Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: PDM Finish to Start Relationship

PDM Finish to Start Relationship

PDM Fin de Tâche à Début de Tâche : Optimisation des Plannings de Projets dans le Pétrole et le Gaz

Dans le monde rapide et exigeant des projets pétroliers et gaziers, l'optimisation des délais est cruciale pour la rentabilité et l'efficacité. Les outils de gestion de projet, comme Primavera P6 (PDM), offrent un arsenal puissant de dépendances pour garantir que les activités du projet sont séquencées efficacement. Un type de dépendance, Fin de Tâche à Début de Tâche (FTDT), joue un rôle essentiel dans la rationalisation des plannings de projets.

Comprendre Fin de Tâche à Début de Tâche (FTDT) dans PDM

Une relation Fin de Tâche à Début de Tâche (FTDT) dans PDM indique qu'une activité successeure ne peut commencer qu'après l'achèvement de l'activité prédécesseure. Cette dépendance garantit un flux de travail logique et évite les retards dus au chevauchement ou au lancement prématuré des tâches.

Applications clés de FTDT dans les projets pétroliers et gaziers

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, les relations FTDT trouvent des applications diverses à travers différentes phases de projet, notamment :

  • Construction et Installation : L'installation d'un segment de pipeline (activité successeure) ne peut commencer qu'une fois que le segment précédent (activité prédécesseure) est entièrement soudé et inspecté.
  • Forage et Complétion : Le commencement des opérations de forage (successeure) dépend de l'achèvement de la préparation du puits (prédécesseure).
  • Production et Transformation : Le traitement du pétrole brut (successeure) ne peut commencer qu'après l'achèvement de l'extraction et du transport (prédécesseure).
  • Maintenance et Réparation : La réparation d'une vanne qui fuit (successeure) nécessite l'achèvement de l'arrêt du pipeline affecté (prédécesseure).

Avantages de l'utilisation de relations FTDT

  • Précision améliorée du planning : Les dépendances FTDT établissent une séquence claire des tâches, conduisant à des plannings de projets plus précis.
  • Réduction des retards : La prévention du chevauchement entre les activités minimise les retards et garantit une allocation efficace des ressources.
  • Visibilité accrue du projet : Des dépendances claires permettent aux parties prenantes de suivre la progression et d'identifier les goulets d'étranglement potentiels.
  • Gestion des risques améliorée : Les relations FTDT permettent une atténuation proactive des risques en mettant en évidence les retards potentiels et en permettant la planification d'urgence.

Mise en œuvre des relations FTDT dans PDM

Le logiciel PDM fournit des interfaces intuitives pour définir les relations FTDT :

  1. Définition des activités : Entrez toutes les activités du projet avec leurs durées prévues.
  2. Établissement des dépendances : Identifiez les activités qui dépendent de l'achèvement d'autres activités et définissez-les comme des relations FTDT.
  3. Suivi de la progression : Surveillez régulièrement la progression des activités et ajustez le planning en conséquence.


Les relations Fin de Tâche à Début de Tâche dans PDM sont cruciales pour optimiser les plannings de projets dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. En garantissant des dépendances logiques, les relations FTDT conduisent à une précision accrue, une réduction des retards, une visibilité améliorée et une meilleure gestion des risques, contribuant en fin de compte à la réussite de la livraison des projets.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: PDM Finish to Start

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does a Finish to Start (FS) relationship in PDM indicate?

a) The successor activity can start before the predecessor activity is completed.


Incorrect. This describes a Start to Start relationship.

b) The successor activity must start at the same time as the predecessor activity.

Incorrect. This describes a Start to Finish relationship.

c) The successor activity can only commence after the predecessor activity is completed.

Correct! This is the definition of a Finish to Start relationship.

d) The successor activity must finish before the predecessor activity can start.

Incorrect. This describes a Finish to Finish relationship.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of utilizing FS relationships in oil & gas projects?

a) Improved scheduling accuracy


Incorrect. This is a benefit of FS relationships.

b) Reduced delays

Incorrect. This is a benefit of FS relationships.

c) Increased project costs

Correct! FS relationships help optimize schedules, potentially leading to cost reduction, not increase.

d) Enhanced project visibility

Incorrect. This is a benefit of FS relationships.

3. In which of the following scenarios would an FS relationship be most appropriate?

a) Installing a new pump in a pipeline while the pipeline is still operational.


Incorrect. This scenario might require a Start to Finish relationship to ensure the pipeline remains operational during installation.

b) Ordering new drilling equipment before the existing equipment is decommissioned.

Incorrect. This scenario might require a Finish to Start relationship, but it's not the most appropriate given the lead time involved in ordering equipment.

c) Starting the drilling process after the wellhead preparation is complete.

Correct! This scenario clearly requires the predecessor activity (wellhead preparation) to be completed before the successor activity (drilling) can begin.

d) Performing maintenance on a pump during a scheduled shutdown.

Incorrect. This scenario might require a Start to Finish relationship to ensure the maintenance is completed before the pipeline resumes operation.

4. What is the first step in implementing FS relationships in PDM?

a) Establishing dependencies between activities.


Incorrect. This is a later step in the process.

b) Monitoring progress and adjusting the schedule.

Incorrect. This is a final step in the process.

c) Defining all project activities with their expected durations.

Correct! You need to define the activities before you can establish dependencies between them.

d) Selecting the appropriate PDM software.

Incorrect. This is a preliminary step, but not the first one in implementing FS relationships.

5. What is the primary benefit of using FS relationships in PDM for risk management?

a) Identifying potential bottlenecks and allowing for contingency planning.


Correct! FS relationships highlight potential delays, allowing for proactive risk mitigation.

b) Eliminating all risks associated with project scheduling.

Incorrect. While FS relationships help manage risks, they cannot eliminate all risks entirely.

c) Providing detailed financial forecasts for risk assessment.

Incorrect. While financial forecasts are important, they are not the primary benefit of FS relationships for risk management.

d) Ensuring that all project activities are completed on time.

Incorrect. While FS relationships improve scheduling accuracy, they cannot guarantee that all activities will be completed on time.

Exercise: PDM Finish to Start Application


You are managing a pipeline construction project. The project involves the following activities:

  1. Site preparation: 2 weeks
  2. Pipeline welding: 4 weeks
  3. Pipeline inspection: 1 week
  4. Pipeline coating: 2 weeks
  5. Backfilling: 1 week


Identify the appropriate Finish to Start (FS) relationships between these activities. Explain your reasoning for each relationship.

Exercice Correction

Here are the appropriate FS relationships and the reasoning:

  1. Site preparation (FS) Pipeline welding: You need to prepare the site before starting the welding.
  2. Pipeline welding (FS) Pipeline inspection: You must complete the welding before inspecting the pipeline.
  3. Pipeline inspection (FS) Pipeline coating: The inspection must be done before applying the coating.
  4. Pipeline coating (FS) Backfilling: The coating needs to be completed before backfilling the pipeline.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: A comprehensive text covering project management principles including scheduling and dependency relationships.
  • Primavera P6 for Project Managers: A Comprehensive Guide by John M. Nicholas: A practical guide to using Primavera P6 software, including a section on defining and managing dependencies.
  • Oil and Gas Project Management: A Practical Guide by Simon Jones: A resource focusing on project management best practices specific to the oil & gas industry.


  • The Importance of Finish-to-Start Dependencies in Project Scheduling by Project Management Institute (PMI): A general overview of the importance and benefits of using FS dependencies in project management.
  • Optimizing Project Schedules in Oil & Gas Through Effective Dependency Management by Forbes: An article exploring the role of dependency management, including FS relationships, in achieving successful project delivery in the oil & gas sector.
  • The Impact of Dependency Relationships on Project Performance by Project Management Journal: An academic research article exploring the relationship between dependency types, project complexity, and project performance.

Online Resources

  • Primavera P6 Official Documentation: The official documentation from Oracle (the provider of Primavera P6) includes detailed information on using the software, including sections on dependency management and FS relationships.
  • PMI (Project Management Institute): The PMI website provides resources and publications on various project management topics, including scheduling and dependencies.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) - Scheduling Management Knowledge Area: Provides a detailed overview of scheduling and dependency management concepts as part of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

Search Tips

  • "PDM Finish to Start Relationship" + "Oil & Gas": This search will provide articles and resources specifically focused on the use of FS relationships in PDM software within the oil & gas industry.
  • "Primavera P6 Dependency Management": This search will yield results on using Primavera P6 to manage project dependencies, including FS relationships.
  • "Project Scheduling Best Practices" + "Oil & Gas": This search will highlight articles discussing the best practices for project scheduling in the oil & gas industry, including dependency management.
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