Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Screening


Le Criblage dans le Pétrole et le Gaz : Filtrer les Options pour le Succès

Dans le monde dynamique du pétrole et du gaz, l'efficacité et la rentabilité sont primordiales. De l'exploration à la production, chaque décision a un poids important, exigeant une réflexion approfondie et une évaluation de multiples options. C'est là que le **criblage** entre en jeu, un processus crucial utilisé pour examiner, analyser et classer systématiquement les solutions potentielles afin d'arriver au cours d'action le plus viable.

**Qu'est-ce que le criblage dans le pétrole et le gaz ?**

Le criblage est une technique multiforme qui implique une série d'étapes pour filtrer et prioriser les solutions potentielles en fonction de critères prédéfinis. Ce processus rigoureux permet de :

  • **Identifier les options prometteuses :** Il élimine les alternatives inappropriées dès le départ, concentrant les ressources sur les voies les plus viables.
  • **Améliorer la prise de décision :** Il fournit un cadre structuré pour l'évaluation des choix, minimisant les biais et garantissant des décisions éclairées.
  • **Optimiser l'allocation des ressources :** En priorisant les options à fort potentiel, le criblage aide à allouer les ressources efficacement, maximisant le retour sur investissement.
  • **Réduire les risques :** En identifiant les pièges potentiels et les facteurs atténuants dès le début, le criblage contribue à minimiser les risques et à garantir une mise en œuvre plus fluide du projet.

**Techniques de criblage courantes dans le pétrole et le gaz :**

Plusieurs techniques sont employées pour le criblage dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, chacune étant adaptée à des besoins et à des étapes de projet spécifiques. En voici quelques-unes :

  • **Analyse coûts-avantages :** Cette approche classique pèse les avantages attendus de chaque option contre ses coûts associés, aidant à identifier la solution la plus financièrement viable.
  • **Évaluation des risques :** Cette technique analyse les risques potentiels associés à chaque option, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que l'impact environnemental, la faisabilité technologique et les fluctuations du marché.
  • **Évaluation de la faisabilité technique :** Celle-ci se concentre sur la viabilité technique de chaque option, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que la technologie disponible, les infrastructures et l'expertise.
  • **Évaluation de l'impact environnemental :** Elle évalue l'impact environnemental potentiel de chaque option, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, la consommation d'eau et la biodiversité.
  • **Analyse des parties prenantes :** Elle identifie et analyse les intérêts et les préoccupations des parties prenantes, garantissant que la solution choisie prend en compte toutes les perspectives pertinentes.

**Au-delà du processus de criblage :**

Bien que le criblage joue un rôle crucial dans la réduction des options, il est important de noter qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une solution autonome. L'option sélectionnée doit faire l'objet d'une analyse et d'une planification approfondies avant sa mise en œuvre. Cela peut impliquer :

  • **Études de faisabilité détaillées :** Réaliser des enquêtes complètes pour valider la viabilité de la solution choisie.
  • **Planification de projet détaillée :** Élaborer un plan complet décrivant les échéances du projet, les ressources et les jalons clés.
  • **Gestion des risques :** Mettre en œuvre des stratégies pour atténuer les risques potentiels et garantir une exécution fluide du projet.

**Conclusion :**

Le criblage est un outil indispensable dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, fournissant un cadre solide pour évaluer de multiples options et choisir la meilleure ligne de conduite. En utilisant des techniques de criblage efficaces, les entreprises peuvent optimiser leurs décisions, minimiser les risques et garantir le succès des projets. Alors que l'industrie continue d'évoluer, l'importance de processus de criblage rigoureux ne fera que croître, conduisant à l'efficacité et à la durabilité dans la quête des ressources énergétiques.

Test Your Knowledge

Screening in Oil & Gas Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of screening in the oil and gas industry? a) To identify potential risks. b) To select the most viable option from multiple possibilities. c) To analyze the environmental impact of projects. d) To develop detailed project plans.


b) To select the most viable option from multiple possibilities.

2. Which screening technique focuses on the potential environmental impact of different options? a) Cost-benefit analysis. b) Risk assessment. c) Environmental impact assessment. d) Stakeholder analysis.


c) Environmental impact assessment.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using screening in the oil and gas industry? a) Improved decision-making. b) Increased project costs. c) Optimized resource allocation. d) Reduced risk.


b) Increased project costs.

4. After the screening process, what is the next step in developing a project? a) Implementation. b) Detailed feasibility studies. c) Risk assessment. d) Stakeholder analysis.


b) Detailed feasibility studies.

5. What is the importance of stakeholder analysis in screening? a) To assess the financial viability of the project. b) To understand the potential environmental impact. c) To consider the interests and concerns of all relevant parties. d) To evaluate the technical feasibility of the project.


c) To consider the interests and concerns of all relevant parties.

Screening in Oil & Gas Exercise:

Scenario: An oil and gas company is considering two options for developing a new oil field:

  • Option A: Utilizing conventional drilling techniques with minimal environmental impact but higher initial costs.
  • Option B: Utilizing unconventional drilling methods with lower initial costs but potential for greater environmental impact.

Task: Use the screening techniques discussed in the text to analyze these two options and determine which one is more viable for the company. Consider factors like cost, risk, environmental impact, and stakeholder concerns.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible analysis using different screening techniques:

  • Cost-benefit analysis:
    • Option A: Higher initial cost, but potentially lower operational costs and less risk of environmental damage.
    • Option B: Lower initial cost, but potential for higher operational costs and increased risk of environmental damage, potentially leading to higher cleanup costs and legal liabilities.
  • Risk assessment:
    • Option A: Lower risk of environmental damage, but higher financial risk due to initial cost.
    • Option B: Higher risk of environmental damage, leading to potential legal and financial penalties, but lower financial risk in the initial stages.
  • Environmental impact assessment:
    • Option A: Minimal environmental impact.
    • Option B: Potentially significant environmental impact, requiring mitigation measures and potentially facing regulatory challenges.
  • Stakeholder analysis:
    • Option A: May be favored by environmental groups and local communities due to lower environmental impact.
    • Option B: May be favored by investors due to lower initial costs, but could face resistance from environmental groups and local communities.


This analysis highlights that both options have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision depends on the company's priorities, risk tolerance, and the weight they give to different stakeholder perspectives.

For example, a company with strong environmental commitments and a willingness to invest in long-term sustainability might prefer Option A. A company focused on short-term profits and risk aversion might prefer Option B, but must be prepared to address potential environmental concerns and stakeholder opposition.


  • "Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry" by H. James Harrington: Provides comprehensive insights into project management best practices, including screening techniques, in the oil and gas context.
  • "Strategic Petroleum Reservoir Management" by John R. Fanchi: This book delves into the decision-making process in oil and gas exploration and production, emphasizing the role of screening and risk assessment.
  • "Risk Analysis and Management in Petroleum Exploration and Production" by John H. Harbaugh: This book specifically explores risk assessment methodologies and their application in screening options in oil and gas projects.


  • "A Framework for Evaluating and Selecting Sustainable Energy Technologies" by A.M. Khan et al. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015): This article provides a framework for evaluating and selecting sustainable energy technologies, which can be applied to screening options in oil and gas.
  • "A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Selecting the Best Site for Onshore Wind Farms" by A.A. Khan et al. (Energy Policy, 2013): This article explores multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, which are relevant for screening options in oil and gas projects involving multiple factors.
  • "A Review of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods for Energy Technology Selection" by Y. Huang et al. (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014): This review article provides an overview of various MCDM methods and their application in energy technology selection, including screening options in oil and gas.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources on oil and gas industry best practices, including technical publications, conference proceedings, and webinars related to project management and decision-making.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website provides technical guidance and standards for the oil and gas industry, including resources on risk assessment, environmental impact assessment, and project management.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication features articles on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including decision-making processes, project management, and technology developments.
  • Wood Mackenzie: This consultancy firm provides insights and analyses on the oil and gas industry, including trends, market forecasts, and project assessments.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "oil and gas screening techniques", "project selection methods oil and gas", "risk assessment oil and gas projects", "environmental impact assessment oil and gas".
  • Combine keywords: "cost-benefit analysis AND oil and gas", "technical feasibility assessment AND oil and gas projects".
  • Use quotation marks: "screening criteria oil and gas", "stakeholder analysis oil and gas".
  • Filter by publication date: "oil and gas screening techniques published in 2023"
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