Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Parent, in scheduling

Parent, in scheduling

Le parent dans la planification Pétrole & Gaz : La base de votre projet

Dans le monde complexe de la planification des projets pétroliers et gaziers, comprendre les relations entre les tâches est crucial pour une planification et une exécution efficaces. Un concept fondamental dans ce domaine est l'activité "Parent".

Comprendre le "Parent"

Une activité "Parent" dans la planification pétrolière et gazière sert de source à partir de laquelle une activité enfant est dérivée. Elle définit le précurseur ou le prédécesseur qui doit être terminé avant que l'activité enfant ne puisse commencer.

Imaginez-le comme une structure hiérarchique :

  • Activité Parent : La tâche "général", englobant souvent une portée de travail plus large.
  • Activité Enfant : Une tâche plus petite et plus concentrée qui relève de l'activité parent.

Exemple :

Imaginez un projet impliquant la construction d'un nouveau puits de pétrole. L'activité "Parent" pourrait être "Construction du puits", tandis que les activités "Enfant" pourraient inclure :

  • Forage du puits
  • Installation du tubage
  • Installation des tubages de production
  • Cimentage du puits

Chaque activité enfant dépend de la réussite de l'activité parent "Construction du puits".

Pourquoi l'activité Parent est-elle importante ?

  • Identification des dépendances : Elle permet d'identifier la séquence logique des tâches et garantit que les activités sont effectuées dans le bon ordre.
  • Allocation des ressources : Comprendre la relation parent-enfant permet une allocation plus précise des ressources, comme le personnel et l'équipement, aux bonnes tâches au bon moment.
  • Optimisation du planning : En établissant des dépendances claires, les logiciels de planification peuvent optimiser le calendrier du projet, minimiser les retards et maximiser l'efficacité.
  • Gestion des risques : Savoir quelles activités dépendent des autres permet une gestion proactive des risques en identifiant les goulets d'étranglement potentiels et en atténuant les problèmes potentiels dès le début.

Le rôle des logiciels de planification

Les outils logiciels spécialisés de planification pétrolière et gazière utilisent souvent une représentation graphique des relations parent-enfant, communément appelée diagramme de réseau. Cette représentation visuelle permet de comprendre clairement le flux du projet et les dépendances entre les activités.


Le concept "Parent" dans la planification pétrolière et gazière est fondamental pour créer un plan de projet complet et efficace. En comprenant les relations entre les activités et leurs dépendances, les chefs de projet peuvent optimiser l'allocation des ressources, minimiser les retards et garantir la réussite du projet.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Parent Activity in Oil & Gas Scheduling

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a "Parent" activity in oil & gas scheduling?

a) To provide a detailed breakdown of a specific task. b) To define the predecessor or precursor to a child activity. c) To allocate resources to individual tasks within a project. d) To track the progress of individual tasks within a project.


b) To define the predecessor or precursor to a child activity.

2. Which of the following best describes the relationship between a "Parent" and "Child" activity?

a) A "Child" activity is a separate and unrelated task from the "Parent" activity. b) A "Parent" activity is a detailed breakdown of a "Child" activity. c) A "Child" activity cannot begin until the "Parent" activity is complete. d) A "Parent" activity is a smaller task that contributes to a larger "Child" activity.


c) A "Child" activity cannot begin until the "Parent" activity is complete.

3. In a project to build a new oil refinery, which of these could be a "Parent" activity?

a) Installing a specific pump b) Welded a specific pipe c) Construction of the refinery d) Ordering specific construction materials


c) Construction of the refinery

4. Why is understanding the "Parent" activity crucial for resource allocation?

a) It allows for the scheduling of activities in a logical sequence. b) It helps determine the duration of each activity. c) It enables assigning the right resources to the right tasks at the right time. d) It helps identify potential risks associated with individual tasks.


c) It enables assigning the right resources to the right tasks at the right time.

5. What tool is commonly used to visually represent the relationships between "Parent" and "Child" activities in oil & gas scheduling?

a) Gantt Chart b) Network Diagram c) PERT Chart d) Flow Chart


b) Network Diagram

Exercise: Parent-Child Relationship in a Well Completion Project


You are the project manager for a well completion project. The following tasks are part of the project:

  • Parent Activity: Well Completion
  • Child Activities:
    • Run production tubing
    • Install downhole equipment
    • Test well flow rate
    • Commission well for production


  1. Identify the "Parent" activity and list all the "Child" activities.
  2. Draw a simple Network Diagram to visually represent the relationships between the activities. Use arrows to show the dependencies between activities.

Exercise Correction

**Parent Activity:** Well Completion **Child Activities:** * Run production tubing * Install downhole equipment * Test well flow rate * Commission well for production **Network Diagram:** ``` Well Completion ↓ Run production tubing ↓ Install downhole equipment ↓ Test well flow rate ↓ Commission well for production ```


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide by Robert D. Gray (covers project scheduling methodologies and the importance of task dependencies)
  • Oil and Gas Project Management by John A. Dutton (focuses on project planning and execution in the oil & gas industry)
  • The PMBOK Guide (Project Management Institute) - While a general project management guide, it covers scheduling principles and network diagrams relevant to the "Parent" concept


  • Understanding the Importance of Task Dependencies in Oil and Gas Project Scheduling by [Author Name] (search for relevant articles on industry websites or journals)
  • The Power of Network Diagrams in Oil and Gas Project Planning by [Author Name]
  • Optimizing Resource Allocation for Oil and Gas Projects: The Role of Dependencies by [Author Name]

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): - Offers resources and articles on project management, including scheduling and task dependencies.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - Provides information and publications relevant to oil and gas industry practices, including scheduling and project management.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: - Industry publication offering articles on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including project management and scheduling.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Parent activity oil and gas scheduling," "task dependencies oil and gas," "network diagram oil and gas," "project scheduling software oil and gas."
  • Combine keywords with industry-specific terms like "upstream," "downstream," "drilling," "production," "refining."
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches.
  • Explore advanced search operators like "site:" to restrict searches to specific websites (e.g.,
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