Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Communication & Reporting: Simultaneous Engineering/Design

Simultaneous Engineering/Design

Ingénierie Concurrente/Conception Concurrente : Accélérer le Processus de Développement de Produits


L'ingénierie concurrente, également connue sous le nom d'ingénierie simultanée, est une approche de conception qui implique le développement parallèle de différents aspects d'un produit, tels que la conception, la fabrication et les tests. Cette méthode vise à raccourcir le cycle de développement global du produit et à améliorer la qualité du produit en favorisant la collaboration et la communication entre les différentes équipes.

Concepts clés:

  • Développement parallèle : Au lieu d'étapes séquentielles, l'ingénierie concurrente implique des activités qui se chevauchent et interagissent, permettant aux équipes de travailler simultanément sur différents aspects du produit.
  • Équipes interfonctionnelles : La collaboration entre des équipes diverses provenant de l'ingénierie, de la fabrication, du marketing et d'autres services pertinents est cruciale pour une ingénierie concurrente efficace.
  • Implication précoce : Les parties prenantes clés, y compris les clients, sont impliquées tôt dans le processus de développement, ce qui conduit à une meilleure définition du produit et à moins de révisions de conception.
  • Conception itérative : Le processus est itératif, permettant un retour d'information et une amélioration continus tout au long du cycle de développement.

Avantages de l'ingénierie concurrente:

  • Réduction du délai de mise sur le marché : Le développement parallèle accélère le cycle de développement global du produit, permettant aux entreprises de lancer des produits plus rapidement et d'acquérir un avantage concurrentiel.
  • Amélioration de la qualité du produit : L'implication précoce des parties prenantes et la conception itérative conduisent à un produit plus robuste et axé sur le client.
  • Communication et collaboration renforcées : Le travail d'équipe interfonctionnel favorise une meilleure communication et un meilleur partage des connaissances, conduisant à un processus de développement plus intégré et plus efficace.
  • Réduction des coûts : L'identification et la résolution précoces des problèmes potentiels peuvent minimiser les modifications de conception et les reprises, réduisant ainsi les coûts de développement globaux.

Défis de l'ingénierie concurrente:

  • Complexité : La gestion d'activités parallèles nécessite une coordination et une communication solides entre les différentes équipes, ce qui peut s'avérer difficile.
  • Exigences en ressources : La mise en œuvre de l'ingénierie concurrente nécessite souvent des ressources supplémentaires, telles que des logiciels spécialisés et du personnel.
  • Changements culturels : Cela nécessite un changement de culture organisationnelle pour adopter la collaboration et le travail d'équipe interfonctionnel.

Exemples d'applications de l'ingénierie concurrente:

  • Industrie automobile : Développement parallèle de la conception du véhicule, du développement du moteur et des processus de fabrication.
  • Développement de logiciels : Développement simultané des fonctionnalités du logiciel, des tests et de la documentation.
  • Électronique grand public : Conception simultanée du matériel, des logiciels et de l'interface utilisateur.


L'ingénierie concurrente est une approche puissante pour accélérer le développement de produits tout en améliorant la qualité et en réduisant les coûts. En favorisant la collaboration et en adoptant un processus de conception itératif, les organisations peuvent tirer parti de ses avantages pour acquérir un avantage concurrentiel sur le marché actuel en constante évolution.

Test Your Knowledge

Simultaneous Engineering Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main goal of simultaneous engineering?

a) To create a more complex product b) To reduce the time it takes to develop a product c) To increase the cost of product development d) To minimize communication between teams


b) To reduce the time it takes to develop a product

2. Which of the following is NOT a key concept of simultaneous engineering?

a) Parallel development b) Cross-functional teams c) Sequential stages d) Early involvement


c) Sequential stages

3. What is a major benefit of simultaneous engineering?

a) Increased complexity b) Reduced product quality c) Improved communication and collaboration d) Increased development costs


c) Improved communication and collaboration

4. Which of the following is a challenge associated with simultaneous engineering?

a) Simple project management b) Limited resource requirements c) Lack of communication between teams d) Easy implementation in all organizations


c) Lack of communication between teams

5. Which industry does NOT typically benefit from simultaneous engineering?

a) Automotive b) Software development c) Agriculture d) Consumer electronics


c) Agriculture

Simultaneous Engineering Exercise


You are the project manager for a new smartphone development team. Your team is composed of engineers, designers, software developers, and marketing specialists. The company wants to launch the new phone within 6 months.


Explain how you would implement simultaneous engineering to meet the company's deadline. Include specific examples of how each team would collaborate and the benefits you expect to achieve.

Exercice Correction

Here's how you might implement simultaneous engineering in this scenario:
**1. Establish Cross-Functional Teams:** - Create smaller, specialized teams composed of members from each discipline (engineering, design, software development, marketing). - Each team would focus on a specific aspect of the phone, like battery life, camera features, or user interface design. **2. Parallel Development and Early Involvement:** - **Design:** Design teams will start sketching and prototyping the phone's appearance and user interface, considering user feedback and market trends. - **Engineering:** Engineering teams will simultaneously start working on the phone's internal components, like the battery, processor, and camera hardware. - **Software Development:** Software teams will start developing the operating system and essential applications concurrently, integrating with the hardware being designed. - **Marketing:** Marketing teams will start researching target markets and developing marketing strategies for the phone's launch. **3. Iterative Design and Communication:** - **Regular Meetings:** Hold frequent meetings between all teams to discuss progress, address challenges, and ensure alignment. - **Feedback Loops:** Encourage feedback and collaboration between teams. For example, software developers can provide input on design features to ensure compatibility. - **Prototyping:** Create and test working prototypes frequently to identify issues early and adjust the design and software accordingly. **4. Benefits:** - **Faster Development:** Parallel development allows teams to work simultaneously, significantly reducing the overall development time. - **Improved Product Quality:** Constant feedback and collaboration lead to a more integrated and user-centric product. - **Reduced Costs:** Early problem identification and resolution minimize costly design revisions and rework. **Conclusion:** By implementing simultaneous engineering with cross-functional teams, early involvement, iterative design, and frequent communication, you can achieve the company's 6-month deadline for the new smartphone launch while delivering a high-quality product that meets user needs and market expectations.


  • Concurrent Engineering: A Guide to Product Development by Steven D. Eppinger (2000): A comprehensive overview of concurrent engineering principles, methodologies, and implementation.
  • The Design of Experiments: A Roadmap for Engineers and Scientists by Douglas C. Montgomery (2021): While not directly focused on simultaneous engineering, this book provides insights into experimental design, which is crucial for rapid prototyping and iterative development in concurrent engineering.
  • Lean Product Development: New Rules for Creating and Launching Products by Donald G. Reinertsen (2009): Discusses lean principles, which are often integrated with concurrent engineering for optimizing product development processes.


  • "Concurrent Engineering: A New Paradigm for Design and Manufacturing" by T.R. Kannan and R. Nagarajan (2003): A detailed exploration of concurrent engineering principles and its benefits.
  • "The Advantages and Challenges of Concurrent Engineering" by Joseph A. D'Cruz (2007): Analyzes the pros and cons of adopting concurrent engineering.
  • "Concurrent Engineering: A Study of its Implementation and Impact on Product Development" by S.C. Sharma and K.S. Bhatnagar (2010): Explores the implementation and outcomes of concurrent engineering in different industries.

Online Resources

  • Concurrent Engineering Society: The official website of the Concurrent Engineering Society, which offers resources, publications, and events related to concurrent engineering.
  • "Concurrent Engineering" on Wikipedia: Provides a concise overview of concurrent engineering, its history, and key concepts.
  • "Concurrent Engineering: A Comprehensive Overview" by TechTarget: An informative article explaining the basics of concurrent engineering, its benefits, and potential challenges.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on simultaneous engineering, try using phrases like "concurrent engineering benefits," "implementation of concurrent engineering," "concurrent engineering in software development," etc.
  • Combine keywords with relevant industries: For example, "concurrent engineering automotive industry," "concurrent engineering software industry," "concurrent engineering aerospace industry," etc.
  • Use quotation marks for exact phrases: Search for "concurrent engineering definition" or "concurrent engineering principles" to find resources that specifically discuss these terms.
  • Explore academic databases: Use databases like Google Scholar or JSTOR to find peer-reviewed articles and research papers on concurrent engineering.
  • Consult industry publications: Websites and magazines like,, and often feature articles and case studies on successful applications of concurrent engineering.
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