Communication et rapports

Decision Documentation

Documentation des Décisions : Le Fondement des Décisions éclairées dans le secteur du Pétrole et du Gaz

Dans le monde complexe et à enjeux élevés du pétrole et du gaz, une prise de décision éclairée est primordiale. Les décisions, qu'elles soient liées à l'exploration, la production, le développement d'infrastructures ou la sécurité, peuvent avoir des conséquences considérables et durables. Pour garantir la responsabilité, la transparence et la capacité d'apprendre des expériences passées, la **documentation des décisions** joue un rôle crucial.

**Qu'est-ce que la Documentation des Décisions ?**

La documentation des décisions est le processus consistant à **enregistrer méticuleusement les termes et les résultats d'une décision, ainsi que les hypothèses et le raisonnement qui la sous-tendent.** Cela implique de capturer un compte rendu complet du processus décisionnel, y compris:

  • Énoncé de Décision: Une articulation claire et concise de la décision prise.
  • Contexte de la Décision: Une description des informations de fond pertinentes, y compris la situation actuelle, les objectifs et les contraintes.
  • Alternatives Envisagées: Une évaluation détaillée des différentes options explorées, y compris leurs avantages potentiels, leurs risques et leurs coûts.
  • Raisonnement: Une explication claire du raisonnement derrière la décision choisie, soulignant les facteurs qui ont influencé le choix.
  • Hypothèses: Identification des hypothèses clés qui sous-tendent la décision, reconnaissant les incertitudes potentielles.
  • Critères de Décision: Les indicateurs et les normes spécifiques utilisés pour évaluer les alternatives et faire la sélection finale.
  • Résultat de la Décision: Un résumé clair des résultats réels de la décision, y compris tout écart par rapport au plan initial.
  • Leçons Tirées: Une analyse du processus décisionnel, mettant en évidence les domaines à améliorer et identifiant les idées précieuses pour les décisions futures.

**Avantages de la Documentation des Décisions**

Une documentation efficace des décisions offre de nombreux avantages:

  • Responsabilité et Transparence: Elle établit une piste d'audit claire, permettant aux parties prenantes de comprendre le raisonnement derrière les décisions et de tenir les décideurs responsables de leurs choix.
  • Amélioration de la Prise de Décision: En analysant les décisions passées, les organisations peuvent apprendre des succès et des échecs, conduisant à une prise de décision plus éclairée et plus efficace à l'avenir.
  • Réduction des Risques: Les hypothèses et les risques clairement documentés permettent une meilleure gestion des risques et des stratégies d'atténuation proactives.
  • Communication Améliorée: La documentation des décisions favorise une communication ouverte et transparente entre toutes les parties prenantes impliquées, renforçant la confiance et la compréhension.
  • Préservation des Connaissances: Elle sert de référentiel de connaissances et d'expériences précieuses, garantissant que les informations essentielles sont capturées et facilement accessibles pour référence future.

**Meilleures Pratiques pour la Documentation des Décisions**

  • Standardisation: Mettre en œuvre un modèle ou un cadre standardisé pour la documentation des décisions, garantissant la cohérence entre les différentes décisions.
  • Rapidité: Documenter les décisions rapidement, tandis que les détails sont encore frais dans l'esprit de tous.
  • Clarté et Concision: Utiliser un langage clair et concis et éviter le jargon technique pour garantir une compréhension facile.
  • Collaboration: Impliquer toutes les parties prenantes pertinentes dans le processus de documentation des décisions, garantissant une perspective complète et équilibrée.
  • Examen et Mise à Jour Réguliers: Examiner et mettre à jour périodiquement la documentation des décisions existante pour garantir l'exactitude et la pertinence.


La documentation des décisions est un outil crucial pour améliorer la prise de décision, promouvoir la responsabilité et favoriser le partage des connaissances au sein des organisations pétrolières et gazières. En enregistrant et en analysant systématiquement les décisions passées, les organisations peuvent identifier les tendances, atténuer les risques et, en fin de compte, faire des choix plus éclairés qui contribuent à leur succès à long terme.

Test Your Knowledge

Decision Documentation Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of decision documentation?

a) To create a paper trail for legal purposes. b) To showcase the expertise of decision-makers. c) To ensure accountability, transparency, and learning from past experiences. d) To satisfy regulatory requirements.


c) To ensure accountability, transparency, and learning from past experiences.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of decision documentation?

a) Decision statement. b) Alternatives considered. c) Project budget. d) Rationale.


c) Project budget.

3. What is the benefit of clearly documenting assumptions in decision documentation?

a) To avoid responsibility for potential errors. b) To ensure the decision is aligned with company goals. c) To identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. d) To provide a historical record of the decision-making process.


c) To identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies.

4. Which best practice helps ensure the accuracy and relevance of decision documentation over time?

a) Using a standardized template for all decisions. b) Involving only senior management in the documentation process. c) Regularly reviewing and updating existing documentation. d) Keeping the documentation as concise as possible.


c) Regularly reviewing and updating existing documentation.

5. What is the main advantage of fostering collaboration in the decision documentation process?

a) It ensures everyone agrees with the final decision. b) It promotes a more comprehensive and balanced perspective. c) It reduces the time required for documentation. d) It creates a sense of ownership for all stakeholders.


b) It promotes a more comprehensive and balanced perspective.

Decision Documentation Exercise:

Scenario: You are a project manager for an oil and gas company. Your team is considering two options for a new drilling site: Option A involves using a conventional drilling method, while Option B involves using a new, more environmentally friendly technology.

Task: Create a basic decision documentation template that you can use to record the decision-making process for this project. Include the following elements:

  • Decision Statement: Clearly state the decision to be made.
  • Decision Context: Describe the current situation, goals, and constraints.
  • Alternatives Considered: Briefly describe each option and its potential benefits, risks, and costs.
  • Rationale: Explain the reasoning behind your chosen decision, highlighting the factors that influenced your choice.
  • Assumptions: Identify any key assumptions underlying your decision.
  • Decision Criteria: Specify the metrics and standards used to evaluate the options.
  • Decision Outcome: Briefly summarize the actual results of the decision, including any deviations from the initial plan.
  • Lessons Learned: Analyze the decision-making process and identify any areas for improvement or valuable insights.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample template, you can adjust it to fit your specific project needs:

**Decision Documentation Template**

**Project:** New Drilling Site

**Decision Statement:** Determine the most suitable drilling method for the new site: Conventional drilling (Option A) or Environmentally Friendly technology (Option B).

**Decision Context:**

  • The company is committed to developing new drilling sites while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Budget constraints are a significant factor.
  • The chosen method must be technically feasible and meet safety regulations.

**Alternatives Considered:**

  • **Option A: Conventional Drilling**
    • Benefits: Proven technology, lower initial costs.
    • Risks: Higher environmental impact, potential for accidents.
    • Costs: Lower initial investment, higher operating costs.
  • **Option B: Environmentally Friendly Technology**
    • Benefits: Reduced environmental impact, potential for future cost savings.
    • Risks: Higher initial costs, unproven technology, potential operational challenges.
    • Costs: Higher initial investment, potentially lower operating costs in the long run.


  • The decision is based on a balance of environmental considerations, cost-effectiveness, and technical feasibility.
  • While Option B holds the potential for long-term cost savings and reduced environmental impact, the higher initial investment and uncertainties associated with the new technology are concerns.
  • Option A offers a more predictable and affordable solution with a proven track record.


  • The company has sufficient resources to manage the risks associated with Option A.
  • The environmental impact of Option A can be effectively mitigated through best practices and regulations.

**Decision Criteria:**

  • Cost-effectiveness.
  • Environmental impact.
  • Technical feasibility.
  • Safety considerations.

**Decision Outcome:**

  • Option A (Conventional drilling) was chosen.
  • The project was completed within budget and on schedule.
  • Environmental impact was minimized through the implementation of best practices and regulations.

**Lessons Learned:**

  • The decision-making process benefited from careful consideration of both environmental and financial factors.
  • Continued research and development of environmentally friendly drilling technologies is crucial for the future.
  • Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the chosen method are essential to ensure continued success and minimize environmental impact.


  • "Decision Making in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Practical Guide" by Charles J. Petrie (2015): This book provides a comprehensive overview of decision-making processes in the oil and gas sector, including considerations for documentation and risk assessment.
  • "The Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production" by E.M. Benn (2014): This detailed handbook covers various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including exploration, production, and risk management. Chapters on decision-making and documentation are included.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by William D. McCain Jr. (2015): A comprehensive guide for petroleum engineers, offering insights into decision-making in various engineering aspects of oil and gas operations.


  • "Decision Documentation in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Best Practices Guide" by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This SPE publication offers practical guidance on establishing and implementing effective decision documentation processes.
  • "The Importance of Decision Documentation in Oil and Gas Projects" by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP): A valuable resource highlighting the significance of decision documentation for project success, risk management, and knowledge sharing.
  • "Effective Decision-Making in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study" by the Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT): This article presents a case study demonstrating the benefits of decision documentation in a real-world scenario.

Online Resources

  • The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) website: This website offers various publications, technical papers, and resources on decision-making and documentation in oil and gas.
  • The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) website: The IOGP provides valuable guidelines and best practices for decision documentation in the oil and gas industry.
  • The American Petroleum Institute (API) website: API offers standards and recommendations for decision-making and documentation in oil and gas operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "decision documentation" with terms like "oil and gas," "petroleum," "exploration," "production," "risk management," "project management," and "best practices."
  • Refine your search: Use "site:" followed by the website URL of organizations like SPE, IOGP, or API to find resources directly on their websites.
  • Filter your results: Utilize Google's search filters to narrow down your search by date, file type, and language to find the most relevant information.


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