Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Deliverables


Livrables : La pierre angulaire du succès des projets pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde exigeant du pétrole et du gaz, les projets sont des entreprises complexes qui nécessitent une planification et une exécution minutieuses. L'un des éléments clés d'une gestion de projet réussie est la définition et le suivi des **livrables**.

**Que sont les livrables ?**

Les livrables sont les résultats ou produits tangibles attendus d'un projet. Ils peuvent être des éléments physiques tels qu'une plate-forme de forage, un segment de pipeline ou une plateforme de tête de puits. Ils peuvent également être des résultats intangibles tels qu'une étude de faisabilité, un rapport d'étude géologique ou un plan d'optimisation de la production.

**Livrables dans les projets pétroliers et gaziers :**

  • Exploration et évaluation :
    • Données sismiques 3D
    • Carottages et diagraphies de puits
    • Rapports géologiques
    • Études de faisabilité
  • Développement et production :
    • Plates-formes et équipements de forage
    • Plates-formes de production et pipelines
    • Rapports d'achèvement et de stimulation des puits
    • Plans d'optimisation de la production
  • Raffinage et commercialisation :
    • Produits raffinés (par exemple, essence, diesel)
    • Rapports de marketing et données de vente
    • Études d'impact environnemental

**Pourquoi les livrables sont-ils essentiels ?**

  • Clarté et focalisation : Les livrables permettent de comprendre clairement ce qui doit être réalisé à chaque étape du projet.
  • Mesure et suivi des progrès : Ils offrent des mesures quantifiables pour suivre les progrès et s'assurer que les objectifs du projet sont atteints.
  • Responsabilité et redevabilité : En définissant clairement les livrables, les équipes de projet peuvent être tenues responsables de leurs contributions spécifiques.
  • Communication efficace : Les livrables facilitent une communication et une collaboration efficaces entre les parties prenantes, y compris les ingénieurs, les entrepreneurs et les investisseurs.
  • Atténuation des risques : L'identification et la gestion des livrables aident à identifier et à gérer proactivement les risques potentiels tout au long du cycle de vie du projet.

**Exemples de livrables en action :**

  • Projet de forage : Un livrable clé pourrait être un "puits achevé et opérationnel" avec des spécifications spécifiques.
  • Construction de pipeline : Les livrables pourraient inclure des "segments de pipeline achevés" dans des délais spécifiques.
  • Optimisation de la production : Les livrables pourraient être des "taux de production accrus" ou des "coûts opérationnels réduits".

**Le rôle de la gestion de projet :**

Une gestion de projet efficace est cruciale pour la livraison des projets dans les délais et en respectant le budget. Les chefs de projet doivent :

  • Définir des livrables clairs et mesurables.
  • Établir des calendriers et une allocation des ressources pour chaque livrable.
  • Surveiller les progrès et corriger les écarts par rapport au plan.
  • Communiquer efficacement avec les parties prenantes et gérer les attentes.

Les livrables sont le fondement du succès des projets pétroliers et gaziers. En planifiant, en définissant et en gérant méticuleusement les livrables, les organisations peuvent garantir des opérations efficaces, atteindre leurs objectifs et optimiser les résultats des projets.

Test Your Knowledge

Deliverables Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are deliverables in the context of oil and gas projects?

a) The budget allocated for the project b) The location of the project site c) Tangible and intangible outputs expected from the project d) The team members assigned to the project


c) Tangible and intangible outputs expected from the project

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a deliverable in an oil and gas project?

a) Completed production platform b) Geological reports c) Project management software used d) Environmental impact assessment


c) Project management software used

3. What is the primary benefit of clearly defining deliverables in a project?

a) Ensuring all project stakeholders are on the same page b) Reducing the risk of budget overruns c) Increasing the project's profitability d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Why are deliverables crucial for effective risk mitigation in oil and gas projects?

a) They help identify potential risks early on b) They provide a framework for risk assessment and mitigation strategies c) They allow for proactive planning and contingency measures d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. What is the role of project managers in managing deliverables?

a) Defining, tracking, and ensuring the delivery of each deliverable b) Developing project timelines and budgets c) Communicating effectively with stakeholders d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Deliverables Exercise

Scenario: You are a project manager responsible for a new oil well drilling project. Your team has identified the following potential deliverables:

  • Drilling rig setup and preparation
  • Well drilling and completion
  • Completion of geological reports and data analysis
  • Obtaining regulatory permits for drilling operations
  • Construction of a temporary work camp for the drilling crew


  1. Prioritize these deliverables based on their criticality and dependencies.
  2. Create a timeline for the delivery of each deliverable, considering factors like resource availability and external dependencies.
  3. Identify potential risks associated with each deliverable and develop mitigation strategies.

Exercice Correction

This exercise is designed to assess your understanding of deliverables and project management skills. Here's a possible solution: **Prioritization:** 1. **Regulatory permits for drilling operations:** This is crucial and needs to be completed first. 2. **Drilling rig setup and preparation:** This needs to happen before drilling can commence. 3. **Well drilling and completion:** The core of the project. 4. **Construction of a temporary work camp:** Important for crew safety and accommodation. 5. **Completion of geological reports and data analysis:** Can happen alongside drilling and completion, but may require some final data from the well. **Timeline:** This will depend on the specific project details, but here's a general example: * **Week 1-2:** Obtain regulatory permits * **Week 2-4:** Drilling rig setup and preparation * **Week 4-12:** Well drilling and completion * **Week 2-12:** Construction of temporary work camp (can be staggered alongside other tasks) * **Week 8-16:** Completion of geological reports and data analysis (can be done in parallel with drilling and completion) **Potential Risks and Mitigation:** * **Regulatory Delays:** Mitigation: Early engagement with regulatory bodies, proactive communication, and potential for expedited approvals. * **Drilling Equipment Failure:** Mitigation: Thorough pre-drilling inspection, backup equipment, and contingency plans for repairs. * **Geological Data Accuracy:** Mitigation: Rigorous data collection, independent verification, and potential for re-drilling or adjustment to drilling strategy based on data. * **Weather Delays:** Mitigation: Contingency plans for adverse weather conditions, flexible scheduling, and potential for weather forecasting services. * **Work Camp Safety:** Mitigation: Strict safety protocols, training, and regular inspections of camp facilities. Remember, this is a sample solution. Your specific prioritization, timeline, and risk mitigation strategies will depend on the details of your oil well drilling project.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Guide to Successful Projects by William R. Terry: This book provides a comprehensive overview of project management in the oil and gas industry, with a strong focus on deliverables, planning, and execution.
  • Project Management in the Oil and Gas Industry by K. K. Malhotra: This book offers insights into managing complex projects in the oil and gas industry, including practical strategies for defining and tracking deliverables.
  • Oil & Gas Project Management: A Practical Guide by David L. Goetsch: This book explores the challenges and opportunities of project management in the oil and gas sector, with dedicated sections on deliverables and risk management.


  • The Importance of Defining Deliverables in Oil and Gas Projects by [Author Name], [Publication Name]: This article emphasizes the significance of well-defined deliverables in achieving project success in the oil and gas industry.
  • Deliverables: The Key to Success in Oil and Gas Projects by [Author Name], [Publication Name]: This article provides practical advice on identifying, defining, and managing deliverables in oil and gas projects.
  • Project Management Best Practices for Oil and Gas Companies by [Author Name], [Publication Name]: This article discusses best practices for project management, including the crucial role of deliverables in achieving project goals.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): PMI is a leading organization in project management, offering resources, certifications, and guidance on best practices, including deliverables.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE is a professional organization for oil and gas professionals, providing access to industry publications, research papers, and webinars on project management and deliverables.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal publishes articles and reports on various aspects of the oil and gas sector, including project management and the importance of defining deliverables.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "deliverables," "oil and gas projects," "project management," and "best practices" to find relevant information.
  • Include industry terms: Use specific keywords related to the oil and gas industry, such as "upstream," "downstream," "drilling," or "production."
  • Specify the type of resource: Use "books," "articles," "webinars," or "research papers" to refine your search.
  • Target specific companies or organizations: Search for information from companies like Schlumberger, Chevron, or ExxonMobil to find industry-specific insights.
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