Gestion des contrats et du périmètre

Progress Payment

Paiements d'avancement : Alimenter les projets de construction avec un progrès mesuré

Dans le monde dynamique de la construction, où les projets peuvent s'étendre sur des mois, voire des années, le besoin d'un flux de trésorerie régulier est primordial. Entrent en jeu les paiements d'avancement, une pierre angulaire de la gestion des contrats, en particulier pour les contrats à prix forfaitaire. Ces paiements, effectués au contractant tout au long du cycle de vie du projet, sont basés sur des jalons quantifiables atteints, assurant un flux de fonds sain tout en offrant un contrôle crucial pour le maître d'ouvrage.

Comprendre le mécanisme :

Les paiements d'avancement, contrairement aux paiements forfaitaires, ne sont pas effectués à la fin du projet. Ils sont plutôt déboursés périodiquement, généralement en fonction d'une formule prédéterminée liée à l'avancement du projet. Cette formule peut inclure :

  • Pourcentage de travaux effectués : L'approche la plus courante, où le paiement est effectué en fonction du pourcentage de travaux effectués, tel que déterminé par des inspections ou des évaluations d'ingénieurs.
  • Coûts engagés : Les paiements sont basés sur les dépenses documentées du contractant, souvent utilisés lorsque des décompositions détaillées des coûts sont disponibles.
  • Achèvement de l'étape : Les paiements sont libérés à la réalisation d'étapes spécifiques, telles que l'achèvement des fondations ou l'installation du toit.

Avantages pour toutes les parties :

Les paiements d'avancement offrent une situation gagnant-gagnant pour le contractant et le maître d'ouvrage :

Avantages pour le contractant :

  • Amélioration du flux de trésorerie : Les paiements réguliers soulagent les contraintes financières, permettant au contractant de gérer les dépenses opérationnelles et d'investir dans des ressources.
  • Motivation accrue du projet : Sachant qu'ils seront rémunérés pour le travail effectué, les contractants sont plus susceptibles de prioriser l'achèvement dans les temps.
  • Réduction des risques : Les paiements d'avancement atténuent le risque de difficultés financières, encourageant les contractants à se concentrer sur le succès du projet.

Avantages pour le maître d'ouvrage :

  • Contrôle du projet : Les paiements d'avancement agissent comme un levier pour garantir le respect du calendrier et du budget du projet. Le maître d'ouvrage peut retenir des paiements si les progrès ne sont pas satisfaisants.
  • Transparence accrue : Le calendrier des paiements et les rapports d'avancement offrent une vision claire de l'état du projet, renforçant la responsabilisation.
  • Réduction des risques financiers : Les maîtres d'ouvrage ne paient que pour le travail effectué, minimisant le risque de payer pour un travail non effectué.

Considérations cruciales :

Bien que les paiements d'avancement soient bénéfiques, une planification minutieuse est essentielle :

  • Calendrier de paiement clairement défini : L'établissement d'un calendrier détaillé décrivant les étapes de paiement et les pourcentages correspondants est crucial pour éviter les litiges.
  • Rapports d'avancement détaillés : Des rapports d'avancement transparents et vérifiables, signés par les deux parties, garantissent des calculs de paiement précis.
  • Mécanismes de résolution des litiges : Une procédure claire pour la résolution des litiges de paiement doit être définie dans le contrat, minimisant les retards et les frictions.

En conclusion, les paiements d'avancement sont un outil indispensable pour la gestion de projets de construction complexes. En fournissant un cadre structuré pour des paiements réguliers liés à des progrès mesurables, ils favorisent un environnement collaboratif et financièrement durable, conduisant finalement à la réussite de l'achèvement du projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Progress Payments in Construction

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of progress payments in construction projects?

a) To ensure the contractor is paid a lump sum at the end of the project.


Incorrect. Progress payments are made periodically throughout the project, not in a lump sum at the end.

b) To provide a steady flow of funds to the contractor based on work completed.


Correct! Progress payments are designed to ensure regular cash flow for the contractor based on achieved milestones.

c) To incentivize the owner to complete the project quickly.


Incorrect. Progress payments are primarily focused on the contractor's financial needs and project progress.

d) To reduce the risk for the owner by delaying payment until the project is finished.


Incorrect. Progress payments are designed to manage risk for both the owner and the contractor, not just the owner.

2. Which of these is NOT a common method for determining progress payment amounts?

a) Percentage of work completed.


Incorrect. This is a very common method for calculating progress payments.

b) Cost incurred by the contractor.


Incorrect. This is another common method, especially when detailed cost breakdowns are available.

c) Milestone completion.


Incorrect. This is also a common approach, tying payments to specific stages of the project.

d) The contractor's profit margin.


Correct! Progress payments are typically based on work completed, not the contractor's overall profit margin.

3. What is a key benefit of progress payments for the contractor?

a) Reduced liability for project delays.


Incorrect. While progress payments can indirectly help with delays, their primary benefit for the contractor is financial stability.

b) Increased control over the project's budget.


Incorrect. The owner typically has more control over the budget through progress payments.

c) Improved cash flow and financial stability.


Correct! Progress payments ensure the contractor receives regular funds, which improves cash flow and financial stability.

d) Guaranteed project completion within the agreed timeframe.


Incorrect. While progress payments can incentivize timely completion, they don't guarantee it.

4. How do progress payments benefit the project owner?

a) They allow the owner to pay a fixed price regardless of project progress.


Incorrect. Progress payments are not about fixed prices, but about paying for work completed.

b) They provide the owner with a greater control over the project's budget and schedule.


Correct! Progress payments give the owner leverage to ensure the project stays on track and within budget.

c) They ensure the contractor completes the project within a specific timeframe.


Incorrect. Progress payments incentivize timely completion but don't guarantee it.

d) They eliminate the need for detailed progress reports.


Incorrect. Detailed progress reports are crucial for accurate progress payment calculations.

5. What is essential for avoiding disputes related to progress payments?

a) A clear and detailed contract outlining payment schedules, milestones, and dispute resolution procedures.


Correct! A well-defined contract with clear terms is crucial for preventing payment-related conflicts.

b) The contractor's willingness to accept the owner's decisions regarding payment.


Incorrect. While cooperation is important, the contract should define fair and objective procedures for payment calculations.

c) The owner's willingness to make payments regardless of progress.


Incorrect. Progress payments are based on achieved milestones, not on unconditional payments.

d) The use of a single, standardized method for calculating progress payments.


Incorrect. Different methods can be suitable depending on the project's nature and requirements.


Scenario: You are a project manager overseeing the construction of a new office building. The contract with the contractor includes progress payments based on the percentage of work completed. The project is divided into four phases:

  • Phase 1: Foundation and Site Preparation (20% of total work)
  • Phase 2: Structural Framing (30% of total work)
  • Phase 3: Roofing and Exterior Finishes (30% of total work)
  • Phase 4: Interior Finishes and Site Clean-up (20% of total work)

The project's total budget is $5,000,000.


  • Create a schedule outlining the progress payment milestones and the corresponding amounts for each phase.
  • Consider any potential challenges that could arise with progress payments in this project and how you would address them.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here's a sample schedule and considerations for this project:

**Progress Payment Schedule:**

PhaseMilestonePercentage of WorkPayment Amount
Phase 1Foundation and Site Preparation Complete20%$1,000,000 (20% of $5,000,000)
Phase 2Structural Framing Complete50% (20% + 30%)$2,500,000 (50% of $5,000,000)
Phase 3Roofing and Exterior Finishes Complete80% (50% + 30%)$4,000,000 (80% of $5,000,000)
Phase 4Project Completion (Including Final Inspection)100%$5,000,000 (Final Payment)

**Potential Challenges and Solutions:**

  • Disputes over Work Completion: Ensure clear definitions of what constitutes "completion" for each phase in the contract. Include detailed checklists and inspection procedures to avoid subjective interpretations.
  • Delayed Inspections: Establish a timeframe for inspections and clearly outline consequences for delays. Include provisions for expedited reviews if necessary.
  • Changes in Scope: Use a change order process for any modifications to the project scope. Ensure that any changes are documented, priced, and approved by both parties.
  • Material Shortages or Delays: Consider including clauses in the contract that address unforeseen delays due to factors beyond the contractor's control. This may involve adjusting payment schedules or extending deadlines.

It's crucial to remember that this is a simplified example. Real-world project schedules and payment plans will likely be more complex and may incorporate specific details related to the nature of the construction project, local regulations, and the agreed-upon contractual terms.


  • Construction Contracts: Law and Practice (7th Edition) by John Murphy and Anthony Taylor: Covers various aspects of construction contracts, including progress payments, with in-depth analysis of legal frameworks and practical considerations.
  • Construction Project Management by Robert J. Hinze: This comprehensive guide provides insights into project management, including detailed explanations of progress payment systems and their implementation.
  • The Construction Manager's Handbook by William A. Anacker: A practical resource for construction managers, offering detailed guidance on project planning, execution, and contract management, including sections on progress payments.


  • "Progress Payments in Construction Contracts: A Guide for Contractors and Owners" by [Author Name] (Journal Name, Publication Date): You can search for recent articles on this topic in relevant industry journals like "Construction Management and Economics" or "Journal of Construction Engineering and Management."
  • "Progress Payments: A Key Element of Construction Project Financing" by [Author Name] (Online Publication, Publication Date): Explore reputable online publications like Construction Dive, Engineering News-Record (ENR), or the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for insightful articles on this topic.

Online Resources

  • Construction Industry Institute (CII): This organization offers resources and research on various aspects of construction, including contract management and payment systems. Look for relevant publications or case studies related to progress payments on their website.
  • American Bar Association (ABA): The ABA's website provides resources for legal professionals, including information on construction contracts, payment provisions, and legal issues surrounding progress payments.
  • US Department of Labor: The DOL website has resources for construction workers and employers, including information on wage and hour laws, which may be relevant for understanding payment practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "progress payments," try searching for "progress payments construction contract," "progress payments schedule," or "progress payment formula" to refine your results.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Include keywords like "construction," "contract," "project management," or specific types of construction projects to narrow down the search.
  • Use quotation marks: For specific phrases like "payment milestones," put them in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Filter results: Use filters like "publication date," "source type" (e.g., websites, articles, blogs), or "language" to refine your search and find the most relevant information.


Progress Payments: A Comprehensive Guide

Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating Progress Payments

Progress payments are crucial for maintaining healthy cash flow in construction projects. Accurate and fair calculation is essential for preventing disputes and fostering a positive working relationship between owner and contractor. Several techniques exist, each with its strengths and weaknesses:

1. Percentage of Completion: This is the most common method. It involves assessing the percentage of work completed based on inspections, engineering assessments, or a combination of both. The complexity lies in accurately determining the percentage complete for different aspects of the project. Some projects lend themselves more easily to this method than others. For example, a simple building might be easier to assess than a complex infrastructure project.

2. Cost Incurred: This approach bases payments on the documented expenses incurred by the contractor. Detailed cost breakdowns are necessary, and rigorous record-keeping is paramount. It requires trust and transparency between the parties and may necessitate regular audits to ensure the accuracy of reported costs. While seemingly straightforward, accounting for indirect costs and overhead can be complex.

3. Milestone Completion: Payments are tied to the achievement of specific, pre-defined milestones. This approach works well for projects with clearly identifiable phases. However, it may not adequately reflect the continuous nature of work between milestones, potentially leading to cash flow challenges for the contractor during periods without milestone achievement.

4. Hybrid Approaches: Often, a combination of these methods offers the most robust solution. For example, a project might use milestone payments for major phases and percentage of completion for work within each phase. This hybrid approach provides flexibility and can better reflect the unique characteristics of a specific project.

Chapter 2: Models for Progress Payment Structures

The structure of progress payment arrangements significantly impacts the financial dynamics of a construction project. Several models exist, each offering unique benefits and drawbacks:

1. Fixed-Price Contract with Progress Payments: This model involves a predetermined total contract price, with payments released periodically based on progress. It offers certainty for the owner in terms of total cost but requires careful planning and monitoring to avoid disputes over payment calculations.

2. Cost-Plus Contract with Progress Payments: In this model, the contractor is reimbursed for actual costs plus a predetermined fee or markup. Progress payments are typically made based on costs incurred. This provides more flexibility for the contractor but exposes the owner to potentially higher overall costs.

3. Unit Price Contract with Progress Payments: This approach sets a price per unit of work (e.g., per square foot of concrete poured). Payments are made based on the number of units completed. It's suitable for projects with well-defined units of work but may not adequately account for unforeseen changes or complexities.

4. Target Cost Contract with Progress Payments: This combines elements of fixed-price and cost-plus contracts. A target cost is established, and payments are made based on progress towards that target. Incentives or penalties might be included to motivate efficient cost management.

Chapter 3: Software for Managing Progress Payments

Efficient management of progress payments relies heavily on appropriate software solutions. Various software packages can streamline the process, reducing administrative burden and enhancing accuracy:

1. Construction Management Software: Many comprehensive construction management platforms incorporate modules for progress payment management. These often include features for creating payment schedules, tracking progress, generating reports, and managing approvals. Examples include Procore, PlanGrid, and Autodesk BIM 360.

2. Accounting Software: Accounting software can be used to track costs, generate invoices, and reconcile payments. Integration with construction management software can further streamline the process. Examples include Xero and QuickBooks.

3. Spreadsheet Software: While less sophisticated, spreadsheets can be used for basic progress payment tracking, particularly for smaller projects. However, they may lack the robust features and reporting capabilities of dedicated construction management software.

4. Specialized Progress Payment Software: Some specialized software solutions cater specifically to the complexities of progress payment management, often providing features for dispute resolution and automated reporting.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Progress Payment Management

Successfully implementing progress payment systems requires adherence to best practices that minimize disputes and ensure fairness:

1. Clear Contractual Agreements: The contract should explicitly define the payment schedule, methods of calculating progress, procedures for submitting and approving progress reports, and mechanisms for dispute resolution. Ambiguity should be avoided at all costs.

2. Detailed Progress Reports: Comprehensive and verifiable progress reports are crucial. These should include photographic evidence, detailed descriptions of completed work, and signed-off certifications from relevant parties.

3. Regular Communication: Open communication between the owner and contractor throughout the process is vital for addressing concerns promptly and avoiding misunderstandings.

4. Timely Payments: Adherence to the agreed-upon payment schedule is essential for maintaining a healthy contractor-owner relationship.

5. Independent Verification: Independent verification of progress by a qualified third party (e.g., a consultant or engineer) can provide an unbiased assessment and help resolve disputes.

6. Retention: Including a retention percentage in each payment can provide financial security for the owner, ensuring funds are available to address any defects or incomplete work discovered after project completion.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Progress Payment Implementation

This chapter would present real-world examples of progress payment implementation across various project types and scales. Each case study would highlight the chosen techniques and models, challenges faced, successful strategies implemented, and lessons learned. The examples would demonstrate the diverse applications of progress payment systems and the importance of tailoring the approach to the specific project context. For example, a case study could focus on a large-scale infrastructure project using a hybrid payment model and a detailed progress reporting system, or a smaller residential project using a simpler milestone-based system. A focus on both successful and less successful implementations would provide valuable insights.

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