Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Program Status Date

Program Status Date

Date d'État du Programme : Maintenir les Programmes Pétroliers et Gaziers sur la Bonne Voie

Dans le monde dynamique du pétrole et du gaz, suivre l'avancement des projets est primordial. C'est là que la **Date d'État du Programme (DEP)** joue un rôle crucial.

**Qu'est-ce qu'une Date d'État du Programme ?**

La Date d'État du Programme est un point temporel spécifique désigné pour collecter et évaluer l'état de toutes les activités au sein d'un programme pétrolier et gazier donné. Cette date sert de **photographie instantanée** de l'avancement du programme, capturant tous les travaux achevés, les activités en cours et tout défi ou retard potentiel.

**Pourquoi la DEP est-elle importante ?**

La DEP est essentielle pour plusieurs raisons :

  • **Responsabilité :** Elle fournit un point de référence clair contre lequel l'avancement du programme peut être mesuré.
  • **Transparence :** Elle garantit que toutes les parties prenantes, y compris la direction, les investisseurs et les organismes de réglementation, ont accès aux mêmes informations sur l'état du programme.
  • **Prise de Décision :** Les données recueillies sur la DEP permettent de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant l'allocation des ressources, l'atténuation des risques et les ajustements potentiels du calendrier ou du budget du programme.
  • **Identification des Problèmes :** En analysant les données collectées sur la DEP, les problèmes potentiels peuvent être identifiés tôt, ce qui permet de prendre des mesures correctives en temps opportun.

**Comment la DEP est-elle utilisée ?**

La DEP est généralement utilisée en conjonction avec un rapport d'état du programme complet. Ce rapport peut inclure :

  • **Résumé des Principaux Objectifs du Programme :** Un bref aperçu des objectifs et des produits livrables du programme.
  • **Mises à Jour de l'Avancement :** Un compte rendu détaillé des activités achevées et en cours, y compris les jalons atteints et les défis rencontrés.
  • **Performance Financière :** Un examen du budget du programme, des dépenses réelles et de toute variation.
  • **Évaluation des Risques :** Identification et évaluation des risques potentiels, y compris les stratégies d'atténuation.
  • **Prévisions et Projections :** Projections pour les activités futures, les échéances et les résultats potentiels.

**Fréquence de la DEP :**

La fréquence de la DEP peut varier en fonction de la taille, de la complexité et de la criticité du programme. Pour les projets de grande envergure, elle peut être établie mensuellement ou même hebdomadairement. Pour les programmes plus petits ou moins complexes, des DEP trimestrielles ou semestrielles peuvent suffire.

**Conclusion :**

La Date d'État du Programme est un outil essentiel pour gérer et surveiller efficacement les programmes pétroliers et gaziers. En fournissant une photographie instantanée régulière de l'avancement du programme, la DEP garantit la responsabilité, la transparence et la prise de décision éclairée. Cela contribue en fin de compte à la mise en œuvre réussie de ces projets complexes et souvent à enjeux élevés.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Program Status Date (PSD)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Program Status Date (PSD)?

a) To track the number of employees working on a project. b) To record the completion date of a project. c) To provide a snapshot of the progress of an oil & gas program at a specific point in time. d) To finalize the budget for an oil & gas project.


c) To provide a snapshot of the progress of an oil & gas program at a specific point in time.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a PSD?

a) Improved accountability. b) Increased transparency. c) Simplified project planning. d) Enhanced decision-making.


c) Simplified project planning.

3. What kind of information is typically included in a program status report associated with a PSD?

a) Contact information for project stakeholders. b) A summary of key program objectives, progress updates, financial performance, risk assessment, and forecasts. c) A detailed history of all project changes. d) A list of all equipment used in the project.


b) A summary of key program objectives, progress updates, financial performance, risk assessment, and forecasts.

4. The frequency of PSDs is determined by:

a) The size of the project team. b) The budget allocated to the project. c) The project's complexity and criticality. d) The location of the project.


c) The project's complexity and criticality.

5. What is the main advantage of using the PSD to identify potential problems?

a) It allows for immediate problem resolution. b) It provides a clear timeline for problem resolution. c) It facilitates the identification of problems early on, enabling timely corrective actions. d) It reduces the overall cost of the project.


c) It facilitates the identification of problems early on, enabling timely corrective actions.

Exercise: PSD Scenario

Scenario: You are the project manager for a large-scale oil & gas exploration project. The PSD for the project is scheduled for the end of the month. You have received reports from various project teams highlighting the following:

  • Drilling Team: Achieved all drilling targets for the month, but experienced delays due to unexpected geological conditions.
  • Exploration Team: Successfully completed seismic surveys and identified a potential new oil field.
  • Environmental Team: Obtained all necessary permits for the drilling operation, but encountered challenges in securing permits for the planned pipeline construction.


1. Prepare a brief summary for the program status report based on the information provided. 2. Identify any potential risks or challenges based on the reports. 3. Suggest possible actions to address these risks or challenges.

Exercice Correction

**1. Program Status Report Summary:** * **Drilling Team:** Completed all drilling targets for the month, but experienced delays due to unexpected geological conditions. This may impact the overall project timeline. * **Exploration Team:** Successfully completed seismic surveys and identified a potential new oil field. This is a significant success for the project. * **Environmental Team:** Obtained all necessary permits for the drilling operation but encountered challenges in securing permits for the planned pipeline construction. This could delay the project's next phase. **2. Potential Risks/Challenges:** * **Drilling Delays:** Unexpected geological conditions may lead to further delays and increased costs. * **Pipeline Permit Delays:** Challenges in securing pipeline permits could significantly delay the project's overall completion. **3. Actions to Address Risks/Challenges:** * **Drilling Delays:** Conduct a detailed analysis of the geological challenges. Implement mitigation strategies to minimize future delays. * **Pipeline Permit Delays:** Engage with regulatory agencies to understand the reasons for the delays. Explore alternative pipeline routes or solutions to accelerate the permit process. This exercise demonstrates how the PSD helps identify potential problems and allows proactive measures to be taken to address them.


  • Project Management for Oil & Gas: A Practical Guide by Chris Hendrickson: This book provides comprehensive insights into project management practices in the oil and gas industry, including sections on tracking progress and using status reports.
  • Project Management Institute's A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide): While this is a general project management resource, it offers valuable information on project reporting, scheduling, and tracking progress, which are relevant to the PSD concept.


  • "The Importance of Project Status Reporting in the Oil & Gas Industry" (Search online for similar articles): These articles discuss the significance of project status reporting in the oil and gas sector, highlighting the role of the PSD in ensuring transparency and informed decision-making.
  • "Best Practices for Managing Oil & Gas Projects" (Search online for similar articles): These articles often cover best practices for project management, including the use of status dates and reports for effective progress monitoring.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website offers a wealth of information about project management, including best practices for reporting and tracking project progress, which are applicable to PSD.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website provides resources related to oil and gas project management, including papers and presentations that may discuss the use of PSD in project reporting.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching online, include keywords such as "Program Status Date," "PSD," "Oil & Gas Project Management," "Project Reporting," and "Progress Tracking."
  • Combine keywords: Use a combination of these keywords to narrow down your search results and focus on the specific aspect of PSD you are interested in.
  • Filter by publication date: When using Google Scholar or other research platforms, filter by publication date to find the most up-to-date resources on PSD.
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