Traitement du pétrole et du gaz


Livrables : La pierre angulaire des projets pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde complexe du pétrole et du gaz, où d'énormes sommes d'argent sont investies et où des processus complexes sont mis en œuvre, les **livrables** jouent un rôle crucial dans la réussite des projets. Ils représentent les résultats tangibles et les sorties de tâches, phases ou du projet lui-même, fournissant des jalons et des points de référence clairs pour le progrès.

**Définition:** Un livrable est un résultat ou une sortie tangible ou intangible qui est produit et livré dans le cadre d'un projet. Il peut s'agir d'un objet physique, d'un document, d'un service ou d'une combinaison de ceux-ci.

**Caractéristiques clés des livrables :**

  • **Spécifiques:** Chaque livrable doit être clairement défini et mesurable, avec des critères d'acceptation spécifiques.
  • **Mesurables:** La progression des livrables doit être quantifiable et facilement traçable.
  • **Réalisables:** Les livrables doivent être réalisables de manière réaliste dans le cadre du projet et dans les délais impartis.
  • **Pertinents:** Les livrables doivent contribuer directement aux objectifs globaux du projet.
  • **Limités dans le temps:** Chaque livrable a une date limite définie pour son achèvement.

**Exemples de livrables dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier :**

  • **Exploration :** Données sismiques 3D, logs de puits, rapports géologiques, permis de forage.
  • **Production :** Plates-formes de forage, plates-formes de production, pipelines, rapports d'achèvement de puits.
  • **Traitement :** Pétrole brut, gaz naturel, produits raffinés, documents de conception d'installations de traitement.
  • **Transport :** Navires-citernes, pipelines, rapports sur les infrastructures de transport.
  • **Marketing et ventes :** Contrats de vente, rapports d'analyse de marché, accords clients.

**Importance des livrables :**

  • **Gestion de projet :** Les livrables apportent structure et clarté aux plans de projet, permettant une planification efficace, une allocation des ressources et une communication.
  • **Suivi de l'avancement :** En définissant et en suivant les livrables, les parties prenantes peuvent surveiller l'avancement du projet et identifier les risques ou les retards potentiels.
  • **Contrôle qualité :** Chaque livrable sert de point de contrôle pour l'assurance qualité, garantissant que le projet répond aux normes spécifiées.
  • **Responsabilité :** Les livrables attribuent la responsabilité à des individus ou des équipes spécifiques, favorisant la responsabilisation et la clarté des rôles.
  • **Satisfaction client :** La livraison réussie des livrables convenus contribue à établir la confiance et à maintenir la satisfaction du client.

**Livrables vs Produits :**

Bien que les deux termes se rapportent à des sorties tangibles, ils diffèrent en termes de portée et d'objectif.

  • **Livrables :** Représentent des sorties spécifiques au sein d'un projet, se concentrant sur les objectifs et les jalons à court terme.
  • **Produits :** Sont les résultats finaux et complets du projet, représentant la réalisation ou la solution globale.

Par exemple, un **derrick de forage** peut être un livrable dans un projet pétrolier et gazier, tandis que la **production de pétrole et de gaz** est le produit final de ce projet.

**Conclusion :**

Les livrables sont essentiels pour une gestion de projet efficace dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. En définissant clairement, en suivant et en livrant ces sorties, les entreprises peuvent améliorer le contrôle des projets, garantir la qualité et, en fin de compte, réussir leurs efforts.

Test Your Knowledge

Deliverables Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of a deliverable?

a) Specific
b) Measurable
c) Affordable
d) Achievable


c) Affordable

2. Which of the following is an example of a deliverable in the exploration phase of an oil & gas project?

a) Drilling rig
b) 3D seismic data
c) Sales contracts
d) Pipeline construction


b) 3D seismic data

3. Deliverables are important for project management because they:

a) Help estimate project costs.
b) Provide structure and clarity to project plans.
c) Guarantee project success.
d) Eliminate all risks and delays.


b) Provide structure and clarity to project plans.

4. What is the main difference between a deliverable and a product?

a) Deliverables are intangible, while products are tangible.
b) Deliverables are short-term outputs, while products are the final outcomes.
c) Deliverables are only for internal use, while products are for external clients.
d) Deliverables are always more expensive than products.


b) Deliverables are short-term outputs, while products are the final outcomes.

5. Successfully delivering on agreed-upon deliverables is important for:

a) Project budget control.
b) Client satisfaction.
c) Employee motivation.
d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Deliverables Exercise

Scenario: You are a project manager for an oil & gas exploration project. Your team is responsible for collecting and analyzing geological data to identify potential drilling locations.


  1. Identify 3 key deliverables for your team within this exploration phase.
  2. For each deliverable, define:
    • Specific criteria for acceptance
    • How progress on the deliverable will be measured
    • The deadline for completion


  • Deliverable: Geological data acquisition report
  • Acceptance Criteria: Report includes comprehensive data from all designated locations, incorporating various geological analyses and interpretations.
  • Measurement: Completion of report with all required data and analysis sections.
  • Deadline: 6 weeks from project start.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible deliverables for the exploration phase with their defined criteria, measurement, and deadlines. Remember, these are examples, and you should adapt them to your specific project requirements.

1. Deliverable: Geological Survey Report

  • Acceptance Criteria: Comprehensive report detailing geological formations, rock types, potential oil/gas traps, and other relevant data within the designated exploration area. Includes maps, diagrams, and data tables.
  • Measurement: Completion of the report with accurate data, thorough analysis, and well-formatted presentation.
  • Deadline: 8 weeks from project start.

2. Deliverable: 3D Seismic Data Acquisition and Processing

  • Acceptance Criteria: Acquisition of high-resolution 3D seismic data covering the targeted exploration area. Data is processed and interpreted to identify potential reservoir locations and assess their quality.
  • Measurement: Completion of seismic surveys and processing, including analysis of data and creation of 3D visualizations.
  • Deadline: 12 weeks from project start.

3. Deliverable: Potential Drilling Site Recommendations

  • Acceptance Criteria: Based on the collected geological data, seismic interpretation, and risk assessments, a report recommending specific drilling sites with justifications for each location's potential.
  • Measurement: Completion of the report with identified drilling sites, supported by comprehensive geological and seismic data.
  • Deadline: 16 weeks from project start.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning, Executing, and Controlling Projects by John R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel Jr.: This book provides a detailed overview of project management principles and best practices specifically tailored for the oil & gas industry. It covers various aspects of project management, including deliverables, risk management, and cost control.
  • The Oil & Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Guide by John P. Harbin: This comprehensive guide provides a broad understanding of the oil & gas industry, including exploration, production, processing, transportation, and marketing. It also discusses the importance of project management and deliverables in each stage.
  • Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide): This guide, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), is a global standard for project management practices. It defines key concepts, processes, and tools related to project management, including deliverables, work breakdown structures, and project planning.


  • Deliverables in Project Management: A Guide to Success by This article provides a general overview of deliverables in project management, covering their importance, key characteristics, and examples. It can be a helpful starting point for understanding the concept.
  • The Importance of Deliverables in Oil and Gas Projects by Energy Global: This article discusses the specific role of deliverables in oil & gas projects, emphasizing their contribution to project success, stakeholder communication, and risk mitigation.
  • Deliverables in Oil & Gas: A Practical Guide by Oil & Gas 360: This article offers practical advice on defining, managing, and tracking deliverables in oil & gas projects. It provides insights on creating clear deliverable specifications, assigning responsibility, and monitoring progress.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): PMI's website offers a wealth of information on project management, including resources, certifications, and research. You can find articles, webinars, and case studies related to deliverables in various industries, including oil & gas.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication provides news, analysis, and research on the global oil & gas industry. You can find articles on various topics related to project management and deliverables in the oil & gas sector.
  • World Oil: This industry magazine offers insights and technical information on drilling, production, refining, and other aspects of the oil & gas industry. You can access articles and research on project management, including deliverables and their impact on project outcomes.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information on deliverables in oil & gas, use specific keywords like "deliverables oil & gas," "project management deliverables oil & gas," or "oil & gas project success deliverables."
  • Combine keywords: Use different combinations of keywords to refine your search results. For example, you can search for "types of deliverables in oil & gas projects," "challenges of managing deliverables in oil & gas," or "best practices for defining deliverables in oil & gas."
  • Use quotation marks: Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches. For instance, searching for "deliverables in oil & gas projects" will return results that contain the entire phrase.
  • Filter your search: Use Google's search filters to narrow down your search results by language, region, and date. This can help you find relevant and up-to-date information on the topic.


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