Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Progress Date

Progress Date

Date d'avancement : Un outil crucial pour le suivi et les prévisions de projet

Dans le monde dynamique de la gestion de projet, un suivi et des prévisions précis sont essentiels pour le succès. Un aspect souvent négligé mais crucial de ce processus est la **date d'avancement**, un point dans le temps désigné utilisé pour évaluer l'avancement du projet et recalibrer les estimations futures.

**Comprendre la date d'avancement**

La date d'avancement est simplement la date choisie comme base pour évaluer l'avancement du projet. Elle sert d'instantané dans le temps, permettant aux chefs de projet d'évaluer l'état du projet et de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant le travail restant.

**Pourquoi la date d'avancement est-elle importante ?**

  • **Évaluation précise de l'avancement :** La date d'avancement fournit un point de référence clair pour mesurer le travail effectué par rapport à l'avancement prévu. Cela aide à identifier les retards potentiels, les goulots d'étranglement et les domaines nécessitant une attention particulière.
  • **Prévisions réalistes :** En utilisant la date d'avancement, les chefs de projet peuvent estimer plus précisément l'effort restant et la durée pour terminer le projet. Ceci est réalisé en tenant compte du travail déjà effectué, de tout changement ou écart par rapport au plan initial, et de la disponibilité actuelle des ressources.
  • **Prise de décision éclairée :** Avec une image claire de l'avancement du projet, les parties prenantes peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées concernant l'allocation des ressources, les ajustements budgétaires et les risques potentiels.
  • **Transparence et responsabilité :** Une date d'avancement désignée améliore la transparence et la responsabilité en fournissant un cadre structuré pour les mises à jour de l'avancement et les évaluations de performance.

**Comment utiliser efficacement la date d'avancement**

  • **Mises à jour régulières :** Établissez un calendrier cohérent pour examiner l'avancement du projet et mettre à jour la date d'avancement. Cela peut être hebdomadaire, bihebdomadaire ou mensuel en fonction de la complexité et du calendrier du projet.
  • **Évaluation cohérente :** Toutes les estimations, y compris les durées restantes et l'effort pour terminer, doivent être évaluées conformément à la date d'avancement. Cela garantit une approche unifiée de la prévision du projet.
  • **Collaboration et communication :** Impliquez toutes les parties prenantes dans le processus de définition et de révision de la date d'avancement. Une communication ouverte garantit que tout le monde est sur la même longueur d'onde et peut contribuer à des estimations précises.


La date d'avancement est un outil simple mais puissant pour une gestion de projet efficace. En établissant un point de référence clair pour l'évaluation de l'avancement, elle facilite les prévisions réalistes, la prise de décision éclairée et une plus grande transparence tout au long du cycle de vie du projet. En intégrant la date d'avancement dans votre processus de planification et d'ordonnancement de projet, vous pouvez obtenir une compréhension plus claire de l'état actuel de votre projet, apporter les ajustements nécessaires et, en fin de compte, augmenter les chances de réussite.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Progress Date

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Progress Date in project management?

a) To track the project's budget. b) To determine the project's start date. c) To assess the project's current progress and make future estimations. d) To identify potential risks and issues.


c) To assess the project's current progress and make future estimations.

2. Why is the Progress Date important for realistic forecasting?

a) It allows for the inclusion of unexpected delays. b) It provides a clear reference point for measuring completed work against planned progress. c) It helps in identifying potential risks and issues. d) It ensures transparency and accountability.


b) It provides a clear reference point for measuring completed work against planned progress.

3. How frequently should the Progress Date be reviewed and updated?

a) Once a month b) Bi-weekly c) Weekly d) Depends on the project's complexity and timeline.


d) Depends on the project's complexity and timeline.

4. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using the Progress Date?

a) More accurate progress evaluation. b) Improved stakeholder communication. c) Increased project budget. d) Informed decision-making.


c) Increased project budget.

5. What is the most crucial aspect of using the Progress Date effectively?

a) Using a specific date format. b) Consistent assessment of estimations. c) Using a specific progress reporting tool. d) Identifying potential risks and issues.


b) Consistent assessment of estimations.

Exercise: Applying the Progress Date

Scenario: You are managing a software development project with a planned completion date of December 1st. You have chosen September 1st as your initial Progress Date. As of September 1st, 60% of the coding tasks are complete, and the design phase is finished.


  1. Based on the current progress, estimate the remaining effort and duration for completing the project.
  2. Identify any potential risks or issues that could impact the project timeline.
  3. Discuss how the Progress Date can be used to communicate progress effectively with the stakeholders.

Exercice Correction

**1. Estimation of Remaining Effort and Duration:** * **Coding:** Since 60% is complete, 40% remains. Assuming coding tasks were evenly distributed, it's reasonable to expect the remaining coding to take approximately 66.67% of the original coding duration. * **Other Tasks:** The remaining tasks (testing, documentation, etc.) need to be estimated based on their initial planned duration and the current progress. * **Duration:** Combine the remaining coding duration with estimates for other tasks to determine the overall remaining project duration. **2. Potential Risks and Issues:** * **Unforeseen Delays:** There might be unexpected technical challenges or resource availability issues. * **Scope Creep:** New features or changes in requirements could extend the project timeline. * **Team Performance:** If team members are not working at the expected pace, it could impact the overall completion time. **3. Communication with Stakeholders:** * **Regular Updates:** Use the Progress Date as a baseline for providing regular progress updates to stakeholders. * **Transparent Reporting:** Clearly communicate the percentage of work completed, remaining effort, and any potential risks or issues affecting the project timeline. * **Collaboration:** Engage stakeholders in discussions about the Progress Date, allowing for open communication and adjustments based on feedback.


  • "Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling" by Harold Kerzner: This classic text covers project management principles, including earned value management (EVM) which uses performance measurements to assess project progress against planned schedules.
  • "The Project Management Institute Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)" by Project Management Institute: This definitive guide provides a comprehensive overview of project management methodologies, including techniques for planning, scheduling, and controlling projects.
  • "Agile Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide" by James P. Lewis: This book focuses on agile methodologies, emphasizing iterative development and continuous improvement, where progress is assessed frequently and adjusted based on real-time data.


  • "The Importance of Earned Value Management in Project Management" by This article explains how EVM can be used to track project progress, identify potential risks, and forecast future outcomes.
  • "How to Use Earned Value Management to Improve Project Performance" by PM Solutions: This article provides practical guidance on implementing EVM in projects, including the steps involved in calculating EV, AC, and SV.
  • "The Key Benefits of Agile Project Management" by This article highlights the benefits of agile project management, emphasizing its flexibility, adaptability, and focus on continuous improvement.

Online Resources

  • This website offers a wealth of information on project management, including articles, tools, and templates.
  • PM Institute: The official website of the Project Management Institute provides resources for professionals, including certifications, standards, and best practices.
  • PMI Global: This website offers a range of resources for project managers, including training courses, certifications, and industry news.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of "Progress Date," try searching for terms like "project progress tracking," "earned value management," "project performance measurement," "project forecasting," or "agile project management."
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations of keywords to narrow down your search results, for example, "earned value management project tracking" or "agile project management progress monitoring."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks will ensure that Google searches for the exact phrase, for example, "project progress tracking tools."
  • Filter your search: Use Google's search filters to refine your search results by date, language, and source.
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