Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Risk Management: Risk Deflection

Risk Deflection

Déviation du Risque : Déléguer la Charge en Gestion des Risques

Dans le domaine de la gestion des risques, l'objectif n'est pas toujours d'éliminer complètement le risque, mais de le gérer efficacement. Un outil puissant dans cet arsenal est la **déviation du risque**, l'acte de transférer tout ou partie d'un risque à une autre partie. Cette stratégie, souvent mise en œuvre par le biais d'accords contractuels, permet aux organisations de minimiser leur exposition aux conséquences négatives potentielles.

**Comprendre la déviation du risque :**

Imaginez que vous planifiez un événement à grande échelle. Un risque auquel vous pourriez être confronté est le dommage lié aux intempéries à votre lieu. Vous ne pouvez pas contrôler la météo, mais vous pouvez dévier ce risque en souscrivant une assurance événement. La compagnie d'assurance assume alors la charge financière de tout dommage causé par des événements météorologiques imprévus. C'est un exemple classique de déviation de risque.

**Mécanismes courants de déviation du risque :**

  • **Assurance :** C'est sans doute la forme la plus courante de déviation du risque. En payant des primes, vous transférez la charge financière de risques spécifiques à une compagnie d'assurance.
  • **Garanties :** Lors de l'achat d'équipements ou de biens, une garantie dévie souvent le risque de défauts ou de dysfonctionnements vers le fabricant.
  • **Accords de niveau de service (SLA) :** Les entreprises peuvent utiliser les SLA pour dévier le risque de perturbation de service ou de problèmes de performance vers leurs fournisseurs ou prestataires de services.
  • **Externalisation :** Cette stratégie peut impliquer le transfert du risque d'échec de projet, de performance des employés ou de problèmes opérationnels vers un fournisseur de services tiers.
  • **Contrats :** De nombreux contrats allouent explicitement les risques, en précisant quelle partie porte la responsabilité de certaines pertes ou dommages potentiels.

**Avantages de la déviation du risque :**

  • **Exposition financière réduite :** En transférant le risque, vous protégez les ressources financières de votre organisation contre les pertes potentielles.
  • **Tranquillité d'esprit accrue :** Savoir que vous avez dévié certains risques peut réduire le stress et vous permettre de vous concentrer sur d'autres aspects de votre entreprise.
  • **Accès à l'expertise :** Les compagnies d'assurance, les fournisseurs de garanties et les prestataires de services spécialisés possèdent souvent une expertise dans la gestion de risques spécifiques.

**Limitations de la déviation du risque :**

  • **Coût :** La déviation du risque est généralement associée à un coût, qu'il s'agisse de primes d'assurance, de frais de garantie ou de dépenses d'externalisation.
  • **Perte de contrôle :** Lorsque vous transférez le risque, vous perdez également un certain contrôle sur la manière dont il est géré.
  • **Portée limitée :** Les stratégies de déviation ont souvent des limites, ne couvrant que des risques ou des conditions spécifiques.

**Conclusion :**

La déviation du risque est un outil précieux dans la boîte à outils de la gestion des risques. En transférant stratégiquement le risque à d'autres parties, les organisations peuvent réduire leur exposition financière, améliorer leur tranquillité d'esprit et accéder à une expertise spécialisée. Cependant, il est crucial d'évaluer attentivement les coûts, les limites et les compromis potentiels associés à chaque stratégie de déviation avant de la mettre en œuvre.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Risk Deflection

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of risk deflection?

a) Eliminating all risk. b) Reducing the financial impact of potential risks. c) Identifying and analyzing all potential risks. d) Implementing preventative measures against all risks.


b) Reducing the financial impact of potential risks.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common mechanism for risk deflection?

a) Insurance b) Warranties c) Risk assessment d) Service Level Agreements


c) Risk assessment

3. How can a Service Level Agreement (SLA) be used for risk deflection?

a) By transferring responsibility for meeting performance standards to the vendor. b) By providing a detailed risk assessment of the service being provided. c) By outlining the steps to be taken in case of a service disruption. d) By defining the financial penalties for service failures.


a) By transferring responsibility for meeting performance standards to the vendor.

4. What is a major benefit of using risk deflection strategies?

a) Reduced workload for risk management professionals. b) Increased control over potential risks. c) Increased access to specialized expertise. d) Elimination of all potential financial losses.


c) Increased access to specialized expertise.

5. Which of the following is a potential limitation of risk deflection?

a) Increased financial security for the organization. b) Loss of control over how risks are managed. c) Reduced reliance on internal expertise. d) Complete elimination of all financial risks.


b) Loss of control over how risks are managed.

Exercise: Risk Deflection Scenario

Scenario: You are the event manager for a large music festival. One of the major risks you face is the possibility of severe weather conditions impacting the event.

Task: Identify at least three different risk deflection strategies you could implement to mitigate the financial impact of weather-related damage or disruptions to the festival. For each strategy, explain how it would work and what potential benefits and limitations it might have.

Exercice Correction

Here are three risk deflection strategies for the music festival scenario: **1. Event Insurance:** * **How it works:** Purchase insurance specifically designed to cover weather-related damages and disruptions to events. * **Benefits:** Provides financial compensation for losses due to weather events, reducing the financial burden on the festival organizers. * **Limitations:** Insurance premiums can be expensive, and the policy might have limitations or exclusions regarding specific weather conditions or types of damages. **2. Weather-Resistant Venue:** * **How it works:** Choose a venue that is equipped with features like covered stages, waterproof seating areas, or a backup indoor space. * **Benefits:** Reduces the likelihood of weather disruptions impacting the event's flow. * **Limitations:** Finding a venue with suitable weather-resistant features might be challenging and could potentially increase costs. **3. Weather Contingency Plan:** * **How it works:** Develop a detailed plan outlining how to manage the event if weather conditions deteriorate. This might include postponing specific activities, providing shelter to attendees, or offering refunds for cancelled performances. * **Benefits:** Allows for quick and efficient response to weather-related issues, minimizing disruptions and potential financial losses. * **Limitations:** Requires careful planning and coordination, and might not be feasible for all types of weather events. Remember, the effectiveness of each strategy depends on the specific nature of the festival, the potential weather risks, and the available resources.


  • Risk Management: A Practical Guide for Decision Makers by David L. Harnett (provides a comprehensive overview of risk management, including risk deflection strategies)
  • The Risk Management Body of Knowledge (RMBoK) (Published by the Risk Management Institute, this resource offers in-depth insights into various risk management concepts, including risk deflection)
  • Risk Management in Business: A Practical Guide by James A. F. Stoner, R. Edward Freeman, Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr. (covers risk management principles and techniques, with sections on risk transfer and deflection)
  • The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (though not directly focused on risk deflection, this book discusses the unpredictability of risk and the importance of managing tail events, which can be relevant to risk transfer strategies)


  • Risk Deflection: The Silent Hero of Risk Management by [Your Name] (This is a hypothetical article based on your provided content, which you can expand upon and use as a starting point for further research)
  • A Practical Guide to Risk Deflection: Strategies for Success (Search for articles with this title or similar keywords on reputable business and finance publications like Harvard Business Review, Forbes, or The Wall Street Journal)
  • Risk Transfer Strategies: A Guide for Business Leaders (Search for articles with this title or similar keywords, as risk transfer often encompasses risk deflection)
  • Insurance and the Management of Risk (Search for articles on the role of insurance in risk management, as insurance is a common form of risk deflection)

Online Resources

  • Risk Management Institute (RMI): This organization offers online courses, certification programs, and resources related to risk management, including risk deflection strategies. (
  • American Society for Risk Management (ASRM): This professional organization provides resources, networking opportunities, and information on various risk management topics, including risk deflection. (
  • Society for Risk Management Professionals (SRMP): A professional association offering resources, training, and certification for risk management professionals, which could include information on risk deflection. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include "risk deflection," "risk transfer," "insurance," "warranty," "outsourcing," and "contracts" in your search queries.
  • Combine keywords: For example, try "risk deflection strategies for small businesses," "risk transfer in construction projects," or "insurance as a risk deflection tool."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, such as "risk deflection techniques."
  • Filter by source: Narrow your search by specifying the type of source, such as "articles," "books," or "websites."
  • Use advanced operators: Explore advanced operators like "site:" to search within a specific website or "filetype:" to find specific file types.
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