Estimation et contrôle des coûts

Estimate at Completion

Estimer la ligne d'arrivée : Comprendre l'estimation à l'achèvement (EAC) en gestion des coûts

Dans le monde de la gestion de projet, rester dans les limites du budget est crucial. Mais avec des défis imprévus et des paysages de projet dynamiques, la prévision précise du coût final devient un exercice continu. C'est là que le concept d'**Estimation à l'Achèvement (EAC)** s'avère précieux.

**Qu'est-ce que l'EAC ?**

L'EAC est une métrique essentielle utilisée dans l'**Estimation et le Contrôle des Coûts** pour prédire le coût total d'un projet à son achèvement. Il ne s'agit pas simplement d'additionner les coûts actuels ; il intègre à la fois le **Coût Réel du Travail Accompli à Ce Jour (AC)** et les **coûts estimés** nécessaires pour terminer le travail restant. Cette prédiction prend en compte des facteurs tels que :

  • **Travail restant :** Quelles tâches restent à accomplir ?
  • **Coût prédit du travail restant :** Combien coûtera-t-il de terminer ces tâches restantes en fonction des conditions et des performances actuelles du projet ?
  • **Ajustements du calendrier :** Le calendrier du projet a-t-il été modifié ? Cela peut avoir un impact sur l'allocation des ressources et les estimations de coûts.
  • **Risques potentiels :** Existe-t-il des défis imprévus ou des risques qui pourraient influer sur les coûts ?

**Pourquoi l'EAC est-il important ?**

L'EAC est essentiel pour plusieurs raisons :

  • **Surveillance du budget :** Il aide les chefs de projet à suivre les progrès par rapport au budget et à identifier les dépassements de coûts potentiels dès le début.
  • **Prise de décision :** L'EAC informe les décisions critiques concernant l'allocation des ressources, les changements de portée et les stratégies d'atténuation des risques.
  • **Communication avec les parties prenantes :** Il permet une communication transparente avec les parties prenantes sur la santé financière du projet.
  • **Analyse des performances :** En comparant l'EAC au budget initial, les chefs de projet peuvent analyser les performances du projet et identifier les domaines à améliorer.

**Types de calculs EAC :**

Plusieurs méthodes peuvent être utilisées pour calculer l'EAC, chacune ayant ses propres forces et faiblesses :

  • **EAC ascendante :** Il s'agit d'estimations détaillées pour le travail restant, souvent basées sur des données de performance réelles.
  • **EAC descendante :** Elle s'appuie sur une estimation plus large basée sur le budget initial et l'état actuel du projet.
  • **EAC basée sur la performance :** Cette méthode utilise des données historiques et les tendances de performance actuelles pour prédire les coûts futurs.

**Défis liés à l'EAC :**

La prédiction précise de l'EAC peut être difficile en raison de facteurs tels que :

  • **Événements imprévus :** Des retards inattendus ou des changements de portée peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur les estimations de coûts.
  • **Prévisions inexactes :** Prédire les coûts futurs peut être difficile, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de projets complexes.
  • **Manque de données :** Des données insuffisantes ou des informations historiques peu fiables peuvent entraver des calculs précis.

**Conseils pour améliorer la précision de l'EAC :**

  • **Mises à jour régulières :** Mettre à jour régulièrement les calculs de l'EAC pour refléter les conditions changeantes du projet.
  • **Analyse des données :** Utiliser des techniques d'analyse des données pour identifier les tendances et faire des prédictions éclairées.
  • **Collaboration :** Encourager la collaboration entre les équipes de projet et les parties prenantes pour s'assurer que toutes les informations pertinentes sont prises en compte.
  • **Évaluation des risques :** Identifier et évaluer proactivement les risques potentiels qui pourraient avoir un impact sur les coûts.

**Conclusion :**

L'estimation à l'achèvement est un outil essentiel pour une gestion efficace des coûts dans les environnements de projet. En prédisant avec précision le coût final du projet, l'EAC permet aux chefs de projet de prendre des décisions éclairées, de surveiller les performances budgétaires et d'assurer la réussite du projet. Comprendre et mettre en œuvre les méthodologies de l'EAC peut améliorer considérablement le contrôle financier du projet et conduire à des résultats plus prévisibles et réussis.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Estimate at Completion (EAC)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of Estimate at Completion (EAC)?

a) To track the actual cost of work completed. b) To predict the total cost of a project at its completion. c) To determine the original budget for a project. d) To calculate the profit margin of a project.


b) To predict the total cost of a project at its completion.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered in EAC calculations?

a) Remaining work b) Predicted cost of remaining work c) Project team morale d) Potential risks


c) Project team morale

3. What type of EAC calculation involves detailed estimates for remaining work based on actual performance data?

a) Top-down EAC b) Bottom-up EAC c) Performance-based EAC d) Risk-adjusted EAC


b) Bottom-up EAC

4. Why is EAC important for stakeholder communication?

a) It allows for transparent communication about the project's financial health. b) It helps avoid conflicts between project teams and stakeholders. c) It provides a platform for stakeholders to share their opinions. d) It facilitates decision-making regarding resource allocation.


a) It allows for transparent communication about the project's financial health.

5. Which of the following is a challenge in accurate EAC prediction?

a) Using historical data to inform predictions. b) Regular updates to EAC calculations. c) Collaboration between project teams and stakeholders. d) Unforeseen events impacting project scope.


d) Unforeseen events impacting project scope.

Exercise: Calculating EAC


A construction project has the following information:

  • Original Budget: $1,000,000
  • Actual Cost of Work Completed (AC): $600,000
  • Estimated Cost to Complete (ETC): $500,000


Calculate the Estimate at Completion (EAC) for this project using the formula:



  1. Substitute the given values into the formula.
  2. Calculate the EAC.


Exercice Correction


EAC = $600,000 + $500,000

EAC = $1,100,000


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (Project Management Institute): This comprehensive guide covers various project management concepts, including cost management and EAC.
  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: A classic text that delves into cost management techniques, including EAC calculation methods.
  • Cost Estimating and Control: A Guide for Project Managers by John H. H. Merrifield: This book provides a detailed breakdown of cost management techniques and includes specific chapters on EAC calculations.


  • "Estimate at Completion (EAC)" by An overview of EAC and its calculation methods.
  • "The Importance of Estimate at Completion (EAC) in Project Management" by This article emphasizes the significance of EAC for project success.
  • "How to Calculate Estimate at Completion (EAC)" by Smartsheet: Provides a step-by-step guide on different EAC calculation methods.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): Their website offers various resources, including articles and webinars, on cost management and EAC.
  • This website offers tutorials and resources related to project management, including EAC calculations.
  • Smartsheet: Provides tools and templates for project management, including templates for EAC calculations.

Search Tips

  • "Estimate at Completion" + "project management"
  • "EAC calculation methods"
  • "How to calculate EAC"
  • "EAC best practices"
  • "Estimate at Completion" + "PMBOK"


Estimating the Finish Line: Understanding Estimate at Completion (EAC) in Cost Management

This document expands on the provided text, breaking down the topic of Estimate at Completion (EAC) into separate chapters.

Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating EAC

Several techniques exist for calculating EAC, each with its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the project's context and available data. The choice of technique should be informed by the project's complexity, the accuracy of historical data, and the level of uncertainty surrounding remaining tasks.

  • Bottom-up EAC: This method involves meticulously estimating the cost of each remaining task. It requires a detailed understanding of the remaining work breakdown structure (WBS) and relies on individual cost estimates for each task. This approach is resource-intensive but offers greater accuracy when sufficient detail is available. It's best suited for projects with well-defined scopes and readily available detailed information.

  • Top-down EAC: This approach uses a high-level estimate of the remaining costs, often based on a percentage of the original budget. It's faster and less resource-intensive than bottom-up but less precise. It's best suited for early stages of the project or situations where detailed information is lacking. It relies heavily on the initial budget's accuracy.

  • Performance-based EAC: This technique analyzes the project's past performance to predict future costs. Key metrics like the cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) are used to adjust the original budget or remaining budget based on historical performance. This method is particularly useful when there's sufficient historical data and consistent performance. However, it can be unreliable if performance fluctuates significantly.

  • Hybrid Approach: A combination of the above techniques can provide a more robust and accurate EAC. For example, using a top-down approach for less detailed work packages and a bottom-up approach for critical or complex tasks.

Chapter 2: Models for EAC Prediction

While different calculation techniques exist, underlying models inform the accuracy and reliability of EAC predictions. These models often incorporate statistical analysis and forecasting techniques.

  • Simple Linear Regression: This model assumes a linear relationship between the cost and time spent on a project. It's useful for simple projects with a relatively stable performance rate. However, it doesn't account for non-linear relationships or unexpected events.

  • Time Series Analysis: More sophisticated models using time series analysis can account for seasonality or trends in cost and performance data. This approach can improve accuracy, especially for longer-duration projects.

  • Monte Carlo Simulation: This probabilistic model uses random sampling to simulate a range of possible outcomes, factoring in uncertainties and risks. This provides a more comprehensive understanding of the potential EAC range, rather than a single point estimate.

Chapter 3: Software for EAC Calculation and Management

Several software tools facilitate EAC calculations and project cost management. These tools automate calculations, provide visualizations, and support collaborative planning and tracking.

  • Project Management Software: Popular project management software like Microsoft Project, Primavera P6, and Asana often include built-in features for cost tracking, budgeting, and EAC calculations. They allow for linking of tasks, resources, and costs, automatically updating EAC estimates based on progress.

  • Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets can be used to manually calculate EAC using various formulas, but this method is more prone to errors and less efficient for large-scale projects.

  • Dedicated Cost Management Software: Specific software solutions focusing on cost management offer advanced features such as earned value management (EVM) calculations, risk assessment tools, and reporting functionalities. They integrate well with other project management systems and streamline the cost estimation process.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Accurate EAC Estimation

Accurately estimating EAC requires a combination of robust methodologies, careful planning, and continuous monitoring.

  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: EAC should not be a one-time calculation. Regular updates based on actual progress and changes in scope are crucial to maintain accuracy.

  • Detailed Scope Definition: A clear and well-defined scope statement is foundational. Without a clear understanding of what needs to be done, accurate cost estimation is impossible.

  • Realistic Resource Estimation: Accurately estimating resource availability and their costs is essential. This includes considering potential resource constraints and their impact on the timeline and budget.

  • Risk Management: A comprehensive risk assessment and mitigation plan is crucial. Unforeseen events significantly impact project costs and need to be factored into EAC calculations.

  • Data Quality: Relying on reliable and accurate data is paramount. Inaccurate or incomplete data will lead to inaccurate EAC predictions.

Chapter 5: Case Studies Illustrating EAC Applications

[This section would include several case studies demonstrating different EAC calculation techniques and their application in real-world projects across various industries. Each case study would outline the project context, the method used, the results, and the lessons learned. Examples could include a construction project experiencing unforeseen weather delays, a software development project encountering scope creep, or a marketing campaign requiring adjustments due to changing market conditions.] The inclusion of specific examples requires access to confidential project data which is beyond the scope of this response. However, a general framework for such a section has been provided above.

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