluidized bed" that allows for efficient aeration and oxygen transfer.
  • Microbial Activity: Specialized microorganisms are introduced to the bed, accelerating the decomposition process.
  • Temperature Control: The process is carefully monitored and controlled to maintain optimal temperatures for microbial activity, ensuring efficient breakdown of organic matter.

Benefits of AFC:

AFC offers several advantages over traditional composting methods:

  • Speed: The fluidized process significantly reduces the time required for composting, typically taking only a few weeks compared to months for traditional methods.
  • Efficiency: AFC maximizes microbial activity, leading to higher rates of organic matter breakdown and nutrient recovery.
  • Control: The process offers precise control over environmental factors like temperature, moisture, and aeration, resulting in consistent and predictable outputs.
  • Reduced Odors: AFC employs advanced technologies to minimize odor emissions, making it an environmentally friendly option for urban environments.
  • Nutrient Recovery: The composted material is rich in nutrients, suitable for use as a fertilizer or soil amendment.

USFilter/Industrial Wastewater Systems' Innovation:

USFilter/Industrial Wastewater Systems has been a pioneer in the field of fluidized composting, developing the AFC technology with a focus on:

  • Automation: Their systems are highly automated, minimizing human intervention and ensuring consistent operation.
  • Advanced Monitoring: Real-time monitoring systems track key parameters like temperature, pH, and moisture levels, allowing for adjustments and optimal process control.
  • Customizable Solutions: USFilter offers flexible designs tailored to specific waste streams and site requirements.

Applications of AFC:

AFC has found applications in various industries, including:

  • Municipal Solid Waste: Treatment of food waste, yard waste, and other organic fractions.
  • Industrial Waste: Processing of agricultural byproducts, food processing waste, and industrial residues.
  • Animal Waste: Composting of manure and other animal waste materials.


AFC offers a compelling alternative to traditional composting methods, providing a sustainable and efficient solution for organic waste management. USFilter/Industrial Wastewater Systems, with its advanced technology and expertise, plays a crucial role in implementing AFC solutions globally. As we strive for a more circular economy, AFC is poised to become an integral part of reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices.

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