Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Extra Work Order

Extra Work Order

Bon de Travaux Supplémentaires : Un Outil Essentiel dans les Opérations Pétrolières et Gazières

Dans le monde trépidant et exigeant du pétrole et du gaz, la flexibilité et l'adaptabilité sont essentielles. Des situations surviennent où la portée initiale des travaux définie dans un ordre de mission doit être ajustée ou étendue. C'est là que le **Bon de Travaux Supplémentaires (BTS)** entre en jeu.

Description Sommaire :

Un Bon de Travaux Supplémentaires est un document officiel qui autorise et définit des travaux supplémentaires au-delà de la portée initiale d'un ordre de mission. C'est un outil crucial pour gérer les imprévus et assurer la continuité du projet.

Caractéristiques Clés d'un Bon de Travaux Supplémentaires :

  • Modification de l'Ordre de Mission : Les BTS modifient spécifiquement l'ordre de mission original, en ajoutant de nouvelles tâches, en modifiant des tâches existantes ou en étendant le calendrier du projet.
  • Justification Claire : Chaque BTS nécessite une justification claire et concise des travaux supplémentaires. Cela peut inclure des découvertes inattendues, des pannes d'équipement ou des changements dans les exigences réglementaires.
  • Portée des Travaux Détaillée : Le BTS doit définir clairement la portée des travaux supplémentaires, y compris les livrables, les délais et les ressources nécessaires.
  • Considérations de Coût et de Budget : Le BTS doit inclure des estimations de coûts détaillées pour les travaux supplémentaires, en s'assurant que les implications budgétaires sont comprises et approuvées.
  • Implications Contractuelles : Selon la nature du contrat, les BTS peuvent nécessiter des renégociations ou des amendements à l'accord initial.
  • Approbation Formelle : Les BTS sont soumis à un processus d'approbation formel, impliquant des parties prenantes telles que les chefs de projet, les ingénieurs et les services financiers.

Avantages de l'Utilisation des Bons de Travaux Supplémentaires :

  • Clarté et Contrôle : Les BTS offrent un cadre structuré pour gérer les changements et garantir la transparence dans les modifications de projet.
  • Gestion Financière : Les BTS aident à suivre et à contrôler les coûts associés aux travaux imprévus, empêchant les dépassements de budget.
  • Continuité du Projet : En gérant les changements et les défis de manière proactive, les BTS permettent aux projets de se poursuivre sans heurts malgré des situations inattendues.

Exemples d'Utilisation des Bons de Travaux Supplémentaires :

  • Conditions Géologiques Imprévues : Si les forages rencontrent des formations géologiques inattendues, un BTS peut autoriser des ajustements au plan de forage et mettre en œuvre des mesures de sécurité supplémentaires.
  • Panne d'Équipement : Si un équipement critique tombe en panne, un BTS peut autoriser l'achat et l'installation d'un équipement de remplacement, garantissant une minimisation des retards de projet.
  • Changements Réglementaires : Si de nouvelles réglementations sont introduites, un BTS peut incorporer les modifications nécessaires au projet, garantissant la conformité.

Conclusion :

Les Bons de Travaux Supplémentaires jouent un rôle essentiel dans la gestion de la nature dynamique des projets pétroliers et gaziers. En offrant un processus clair et structuré pour traiter les changements, les BTS contribuent à l'efficacité des projets, au contrôle des coûts et au succès global.

Test Your Knowledge

Extra Work Order Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of an Extra Work Order (EWO)? (a) To create a new project scope (b) To modify the original scope of work (c) To finalize project deliverables (d) To track project progress


The correct answer is **(b) To modify the original scope of work**.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of an Extra Work Order? (a) Clear justification for additional work (b) Detailed scope of work definition (c) Approval from all project stakeholders (d) Original project budget allocation


The correct answer is **(d) Original project budget allocation**. EWOs involve additional budget considerations, but they don't rely on the original project budget allocation.

3. What is a significant benefit of utilizing Extra Work Orders? (a) Eliminating all project risks (b) Simplifying project management processes (c) Maintaining project continuity despite unexpected situations (d) Avoiding all potential budget overruns


The correct answer is **(c) Maintaining project continuity despite unexpected situations**. EWOs help address changes and challenges, ensuring projects continue smoothly.

4. Which of the following situations would most likely require an Extra Work Order? (a) Completion of a project within the original timeline (b) Discovering a new oil deposit exceeding initial estimates (c) Implementing a new safety protocol for all projects (d) Achieving a project milestone on schedule


The correct answer is **(b) Discovering a new oil deposit exceeding initial estimates**. This unexpected discovery would necessitate adjustments to the project scope.

5. What is the role of contractual implications in the context of Extra Work Orders? (a) EWOs always require a complete renegotiation of the original contract (b) EWOs are always independent of the existing contract (c) EWOs may require contract amendments to reflect the changes (d) EWOs have no impact on the original contract


The correct answer is **(c) EWOs may require contract amendments to reflect the changes**. Depending on the nature of the contract, EWOs may need adjustments to the agreement.

Extra Work Order Exercise


A drilling project encounters unexpected geological formations requiring a change in drilling techniques. This change requires specialized equipment and extends the project timeline by two weeks.


  1. Identify the key information required for an Extra Work Order in this scenario.
  2. Explain the potential budget implications and how to address them.
  3. Outline the approval process for this EWO, considering relevant stakeholders.

Exercice Correction

**1. Key Information for EWO:** * **Justification:** Unexpected geological formations require a change in drilling techniques to ensure safety and efficient operation. * **Scope of Work:** Details of the new drilling technique, including equipment specifications, personnel requirements, and timeline adjustments. * **Cost Estimates:** Cost of specialized equipment, additional labor, and any potential delays. * **Timeline Impact:** Two-week extension to the original project timeline. * **Safety Considerations:** Any new safety protocols or procedures related to the changed drilling method. **2. Budget Implications:** * **Additional Equipment Costs:** The specialized equipment for the new drilling technique will incur additional expense. * **Labor Costs:** The extended timeline will require additional labor hours. * **Potential Delays:** The two-week delay might impact the overall project budget, requiring adjustments. **Addressing Budget Implications:** * **Cost Negotiations:** Negotiate with equipment suppliers and labor contractors to secure the best prices. * **Revised Budget Allocation:** Re-evaluate the project budget and reallocate funds to cover additional costs. * **Communication:** Clearly communicate the budget implications to stakeholders, including financial departments. **3. Approval Process:** * **Project Manager:** Initiate the EWO request, providing detailed information and justification. * **Engineering Team:** Review the technical aspects of the EWO, ensuring feasibility and safety. * **Finance Department:** Assess the budget implications and approve the necessary funds. * **Stakeholders:** Communicate the EWO and any related changes to relevant stakeholders, including the client.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: This comprehensive book covers various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including the importance of change management and the use of extra work orders.
  • Oil and Gas Construction Management: This book delves into the intricacies of construction management in the oil and gas sector, discussing the need for robust change control processes, like extra work orders.
  • Construction Contracts: A Practical Guide to the Law: This book offers valuable insights into contractual aspects related to extra work orders, helping understand legal implications and best practices.


  • "The Importance of Extra Work Orders in Oil & Gas Projects" by [Author Name]: This article would delve into the critical role of EWOs in managing project changes, highlighting their benefits and best practices.
  • "Change Management in Oil and Gas: A Guide to Successful Execution" by [Author Name]: This article would explore effective change management strategies, including the use of extra work orders, within the oil and gas context.
  • "Cost Control and Budget Management in Oil and Gas Projects: A Practical Approach" by [Author Name]: This article would analyze how EWOs contribute to better cost control and budget management in oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: This website offers a wealth of resources, articles, and case studies related to various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including project management and change control.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API) Website: The API provides valuable information on industry standards, best practices, and regulations related to oil and gas operations, including contract management and extra work orders.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication offers articles, news, and analyses covering various topics in the oil and gas sector, including project management and change control.

Search Tips

  • "Extra Work Order Oil & Gas": This search will retrieve results specifically related to the use of EWOs in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Change Management in Oil & Gas Projects": This search will lead to articles and resources discussing various change management practices, including the use of EWOs.
  • "Contract Management in Oil & Gas": This search will uncover information about contract management best practices in the oil and gas industry, relevant to understanding contractual aspects of EWOs.
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