Termes techniques généraux


Décryptage du monde du pétrole et du gaz : Comprendre les "Fournitures"

L'industrie pétrolière et gazière, comme toute industrie, fonctionne sur un réseau complexe de terminologie. L'un des termes clés est "Fournitures", un mot apparemment simple qui prend une signification spécifique au sein de ce secteur.

En termes spécifiques au pétrole et au gaz, "Fournitures" désigne TOUS les biens SAUF les terrains ou tout droit sur un terrain. Cela comprend un large éventail d'actifs tangibles et intangibles essentiels à l'exploration, à la production, au transport et au raffinage du pétrole et du gaz.

Décomposons les différents éléments qui relèvent du champ d'application des "Fournitures" :

Biens tangibles :

  • Équipements : Plateformes de forage, équipements de puits, pipelines, usines de traitement, réservoirs de stockage, véhicules et outils. Cela englobe tout ce qui est nécessaire aux opérations physiques de l'industrie.
  • Matériaux : Matières premières telles que les produits chimiques, le ciment et les boues de forage utilisées dans l'extraction et le traitement. Cela inclut également des articles consommables tels que des filtres, des vannes et des tuyaux.
  • Inventaire : Produits finis tels que l'essence, le diesel et le gaz naturel, ainsi que des produits intermédiaires tels que le pétrole brut et le pétrole raffiné.

Biens intangibles :

  • Logiciels et technologies : Analyse de données géophysiques, logiciels d'optimisation du forage et systèmes de gestion de pipelines. Ceux-ci sont essentiels pour optimiser les opérations et maximiser l'efficacité.
  • Propriété intellectuelle : Brevets, marques et secrets commerciaux liés aux nouvelles technologies, méthodes de production ou techniques de raffinage.
  • Données et licences : Données d'exploration, cartes géologiques, permis et approbations réglementaires.

Pourquoi la compréhension des "Fournitures" est-elle importante ?

Comprendre le terme "Fournitures" dans le contexte du pétrole et du gaz est crucial pour plusieurs raisons :

  • Information financière : Lors de la publication des états financiers, les entreprises distinguent les "Fournitures" des "Immobilisations corporelles" (IC), qui comprennent les terrains et les droits sur les terrains. Cette distinction est essentielle pour une comptabilité et une analyse financière précises.
  • Négociations de contrats : Les contrats spécifient souvent la portée des "Fournitures" incluses dans une transaction. Comprendre cette portée est essentiel pour les fournisseurs et les acheteurs afin de garantir une facturation et une livraison précises.
  • Gestion des actifs : Les entreprises doivent gérer efficacement leurs "Fournitures" afin d'optimiser leur utilisation, de minimiser les déchets et de contrôler les coûts. Cela comprend la gestion des stocks, des plannings de maintenance et des processus d'approvisionnement.

En conclusion :

Bien que "Fournitures" puisse paraître un terme basique, sa signification dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière est profonde. En saisissant son large champ d'application et sa distinction des "terrains" et des "droits sur les terrains", les personnes impliquées dans le secteur peuvent acquérir une compréhension plus approfondie des mécanismes et des complexités intrinsèques de l'industrie.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Oil & Gas World: Understanding "Supplies"

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT considered a "Supply" in the oil and gas industry?

(a) Drilling Rigs (b) Land Lease Agreements (c) Storage Tanks (d) Pipeline Infrastructure


The correct answer is **(b) Land Lease Agreements**. "Supplies" in the oil and gas industry specifically exclude land or any interest in land.

2. Which of these categories falls under "Tangible Assets" within "Supplies"?

(a) Software Licenses (b) Drilling Mud (c) Patents (d) Geological Data


The correct answer is **(b) Drilling Mud**. Tangible assets are physical items, and drilling mud is a material used in the extraction process.

3. What is NOT a key reason why understanding "Supplies" is important in the oil and gas industry?

(a) Accurately reporting company finances (b) Negotiating effective contracts (c) Determining the value of a company's stock (d) Managing the company's assets effectively


The correct answer is **(c) Determining the value of a company's stock**. While "Supplies" are important for company valuation, it's not the sole factor. Stock value is influenced by various factors, including market conditions, company performance, and future prospects.

4. Which of these is an example of an "Intangible Asset" considered a "Supply"?

(a) A fleet of delivery trucks (b) A drilling rig (c) A patent for a new drilling technique (d) A stockpile of natural gas


The correct answer is **(c) A patent for a new drilling technique**. Intangible assets are non-physical assets, and a patent represents intellectual property rights.

5. Which of the following is NOT part of the "Supplies" classification in the oil and gas industry?

(a) Geophysical data (b) Oil and Gas Reserves (c) Drilling equipment (d) Software for pipeline management


The correct answer is **(b) Oil and Gas Reserves**. Reserves are considered part of a company's "Resources," distinct from "Supplies."


Scenario: You are a junior accountant at an oil and gas company. The company is preparing a financial statement and needs to categorize its assets. You are given the following list of assets:

  • Drilling Rigs
  • Land Lease Agreements
  • Oil and Gas Reserves
  • Pipeline Infrastructure
  • Geophysical Data
  • Storage Tanks
  • Patents for Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

Task: Categorize each asset into either "Supplies" or "Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E)" based on the definition of "Supplies" discussed in the text.

Exercice Correction

Here's the categorization of the assets:


  • Drilling Rigs
  • Pipeline Infrastructure
  • Geophysical Data
  • Storage Tanks
  • Patents for Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E):

  • Land Lease Agreements
  • Oil and Gas Reserves (Reserves are considered part of "Resources," not "Supplies" or "PP&E")


  • "Oil & Gas Accounting: Principles and Practices" by Michael H. Broyles: This book covers accounting principles specific to the oil & gas industry, including the treatment of "Supplies" in financial reporting.
  • "The Oil & Gas Industry: A Primer for Non-Technical People" by George H. Davis: This book offers a basic understanding of the oil & gas industry, including terminology like "Supplies" and how it relates to different aspects of the industry.


  • "Inventory Management in the Oil and Gas Industry" by Supply Chain Management Review: This article discusses the importance of efficient inventory management for "Supplies" in the oil & gas sector.
  • "The Role of Technology in Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management" by Industry Week: This article focuses on the use of technology in managing and optimizing the supply chain for "Supplies" in the oil & gas industry.
  • "Understanding the Oil & Gas Industry" by Investopedia: This article offers a general overview of the oil & gas industry, including explanations of key terms like "Supplies."

Online Resources

  • EIA (Energy Information Administration) Website: This government agency provides comprehensive data and analysis related to the oil & gas industry, including information on "Supplies" and related topics.
  • Upstream & Downstream Terminology Glossary: Many websites and organizations in the oil & gas industry offer glossaries of industry-specific terms, including definitions for "Supplies."
  • Oil & Gas Industry Associations: Professional organizations like the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) offer resources and publications related to oil & gas industry terminology and operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: Instead of just searching "Supplies", use more specific phrases like "Oil and Gas Supplies Definition", "Supplies in Oil and Gas Accounting", or "Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management."
  • Include keywords: Include keywords related to the type of supplies you're interested in, such as "drilling supplies", "refining supplies", or "production supplies".
  • Refine your search: Use operators like "AND", "OR", and "-" to filter your search results and target your specific needs.


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