Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Acumer


Acumer: A Powerful Tool for Water Treatment

The term "Acumer" might not be familiar to everyone, but it plays a crucial role in the world of water treatment. Acumer is a brand name for a range of water treatment polymers produced by Rohm and Haas, a leading chemical company now owned by Dow Chemical. These polymers are incredibly versatile and find applications across various water treatment processes, ensuring cleaner, safer, and more efficient water use.

What are Acumer polymers?

Acumer polymers are essentially long chains of molecules designed to interact with water and various impurities present in it. These interactions, based on chemical and physical principles, allow Acumer polymers to perform a range of functions, including:

  • Coagulation and Flocculation: Acumer polymers help to remove suspended solids from water by bringing together small particles into larger, easier-to-remove clumps (coagulation) and then further aggregating these clumps (flocculation). This process is vital in water purification for drinking water, wastewater treatment, and industrial applications.
  • Scale Inhibition: Hard water contains dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can form scale deposits on pipes and equipment, hindering flow and efficiency. Acumer polymers can inhibit scale formation, preventing costly maintenance and downtime.
  • Filtration: Acumer polymers improve the efficiency of filtration processes by acting as filter aids, enhancing the removal of suspended solids and other impurities.
  • Dehydration: Acumer polymers can be used to remove water from various materials, facilitating drying processes and improving product quality.

Why choose Acumer polymers?

Several factors make Acumer polymers a popular choice for water treatment applications:

  • High Efficiency: Acumer polymers are highly effective in removing impurities, even at low doses, leading to cost-effective water treatment.
  • Versatility: Acumer polymers are available in various formulations tailored for specific applications, ensuring optimal performance for different water sources and treatment goals.
  • Sustainability: Acumer polymers are generally non-toxic and biodegradable, minimizing their environmental impact.
  • Reliable Performance: Rohm and Haas has a long history of providing reliable and high-quality products, ensuring consistent performance for water treatment facilities.

The impact of Acumer on water treatment

Acumer polymers have significantly impacted water treatment worldwide, contributing to:

  • Improved water quality: By removing impurities, Acumer polymers ensure safer and healthier drinking water for communities.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Acumer polymers help minimize the discharge of pollutants into the environment by improving wastewater treatment efficiency.
  • Increased efficiency and cost savings: Acumer polymers contribute to cost-effective water treatment by reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs.

Looking forward

As water scarcity becomes a pressing global concern, innovative solutions like Acumer polymers are vital. Rohm and Haas continues to develop new and improved Acumer formulations to address evolving water treatment challenges. These advancements will ensure that Acumer remains a key player in providing clean and safe water for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Acumer Polymer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is Acumer?

a) A type of water filter


Incorrect. Acumer is a brand of water treatment polymers.

b) A brand of water treatment polymers

Correct! Acumer is a brand of water treatment polymers produced by Rohm and Haas.

c) A type of water purification plant

Incorrect. Acumer is a brand of water treatment polymers.

d) A type of water softener

Incorrect. While Acumer can help with scale inhibition, it's not solely a water softener.

2. How do Acumer polymers work?

a) They chemically break down impurities in water.


Incorrect. While Acumer can interact chemically, they primarily work through physical processes like coagulation and flocculation.

b) They physically bind to and remove impurities from water.

Correct! Acumer polymers interact physically with impurities, aggregating them for removal.

c) They add flavor and color to water.

Incorrect. Acumer polymers are designed for water treatment, not for altering its taste or appearance.

d) They increase the temperature of water.

Incorrect. Acumer polymers do not affect water temperature.

3. What is a key benefit of using Acumer polymers?

a) They are very expensive to use.


Incorrect. Acumer polymers are generally cost-effective due to their high efficiency.

b) They can be harmful to the environment.

Incorrect. Acumer polymers are generally non-toxic and biodegradable, minimizing their environmental impact.

c) They are highly effective at removing impurities.

Correct! Acumer polymers are known for their high efficiency in removing impurities, even at low doses.

d) They are only effective in specific water conditions.

Incorrect. Acumer polymers are available in various formulations suitable for different water sources and treatment goals.

4. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of Acumer polymers?

a) Coagulation and flocculation in wastewater treatment


Incorrect. Acumer is widely used for coagulation and flocculation in wastewater treatment.

b) Scale inhibition in industrial pipelines

Incorrect. Acumer polymers are effective in preventing scale formation in various industrial settings.

c) Dehydration of agricultural products

Incorrect. Acumer polymers have applications in dehydration processes, including agricultural products.

d) Removal of dissolved salts from drinking water

Correct! Acumer polymers are primarily used for removing suspended solids and not dissolved salts. Reverse osmosis or other methods are better suited for desalination.

5. What impact has Acumer had on water treatment?

a) It has made water treatment less efficient.


Incorrect. Acumer has contributed to more efficient and cost-effective water treatment.

b) It has made water treatment more expensive.

Incorrect. Acumer generally leads to cost savings due to its efficiency.

c) It has led to improved water quality and reduced environmental impact.

Correct! Acumer contributes to cleaner water and less pollution by improving treatment processes.

d) It has had no significant impact on water treatment.

Incorrect. Acumer polymers have significantly improved water treatment practices worldwide.

Acumer Polymer Exercise

Scenario: A local water treatment plant is struggling with high levels of suspended solids in their water supply. They are looking for a cost-effective solution to improve water quality and meet regulatory standards.

Task: Based on your knowledge of Acumer polymers, explain how they could help the water treatment plant solve their problem. Be sure to address the following:

  • What specific properties of Acumer polymers make them suitable for this situation?
  • How would Acumer polymers be used in the treatment process?
  • What potential benefits could the plant expect from using Acumer polymers?

Exercise Correction

Acumer polymers are an excellent solution for this scenario. Here's why:

  • **Specific properties:** Acumer polymers excel at coagulation and flocculation. They efficiently bind to suspended solids, aggregating them into larger, easier-to-remove particles.
  • **Usage:** The plant could add Acumer polymers to the water during the treatment process. The polymers would then work to bind and remove the suspended solids, enhancing the efficiency of their existing filtration systems.
  • **Benefits:** The plant could expect several benefits:
    • Improved water quality: The higher removal of suspended solids would result in cleaner and safer water for the community.
    • Reduced operational costs: Acumer polymers can be highly effective at low dosages, leading to cost savings compared to other treatment methods.
    • Increased efficiency: The enhanced coagulation and flocculation would improve the overall efficiency of their treatment process.
    • Reduced environmental impact: By improving water quality and efficiency, the plant would minimize the discharge of pollutants into the environment.


  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Mark J. Hammer (This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of water treatment, including coagulation and flocculation, where polymers play a crucial role.)
  • "Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment" edited by D. Wayne Smith (This handbook offers in-depth information on different water treatment processes and technologies, including the use of polymers.)


  • "Polymers in Water Treatment" by A. K. Sengupta and B. K. Sen (This article provides an overview of the various types of polymers used in water treatment and their mechanisms of action.)
  • "Coagulation and Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment" by James E. O'Melia (This article discusses the fundamental principles and applications of coagulation and flocculation, highlighting the role of polymers.)

Online Resources

  • Dow Chemical website: (While Dow Chemical may not have a dedicated section for Acumer specifically, their website offers information about their water treatment solutions and products.)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (AWWA is a leading organization for water professionals. Their website contains resources and publications related to water treatment technologies.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (WEF focuses on water quality and wastewater treatment. Their website offers information on water treatment processes and research related to polymers.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "Acumer" or "water treatment polymers" with specific applications like "coagulation," "flocculation," "scale inhibition," or "dehydration."
  • Include brand names: Search for "Rohm and Haas water treatment polymers" or "Dow Chemical water treatment products" to find more specific information related to the company's offerings.
  • Utilize advanced operators: Employ quotation marks (" ") to search for exact phrases, "+" to include specific terms, and "-" to exclude certain terms to refine your search results.
  • Explore academic databases: Access online libraries and databases like Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and JSTOR to find peer-reviewed research papers on water treatment polymers.
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