Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Probability of Occurrence

Probability of Occurrence

Débloquer la puissance de la "Probabilité d'occurrence" en gestion de projet

Dans le monde de la gestion de projet, naviguer dans l'incertitude est une réalité incontournable. Un des outils clés utilisés pour gérer cette incertitude est la **Gestion des risques**, qui consiste à identifier, analyser et répondre aux menaces et opportunités potentielles. Un aspect crucial de ce processus est la **Quantification des risques**, où nous attribuons des valeurs numériques à l'impact potentiel des risques. Et au cœur de cette quantification se trouve le concept de **Probabilité d'occurrence**.

La **Probabilité d'occurrence** représente la probabilité qu'un événement de risque spécifique se matérialise réellement au cours du cycle de vie du projet. Elle est exprimée en pourcentage, 0% indiquant un événement impossible et 100% signifiant un événement certain de se produire.

**Comprendre l'importance**

La Probabilité d'occurrence est l'un des trois facteurs fondamentaux utilisés pour calculer le **niveau de risque global** d'un projet, aux côtés de :

  • **Évènement de risque :** Il décrit l'événement ou la situation spécifique qui pourrait avoir un impact négatif sur le projet.
  • **Montant en jeu :** Il quantifie l'impact potentiel de l'événement de risque. Il peut s'agir d'un impact financier, temporel ou lié à la qualité du projet, par exemple.

**Exemple :**

Imaginons qu'un projet soit confronté au risque de **retards de fournisseurs** (Évènement de risque). L'équipe estime la **Probabilité d'occurrence** à **30%** (ce qui signifie qu'il y a 30% de chances que le fournisseur retarde la livraison). De plus, le **Montant en jeu** est estimé à **10 000 $** de dépassements de coûts potentiels.

En multipliant la Probabilité d'occurrence (30%) et le Montant en jeu (10 000 $), nous obtenons un **Impact du risque** de **3 000 $**. Cela permet à l'équipe de comprendre la conséquence financière potentielle de ce risque spécifique et de prioriser les stratégies d'atténuation en conséquence.

**Détermination de la probabilité :**

Déterminer la Probabilité d'occurrence nécessite une combinaison d'expérience, de données historiques et de jugement éclairé. Voici quelques techniques utiles :

  • **Opinions d'experts :** Consulter des chefs de projet expérimentés ou des experts en la matière pour obtenir leurs évaluations.
  • **Données historiques :** Analyser les projets passés pour des risques similaires et évaluer leur fréquence d'occurrence.
  • **Analyse quantitative :** Utiliser des modèles statistiques ou des distributions de probabilité pour estimer la probabilité en fonction des données disponibles.
  • **Brainstorming et technique Delphi :** Impliquer les parties prenantes dans des sessions collaboratives pour générer et affiner les estimations de probabilité.

**Pourquoi c'est important :**

Comprendre la Probabilité d'occurrence est crucial pour :

  • **Prioriser les risques :** Se concentrer sur les risques ayant une probabilité d'occurrence plus élevée et un impact significatif.
  • **Développer des stratégies d'atténuation :** Mettre en œuvre des actions préventives pour réduire la probabilité que les risques se matérialisent ou atténuer l'impact s'ils se produisent.
  • **Communication des risques :** Communiquer efficacement les risques potentiels et leur impact aux parties prenantes.
  • **Prise de décision :** Prendre des décisions éclairées concernant la planification du projet, l'allocation des ressources et la planification d'urgence.

**En conclusion :**

La Probabilité d'occurrence est un facteur crucial dans la quantification des risques et un outil essentiel pour naviguer dans l'incertitude en gestion de projet. En évaluant avec précision la probabilité des événements de risque, les équipes peuvent prendre des décisions éclairées, prioriser les stratégies d'atténuation et, en fin de compte, augmenter la probabilité de réussite du projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Power of "Probability of Occurrence" in Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the "Probability of Occurrence" represent in risk management?

a) The potential impact of a risk event. b) The likelihood of a specific risk event happening. c) The cost associated with mitigating a risk. d) The overall risk level of a project.


b) The likelihood of a specific risk event happening.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor used to calculate the overall risk level of a project?

a) Risk Event b) Probability of Occurrence c) Amount at Stake d) Risk Mitigation Strategy


d) Risk Mitigation Strategy

3. A project manager estimates the Probability of Occurrence of a supplier delay to be 20%. What does this mean?

a) The supplier is certain to delay delivery. b) There is a 20% chance the supplier will delay delivery. c) The supplier will definitely deliver on time. d) There is a 80% chance the supplier will delay delivery.


b) There is a 20% chance the supplier will delay delivery.

4. Which of the following is a technique for determining the Probability of Occurrence?

a) Using a project schedule to identify potential delays. b) Analyzing historical data from previous projects with similar risks. c) Asking the client for their opinion on the likelihood of risks. d) All of the above.


b) Analyzing historical data from previous projects with similar risks.

5. Why is understanding the Probability of Occurrence important in project management?

a) It helps to identify potential risks. b) It helps to prioritize risks based on their likelihood and impact. c) It helps to develop effective mitigation strategies. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Risk Assessment Scenario

Scenario: You are managing a software development project. One of the identified risks is a "Delay in obtaining necessary software licenses."


  1. Estimate the Probability of Occurrence for this risk. Consider factors such as the complexity of the licensing process, availability of licenses, and historical data from similar projects.
  2. Determine the Amount at Stake if the license delay occurs. Consider the potential impact on project schedule, budget, and overall project success.
  3. Calculate the Risk Impact based on your estimated Probability of Occurrence and Amount at Stake.
  4. Develop a Mitigation Strategy to address this risk. Consider strategies that could reduce the likelihood of the delay or mitigate the impact if it occurs.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample solution. Your answers may vary depending on your assumptions and analysis.

1. Probability of Occurrence:
* Assume a moderate likelihood of delay due to complex licensing process, and limited availability of licenses. * Estimated Probability of Occurrence: 40%

2. Amount at Stake:
* A delay could cause: * 2 weeks delay in project schedule. * $5,000 in additional costs for project staff. * Potential loss of client satisfaction due to delayed delivery. * Estimated Amount at Stake: $7,000

3. Risk Impact:
* Risk Impact = Probability of Occurrence x Amount at Stake * Risk Impact = 40% x $7,000 = $2,800

4. Mitigation Strategy:
* Preventive Actions: * Start the licensing process early to avoid last-minute delays. * Engage with licensing vendors to understand availability and potential timelines. * Secure alternative licensing options as a backup. * Contingency Plans: * Have a contingency plan in place for a delay, including potential schedule adjustments and resource reallocation. * Identify potential workarounds to address the delay, such as using open-source alternatives.


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide): This comprehensive guide, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), dedicates a section to risk management and includes extensive information on risk quantification and probability assessment.
  • Risk Management: A Practical Guide for Project Managers by David Hillson: This book offers practical guidance on integrating risk management into projects, with specific chapters on risk assessment and probability analysis.
  • The Project Manager's Pocket Guide to Risk Management by Michael S. W. Smith: This concise and accessible book provides practical insights and tools for project risk management, including sections on probability estimation and risk prioritization.


  • "Risk Management in Project Management" by James P. Lewis: This article provides a comprehensive overview of risk management, covering various aspects including risk identification, assessment, and response planning. It specifically addresses probability of occurrence as a key element of risk quantification.
  • "How to Calculate the Probability of Occurrence" by Project Management Institute: This article outlines different methods for calculating the probability of occurrence, including expert opinion, historical data analysis, and quantitative modeling.
  • "Understanding and Managing Risk in Projects" by This article discusses the significance of risk management in project success, emphasizing the importance of probability of occurrence in risk analysis and decision making.

Online Resources

  • This website offers a wealth of information on project management, including articles, tools, and resources on risk management. Search for "probability of occurrence" or "risk quantification" for relevant articles.
  • The official website of the Project Management Institute provides access to numerous resources on risk management, including publications, webinars, and certification programs.
  • Wikipedia: The Wikipedia entry on "Risk Management" provides a broad overview of the concept, including sections on risk assessment and probability analysis.

Search Tips

  • Specific terms: Use specific terms like "probability of occurrence project management," "risk quantification techniques," or "expert opinion risk assessment" to find relevant content.
  • Combine terms: Combine keywords like "probability" with specific risk categories, such as "probability of technology failure" or "probability of supplier delay," to narrow down your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "probability of occurrence" in quotation marks to ensure that your search results include those exact words.
  • Filter results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by date, website, or file type.
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