Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: administrative order

administrative order

Environmental Enforcement: Understanding Administrative Orders

Environmental protection relies on a complex interplay of regulations, compliance, and enforcement. When individuals or entities fail to adhere to environmental laws and regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has various tools at its disposal to ensure compliance. One such tool is the Administrative Order.

What is an Administrative Order?

An administrative order is a legally binding directive issued by the EPA to an individual, business, or other entity, demanding they take corrective action or cease an activity that violates environmental regulations. It is an enforcement tool employed by the EPA to address environmental violations.

Types of Administrative Orders:

There are various types of administrative orders, each tailored to specific situations:

  • Compliance Order: This order requires the recipient to comply with specific environmental regulations, often including deadlines and requirements for reporting progress.
  • Cease and Desist Order: This order demands the recipient to immediately halt an activity that is causing or contributing to environmental pollution or damage.
  • Corrective Action Order: This order requires the recipient to take specific steps to remedy past environmental violations, such as cleanup of contaminated sites.
  • Consent Order: This is a negotiated agreement between the EPA and the recipient, where the recipient agrees to take specific actions to address environmental violations in exchange for certain concessions, such as a reduced penalty.

Why Issue an Administrative Order?

The EPA issues administrative orders to achieve several objectives:

  • Protect public health and the environment: Orders ensure that environmental violations are addressed promptly, mitigating potential risks to human health and the environment.
  • Enforce environmental laws: Orders reinforce the legal framework that governs environmental protection, deterring future violations.
  • Promote responsible environmental behavior: Orders send a clear message that environmental compliance is essential and non-compliance will be addressed.

Consequences of Non-Compliance:

Failure to comply with an administrative order can have severe consequences:

  • Civil and criminal penalties: The EPA can impose hefty fines, both civil and criminal, for non-compliance.
  • Injunctive relief: The EPA can seek court orders to enforce compliance, including halting operations until violations are rectified.
  • Reputational damage: Non-compliance can damage the recipient's reputation, potentially impacting their business and public perception.


Administrative orders are a critical tool in the EPA's arsenal for enforcing environmental regulations and ensuring the protection of public health and the environment. These orders provide a clear pathway for addressing violations and promoting responsible environmental stewardship. Understanding the various types of orders and their consequences is vital for individuals and businesses operating within the environmental sphere, as compliance is essential for avoiding legal action and upholding environmental responsibility.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Environmental Enforcement: Understanding Administrative Orders

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is an Administrative Order in the context of environmental protection? a) A request for information from the EPA. b) A legally binding directive from the EPA to address environmental violations. c) A suggestion from the EPA for improving environmental practices. d) A warning issued by the EPA for minor violations.


b) A legally binding directive from the EPA to address environmental violations.

2. Which type of Administrative Order requires the recipient to stop an activity immediately? a) Compliance Order b) Cease and Desist Order c) Corrective Action Order d) Consent Order


b) Cease and Desist Order

3. What is a key reason for the EPA issuing Administrative Orders? a) To generate revenue for the EPA. b) To promote competition among businesses. c) To protect public health and the environment. d) To punish individuals and businesses.


c) To protect public health and the environment.

4. Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of failing to comply with an Administrative Order? a) Civil and criminal penalties. b) Injunctive relief from the EPA. c) Improved public perception of the recipient. d) Reputational damage.


c) Improved public perception of the recipient.

5. Which type of Administrative Order involves a negotiated agreement between the EPA and the recipient? a) Compliance Order b) Cease and Desist Order c) Corrective Action Order d) Consent Order


d) Consent Order

Exercise: Environmental Enforcement Scenario


A small manufacturing company, "GreenTech," has been operating without a proper wastewater treatment system, resulting in the discharge of untreated wastewater into a nearby river. The EPA has conducted inspections and confirmed the violation.


Imagine you are an EPA representative. Based on the information provided, what type of Administrative Order would you issue to GreenTech and what specific actions would you require them to take? Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

In this scenario, the EPA would likely issue a **Cease and Desist Order** to GreenTech. This order would immediately require them to stop discharging untreated wastewater into the river, as it poses a significant threat to the environment and public health. Additionally, the EPA would issue a **Corrective Action Order** requiring GreenTech to: * **Install a proper wastewater treatment system:** This is crucial to ensure future compliance with environmental regulations. * **Clean up any existing contamination in the river:** GreenTech would be responsible for remediating the damage caused by their past violations. * **Submit a detailed plan outlining the steps they will take to comply with the order:** This plan would include timelines and specific actions. The EPA would also likely impose **civil penalties** on GreenTech for their violations. These penalties serve as a deterrent and help to cover the costs of enforcement and environmental cleanup. By taking these steps, the EPA would be ensuring the immediate cessation of the environmental harm caused by GreenTech and ensuring their future compliance with environmental regulations.


  • Environmental Law and Policy by Richard L. Revesz (2016)
  • Environmental Protection: Law and Policy by Daniel A. Farber (2021)
  • The Environmental Protection Agency: A Study of Its Early History by David S. Cohen (2005)
  • The EPA's Enforcement Policies: A Review of Recent Developments by the Government Accountability Office (2019)


  • "Administrative Orders: A Key Tool in the EPA's Enforcement Toolkit" by the Environmental Law Institute (2018)
  • "The EPA's Use of Administrative Orders: A Case Study" by the Environmental Protection Agency (2016)
  • "The Legal Framework for Environmental Enforcement: A Primer" by the National Environmental Law Center (2020)
  • "The Evolution of Environmental Enforcement: From Command and Control to Collaborative Approaches" by the Environmental Law Journal (2022)

Online Resources

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): This website provides information on all aspects of environmental regulation, including administrative orders.
  • National Environmental Law Center: This organization provides resources for environmental lawyers and advocates, including information on environmental enforcement.
  • Environmental Law Institute: This institute provides research and analysis on environmental law and policy, including publications on administrative orders.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "EPA administrative orders," "environmental enforcement," "compliance orders," "cease and desist orders," "corrective action orders," "consent orders."
  • Combine keywords with specific environmental issues: "administrative orders water pollution," "administrative orders air pollution," "administrative orders hazardous waste."
  • Use quotation marks to find exact phrases: "administrative order definition," "administrative order process."
  • Include the state or region you are interested in: "EPA administrative orders California," "administrative orders New York."
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