Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Target Completion Date ("TC")

Target Completion Date ("TC")

Date Butoir : Un Outil Essentiel pour la Planification et la Programmation des Projets

Dans le domaine de la planification et de la programmation des projets, une **Date Butoir (DB)** est un élément crucial qui peut influencer considérablement la trajectoire du projet. Elle représente une date imposée qui agit comme une contrainte ou une modification de l'analyse de réseau. Cette date, souvent fixée par des parties prenantes externes ou la direction interne, définit un point d'achèvement souhaité pour le projet, guidant le processus de planification et influençant l'allocation des ressources.

Comprendre l'Impact de la DB :

Une DB est plus qu'une simple échéance ; c'est une directive qui façonne le calendrier du projet. Son influence peut être observée de plusieurs manières :

  • Allocation des Ressources : La DB motive la nécessité d'optimiser l'allocation des ressources. Face à une date butoir spécifique, les chefs de projet doivent prioriser les tâches, affecter efficacement les ressources et éventuellement ajuster les échéances pour garantir que le projet respecte la date limite.
  • Gestion des Risques : La DB encourage une approche proactive de la gestion des risques. Elle oblige les équipes à identifier les retards potentiels et à élaborer des plans d'urgence pour atténuer ces risques, garantissant ainsi une réalisation dans les délais même dans des circonstances difficiles.
  • Communication et Collaboration : La DB favorise une communication et une collaboration claires. En ayant une date cible commune, toutes les parties prenantes sont alignées, favorisant une meilleure compréhension des priorités et encourageant un travail d'équipe efficace.
  • Gestion de l'Étendue du Projet : La DB peut également influencer l'étendue du projet. Face à une échéance serrée, les équipes de projet peuvent devoir ajuster l'étendue, en se concentrant sur les livrables critiques tout en reportant ou en éliminant les tâches moins essentielles.

L'Importance d'une DB Réaliste :

Bien qu'une DB soit un outil précieux, il est essentiel de s'assurer qu'elle est réaliste et atteignable. Fixer une date butoir irréaliste peut entraîner un stress important, affectant le moral, l'allocation des ressources et la réussite globale du projet.

Fixer une DB Réaliste :

Pour établir une DB réaliste, tenez compte de facteurs tels que :

  • Complexité du Projet : La complexité du projet, y compris le nombre de tâches, les dépendances et les risques potentiels, influencera le délai réalisable.
  • Disponibilité des Ressources : S'assurer de la disponibilité de ressources suffisantes, notamment du personnel, de l'équipement et des financements, est crucial pour respecter la date butoir.
  • Facteurs Externes : Des facteurs externes tels que les approbations réglementaires, les conditions météorologiques ou les fluctuations du marché peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur l'achèvement du projet.
  • Données de Projets Précédents : Analyser les données historiques de projets similaires peut fournir des informations sur les délais réalistes et les défis potentiels.

DB : Un Outil de Planification Puissant :

En comprenant l'impact de la DB, les chefs de projet peuvent exploiter cet outil pour optimiser leurs stratégies de planification et de programmation. Une DB bien définie et atteignable favorise la responsabilité, encourage une allocation efficace des ressources et contribue finalement à la réussite de la réalisation des projets dans les délais et dans les limites du budget. C'est un élément clé pour garantir que les projets sont livrés efficacement, répondant aux attentes de toutes les parties prenantes.

Test Your Knowledge

Target Completion Date Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a Target Completion Date (TC) in project planning?

a) A flexible deadline that can be adjusted as needed. b) A specific date that serves as a constraint for project scheduling. c) A rough estimate of when a project might be finished. d) A date that is set after the project is complete.


b) A specific date that serves as a constraint for project scheduling.

2. How does a TC influence resource allocation?

a) It eliminates the need for resource planning. b) It encourages managers to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively. c) It has no impact on resource allocation. d) It forces managers to use all available resources regardless of efficiency.


b) It encourages managers to prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of establishing a realistic TC?

a) Improved communication and collaboration. b) Enhanced risk management. c) Increased project scope. d) Enhanced project accountability.


c) Increased project scope.

4. Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to influence the setting of a realistic TC?

a) Project complexity. b) Resource availability. c) Project budget. d) External factors like weather conditions.


c) Project budget.

5. What is the key takeaway regarding TC in project planning?

a) A TC is unnecessary for successful projects. b) A realistic TC is crucial for effective project planning and execution. c) TC should always be set by external stakeholders. d) A TC should be flexible and constantly adjusted.


b) A realistic TC is crucial for effective project planning and execution.

Target Completion Date Exercise

Scenario: You are a project manager for a software development project. Your team is expected to deliver a fully functional mobile application by December 15th. This is the Target Completion Date (TC) set by your client.

Task: Analyze the following factors and explain how they might impact the feasibility of the TC and what steps you would take to ensure the project is completed on time:

  • Project Complexity: The application requires integration with several external APIs, increasing the complexity of development.
  • Resource Availability: You have a team of 5 developers, but one is expected to be on leave for a month in November.
  • External Factors: The launch of a competitor's similar app in early December could potentially impact your app's market reception.

Provide a brief written response outlining your analysis and the steps you would take.

Exercice Correction

**Analysis:** * **Project Complexity:** The integration of multiple external APIs adds complexity, potentially increasing development time and increasing the risk of delays. * **Resource Availability:** The absence of one developer for a month significantly reduces the team's capacity, which could impact development progress. * **External Factors:** The competitor's launch poses a challenge as it could affect user interest and market position, potentially impacting the app's success. **Steps to Take:** 1. **Re-evaluate the scope:** Assess if certain features can be postponed or scaled back to compensate for reduced resources and complexity. 2. **Prioritize tasks:** Focus on critical features to ensure core functionality is complete by the deadline. 3. **Communication:** Inform the client about potential challenges and work collaboratively to adjust expectations or timelines if necessary. 4. **Contingency Planning:** Develop backup plans in case of delays, including the possibility of outsourcing specific tasks or adjusting the release date. 5. **Monitor progress closely:** Track progress regularly and adjust plans as needed to ensure the project remains on track. 6. **Communication with the team:** Communicate clearly about the challenges and the importance of adhering to the timeline. 7. **Risk mitigation:** Develop a strategy to minimize the impact of the competitor's launch, possibly through a strong marketing campaign or pre-launch engagement with potential users.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of project management, including scheduling and the role of deadlines in project planning.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) by the Project Management Institute (PMI): This widely recognized guide defines and explains essential project management concepts, including scheduling and time management.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid Approaches by Gary R. Evans and Michael R. Lindsay: This book offers practical insights into project planning and execution, discussing the importance of setting realistic deadlines and managing project timelines effectively.


  • "Target Completion Date: A Key Tool in Project Planning & Scheduling" by [Your Name] (This is the article you provided, which itself serves as a valuable reference).
  • "How to Set Realistic Deadlines for Projects" by Harvard Business Review: This article provides practical advice on establishing realistic deadlines and managing expectations for project completion.
  • "The Importance of Deadlines in Project Management" by Project Management Institute: This article discusses the role of deadlines in project planning and the impact they have on project success.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): PMI's website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, research, and training materials on project management best practices, including scheduling and deadline management.
  • Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide): You can access the latest edition of the PMBOK Guide through the PMI website or purchase it directly.
  • Harvard Business Review: This online publication offers articles and research on various management topics, including project management, with a focus on practical applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine keywords like "target completion date," "project deadline," "scheduling," and "project management" to find relevant information.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "target completion date" will only return results with the exact phrase.
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use operators like "AND" or "OR" to refine your search. For example, "target completion date AND project management" will only return results containing both keywords.
  • Explore advanced search operators: Google offers advanced search operators that allow you to filter results based on specific criteria, such as file type, language, or date range.
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