Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Short Term Schedule

Short Term Schedule

Calendrier à court terme : L'épine dorsale des opérations pétrolières et gazières

Dans le monde dynamique et en constante évolution du pétrole et du gaz, une planification efficace est essentielle au succès. Un élément clé de ce processus de planification est le **calendrier à court terme**, un document méticuleusement élaboré qui présente les tâches et activités opérationnelles immédiates nécessaires pour atteindre des objectifs de projet spécifiques.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un calendrier à court terme ?**

Imaginez un calendrier à court terme comme le plan détaillé pour les prochaines semaines ou les prochains mois de votre projet pétrolier et gazier. C'est un document vivant qui fournit une image claire de :

  • **Activités :** Tâches spécifiques à accomplir, allant des opérations de forage à la maintenance des puits, en passant par les inspections de pipelines et l'optimisation de la production.
  • **Chronologie :** Un calendrier précis pour chaque activité, y compris les dates de début et de fin, en tenant compte des retards potentiels.
  • **Ressources :** La main-d'œuvre, l'équipement et les matériaux nécessaires à l'exécution de chaque tâche.
  • **Dépendances :** Identifier comment chaque activité dépend de l'achèvement d'autres tâches dans le calendrier.
  • **Indicateurs de performance :** Indicateurs clés pour suivre les progrès et s'assurer que les activités sont en voie d'atteindre leurs objectifs.

**Pourquoi un calendrier à court terme est-il important ?**

  • **Efficacité accrue :** Un calendrier bien défini permet de prioriser les tâches, d'optimiser l'allocation des ressources et d'éviter les retards inutiles.
  • **Meilleure coordination :** Il facilite la communication et la coordination entre les différentes équipes et parties prenantes, en s'assurant que tout le monde travaille vers les mêmes objectifs.
  • **Surveillance en temps réel :** En examinant et en mettant régulièrement à jour le calendrier, les gestionnaires peuvent identifier les goulets d'étranglement potentiels et prendre des mesures correctives de manière proactive.
  • **Prise de décision éclairée :** Le calendrier fournit des données précieuses pour prendre des décisions stratégiques concernant l'allocation des ressources, la budgétisation et la gestion des risques.
  • **Conformité aux réglementations :** Les calendriers à court terme sont essentiels pour respecter les réglementations et les normes de sécurité de l'industrie.

**Calendrier à court terme vs plan à court terme :**

Bien qu'ils soient souvent utilisés de manière interchangeable, il existe une différence subtile entre un calendrier à court terme et un plan à court terme.

  • **Plan à court terme :** Se concentre sur la stratégie globale et les objectifs pour la période à venir. Il définit les résultats souhaités et l'approche pour les atteindre.
  • **Calendrier à court terme :** Fournit le plan d'action détaillé pour exécuter le plan à court terme. Il définit les activités, les délais, les ressources et les dépendances spécifiques nécessaires pour atteindre les résultats souhaités.

**En conclusion :**

Le calendrier à court terme est un outil essentiel pour tout projet pétrolier et gazier. En fournissant une feuille de route claire pour les opérations immédiates, il favorise l'efficacité, la coordination et la prise de décision éclairée. En adoptant l'utilisation de calendriers à court terme, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières peuvent optimiser leurs opérations, atteindre leurs objectifs et relever les défis de cette industrie complexe avec plus de succès.

Test Your Knowledge

Short-Term Schedule Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Short-Term Schedule in oil and gas operations?

a) To track long-term project milestones and deadlines. b) To outline immediate operational tasks and activities for a specific project. c) To monitor the financial performance of the project. d) To manage employee schedules and time off requests.


b) To outline immediate operational tasks and activities for a specific project.

2. Which of the following elements is NOT typically included in a Short-Term Schedule?

a) Specific activities to be completed. b) Timeline for each activity with start and end dates. c) Budgets for each activity. d) Resources required for each task (manpower, equipment, materials).


c) Budgets for each activity.

3. How does a Short-Term Schedule contribute to improved coordination in oil and gas operations?

a) By providing a centralized platform for communication between different teams. b) By defining clear roles and responsibilities for each team member. c) By ensuring all teams are working towards the same goals and objectives. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

4. Which of the following is an example of a performance indicator that might be tracked in a Short-Term Schedule?

a) Number of employees working on the project. b) Total project budget. c) Number of wells drilled per week. d) Number of safety incidents reported.


c) Number of wells drilled per week.

5. How does a Short-Term Schedule differ from a Short-Term Plan?

a) A Short-Term Schedule is more focused on strategy and objectives, while a Short-Term Plan is more detailed and actionable. b) A Short-Term Plan outlines the overall strategy, while a Short-Term Schedule provides the detailed action plan for executing that strategy. c) There is no difference between a Short-Term Schedule and a Short-Term Plan. d) A Short-Term Schedule is used for long-term planning, while a Short-Term Plan is used for short-term operational tasks.


b) A Short-Term Plan outlines the overall strategy, while a Short-Term Schedule provides the detailed action plan for executing that strategy.

Short-Term Schedule Exercise:

Scenario: You are the project manager for a new oil well drilling project. The Short-Term Plan for the next 3 months includes:

  • Objective: Successfully drill a new oil well to a depth of 10,000 feet.
  • Key Activities:
    • Site preparation and rig mobilization.
    • Drilling operations (including casing and cementing).
    • Well testing and completion.


Create a sample Short-Term Schedule for the next 3 months, including:

  • Activities: List the specific tasks that need to be completed for each of the key activities above.
  • Timeline: Assign estimated start and end dates for each activity (consider potential delays).
  • Resources: Identify the manpower, equipment, and materials required for each activity.
  • Dependencies: Highlight any tasks that depend on the completion of other tasks.


| Activity | Timeline (Start Date - End Date) | Resources | Dependencies | |---|---|---|---| | Site preparation | Week 1 - Week 2 | 20 workers, bulldozers, excavators | None | | Rig mobilization | Week 3 - Week 4 | Rigging crew, heavy-duty trucks | Completion of site preparation |

Exercice Correction

This is an example of a possible Short-Term Schedule. The specific details will vary depending on the specific project and its complexities.

| Activity | Timeline (Start Date - End Date) | Resources | Dependencies | |---|---|---|---| | Site Preparation | Week 1 - Week 2 | 20 workers, bulldozers, excavators, surveying equipment | None | | Rig Mobilization | Week 3 - Week 4 | Rigging crew (25 workers), heavy-duty trucks, cranes | Completion of site preparation | | Drilling Operations: | | | | | - Drilling to 5,000 feet | Week 5 - Week 7 | Drilling crew (15 workers), drill rig, drilling mud, casing pipes | Completion of rig mobilization | | - Casing and cementing 5,000 feet | Week 8 - Week 9 | Cementing crew (10 workers), cementing equipment, casing pipes | Completion of drilling to 5,000 feet | | - Drilling to 10,000 feet | Week 10 - Week 12 | Drilling crew (15 workers), drill rig, drilling mud, casing pipes | Completion of casing and cementing at 5,000 feet | | - Casing and cementing 10,000 feet | Week 13 - Week 14 | Cementing crew (10 workers), cementing equipment, casing pipes | Completion of drilling to 10,000 feet | | Well Testing and Completion | Week 15 - Week 16 | Testing crew (5 workers), testing equipment, completion equipment | Completion of casing and cementing at 10,000 feet |


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including scheduling and planning.
  • Oil and Gas Production Operations: This book delves into the intricacies of oil and gas production, offering insights into the practical aspects of scheduling and coordinating operations.
  • The Oil & Gas Industry: An Overview: This book provides an overview of the oil and gas industry, highlighting the role of planning and scheduling in successful operations.


  • "Short-Term Schedule: The Backbone of Oil & Gas Operations" (This article itself!)
  • "Optimizing Production Scheduling in the Oil and Gas Industry" by [Author Name] (Search for relevant articles in industry journals like "Journal of Petroleum Technology" or "SPE Production & Operations")
  • "The Role of Scheduling in Oil and Gas Exploration and Development" by [Author Name] (Search for relevant articles in industry journals)
  • "Short-Term Scheduling in Oil and Gas: Best Practices and Challenges" by [Author Name] (Search for relevant articles in industry journals)

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, presentations, and training materials related to oil and gas operations, including scheduling and planning.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This online publication features articles and news related to various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including scheduling and project management.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website provides resources and guidance on industry standards, regulations, and best practices, including those related to scheduling and operations.
  • Google Scholar: Use Google Scholar to search for academic research articles and dissertations related to short-term scheduling in oil and gas.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use terms like "short-term schedule," "oil and gas," "project management," "scheduling," "operations," "planning."
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords to refine your search. For example, "short-term schedule oil and gas production" or "short-term schedule project management best practices."
  • Use quotation marks: Put specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "short-term schedule template" will search for the exact phrase.
  • Use filters: Use Google Search's filters to narrow down your results. For example, you can filter by date, source type (articles, books, etc.), and language.
  • Explore related searches: Google will provide related searches at the bottom of the page, which can help you find additional relevant resources.
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