Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Cost Estimation & Control: Estimate Based on Working Drawings

Estimate Based on Working Drawings

Estimation à partir des plans d'exécution : Plongez plus profondément dans les estimations de classe A

Lorsqu'il s'agit de projets à grande échelle, en particulier dans la construction, des estimations précises sont cruciales pour une prise de décision éclairée. Une **Estimation basée sur les plans d'exécution**, souvent appelée **Estimation de classe A**, est une ventilation détaillée des coûts dérivée de plans de construction complets et de spécifications. Cet article explore les subtilités des estimations de classe A, offrant une compréhension claire de leur rôle dans la gestion de projet.

Qu'est-ce qu'une estimation de classe A ?

Une estimation de classe A est une projection de coûts très détaillée basée sur les **plans d'exécution**, également appelés plans de construction. Ces plans constituent un plan directeur de l'ensemble du projet, décrivant chaque élément, des fondations aux finitions. Cette approche méticuleuse permet une analyse complète des matériaux, de la main-d'œuvre, des équipements et des éventuelles imprévus.

Pourquoi les estimations de classe A sont-elles essentielles ?

Les estimations de classe A sont essentielles pour diverses raisons :

  • Précision : En raison de la nature détaillée de l'analyse, ces estimations offrent la projection de coûts la plus précise possible aux premiers stades d'un projet.
  • Gestion des risques : L'identification précoce des dépassements de coûts possibles permet de mettre en œuvre de meilleures stratégies d'atténuation des risques, assurant une exécution plus fluide du projet.
  • Prise de décision éclairée : Ces estimations fournissent un cadre financier solide pour les parties prenantes, leur permettant de prendre des décisions éclairées concernant la faisabilité du projet, l'allocation du budget et les ajustements potentiels.
  • Négociation améliorée : Les estimations de classe A offrent une base solide pour les négociations avec les entrepreneurs, assurant un processus d'appel d'offres transparent et équitable.

Caractéristiques clés des estimations de classe A

  • Ventilation détaillée : Chaque élément du projet est analysé, y compris les matériaux, la main-d'œuvre, les équipements et même les éventuelles imprévus.
  • Basé sur les plans d'exécution : Ces estimations sont basées sur les plans d'exécution finalisés, assurant une compréhension approfondie de la portée et de la complexité du projet.
  • Expertise spécialisée : Les estimations de classe A nécessitent souvent la participation d'estimateurs expérimentés et de professionnels ayant une connaissance approfondie des coûts de construction.
  • Processus itératif : Le processus d'estimation est itératif, permettant des ajustements et des raffinements en fonction des nouvelles informations et des exigences évolutives du projet.

Exemple d'une estimation de classe A

Prenons l'exemple d'un projet de construction résidentielle. Une estimation de classe A décomposerait le coût de chaque composant, y compris :

  • Fondation : Béton, main-d'œuvre, coffrage, acier d'armature, etc.
  • Charpente : Bois d'œuvre, main-d'œuvre, contreplaqué, isolation, etc.
  • Toiture : Bardeaux, solins, sous-couche, main-d'œuvre, etc.
  • Finitions extérieures : Revêtement, fenêtres, portes, peinture, etc.
  • Finitions intérieures : Plancher, cloison sèche, peinture, armoires, etc.


Une estimation basée sur les plans d'exécution (estimation de classe A) est un outil puissant pour la gestion de projet. En fournissant une analyse de coûts détaillée et précise basée sur des plans finalisés, elle permet aux parties prenantes de prendre des décisions éclairées, d'atténuer les risques et, en fin de compte, d'atteindre un résultat de projet réussi. Son importance dans l'industrie de la construction et dans d'autres projets à grande échelle ne saurait être surestimée.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Estimating Based on Working Drawings (Class A Estimates)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary source of information for a Class A Estimate? a) Previous project budgets b) Contractor bids c) Working drawings d) Market research


c) Working drawings

2. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of a Class A Estimate? a) Detailed breakdown of project elements b) Based on preliminary sketches c) Specialized expertise required d) Iterative process


b) Based on preliminary sketches

3. Why are Class A Estimates considered vital for risk management? a) They guarantee project completion within budget. b) They identify potential cost overruns early on. c) They eliminate the need for contingencies. d) They predict future market fluctuations.


b) They identify potential cost overruns early on.

4. Which of the following is an example of an element that would be included in a Class A Estimate for a commercial building project? a) Cost of marketing materials b) Salary of the project manager c) Number of employees working on the project d) Quantity of concrete for the foundation


d) Quantity of concrete for the foundation

5. What is the main purpose of a Class A Estimate? a) To determine the profitability of a project. b) To secure funding for a project. c) To provide an accurate cost projection for a project. d) To finalize the project schedule.


c) To provide an accurate cost projection for a project.

Exercise: Class A Estimate Application

Scenario: You are tasked with creating a preliminary Class A Estimate for a residential renovation project. The working drawings indicate the following:

  • Kitchen Remodel: New cabinets, countertops, flooring, appliances (including a new refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher).
  • Bathroom Remodel: New shower, bathtub, vanity, flooring, and fixtures.
  • Exterior Painting: Repainting the entire house.


  1. Break down the project into its major components (e.g., kitchen remodel, bathroom remodel, exterior painting).
  2. List the key elements within each component (e.g., cabinets, countertops, flooring for the kitchen).
  3. For each element, consider the materials, labor, and potential contingencies that would need to be factored into the estimate.
  4. Provide a brief description of how you would research costs for each element (e.g., online resources, material suppliers, local contractors).

Exercice Correction

**1. Project Breakdown:** * Kitchen Remodel * Bathroom Remodel * Exterior Painting **2. Key Elements with Material, Labor, and Contingencies:** **Kitchen Remodel:** * **Cabinets:** * Material: Cabinetry, hardware, hinges, drawer slides * Labor: Installation, customization (if needed) * Contingencies: Potential need for additional carpentry work, changes to cabinet design * **Countertops:** * Material: Countertop material (e.g., granite, quartz), edging * Labor: Installation, fabrication (if needed) * Contingencies: Material availability, potential for damage during installation * **Flooring:** * Material: Flooring type (e.g., tile, hardwood), underlayment * Labor: Installation, removal of existing flooring * Contingencies: Need for subfloor repairs, unexpected issues with existing flooring * **Appliances:** * Material: Refrigerator, oven, dishwasher * Labor: Installation, removal of old appliances * Contingencies: Appliance availability, potential for damage during installation * **Electrical and Plumbing:** * Material: Wiring, plumbing fixtures, outlets * Labor: Installation, modifications to existing electrical and plumbing * Contingencies: Unexpected issues with existing wiring or plumbing **Bathroom Remodel:** * **Shower:** * Material: Shower tiles, shower pan, showerhead, fixtures * Labor: Installation, waterproofing * Contingencies: Potential need for tile repairs, issues with waterproofing * **Bathtub:** * Material: Bathtub, fixtures, surround * Labor: Installation, plumbing connections * Contingencies: Bathtub size or model availability, potential for damage during installation * **Vanity:** * Material: Cabinetry, countertop, sink, faucet * Labor: Installation, plumbing connections * Contingencies: Need for additional carpentry, modifications to plumbing * **Flooring:** * Material: Flooring type (e.g., tile, vinyl), underlayment * Labor: Installation, removal of existing flooring * Contingencies: Need for subfloor repairs, unexpected issues with existing flooring * **Fixtures:** * Material: Toilet, mirrors, towel bars, etc. * Labor: Installation * Contingencies: Fixture availability, potential for damage during installation **Exterior Painting:** * **Material:** Paint (type, color), primer, brushes, rollers, painter's tape * Labor: Preparation (cleaning, sanding, masking), painting * Contingencies: Need for additional preparation work, weather delays **3. Cost Research:** * **Online Resources:** Websites of material suppliers (e.g., Home Depot, Lowe's), online cost databases, construction forums. * **Material Suppliers:** Visit local material suppliers for quotes on specific materials. * **Local Contractors:** Obtain quotes from local contractors specializing in kitchen and bathroom renovations and painting. **4. Considerations:** * **Labor Costs:** Research average labor rates in the local area for various trades (e.g., electricians, plumbers, carpenters). * **Permits:** Factor in the cost of any necessary permits for the renovation. * **Contingencies:** Include a buffer for unexpected costs or changes in the scope of work. **Note:** This is a simplified example. A comprehensive Class A Estimate would involve more detailed analysis and breakdown of each element.


  • Construction Estimating Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers all aspects of construction estimating, including detailed sections on cost estimating based on working drawings and Class A estimates.
  • The Construction Manager's Handbook: This handbook offers insights into various aspects of construction management, including cost estimating, and provides guidance on developing effective Class A estimates.
  • Cost Estimating for Engineers and Project Managers: This book delves into cost estimation methodologies, including detailed explanations of Class A estimates and their application in different engineering projects.


  • "Class A Cost Estimates: A Comprehensive Guide" by [Author Name] (Published in [Journal Name] or [Website Name]): Search for articles specifically addressing Class A estimates, providing detailed explanations and examples.
  • "The Importance of Detailed Cost Estimates in Construction Projects" by [Author Name] (Published in [Journal Name] or [Website Name]): This article will highlight the importance of detailed cost estimates, emphasizing the role of Class A estimates in project planning and execution.
  • "How to Develop a Class A Estimate for Construction Projects" by [Author Name] (Published in [Journal Name] or [Website Name]): Look for articles that provide practical guidance on developing Class A estimates, covering methods, tools, and considerations.

Online Resources

  • Construction Specifications Institute (CSI): CSI provides resources and standards for construction specifications and documentation, including guidelines for developing Class A estimates.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE): ASCE offers a range of resources for civil engineers, including information on cost estimating methodologies and best practices for Class A estimates.
  • Construction Industry Institute (CII): CII focuses on research and knowledge sharing in the construction industry, including studies and reports on cost estimation and Class A estimates.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Class A estimate," "estimate based on working drawings," "construction cost estimating," and "detailed cost estimation."
  • Combine keywords with project types like "residential construction," "commercial construction," or "infrastructure projects" to narrow down results.
  • Include relevant phrases like "best practices," "methodologies," and "tools" to find resources that focus on practical applications and techniques.
  • Utilize advanced Google search operators like "+" (plus sign) for exact phrase search and "-" (minus sign) to exclude irrelevant terms.
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