Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Cost Estimation & Control: Cost Reviews

Cost Reviews

Analyses des Coûts : Un Outil Essentiel pour l'Estimation et le Contrôle des Coûts

Une gestion efficace des coûts est primordiale pour tout projet, qu'il s'agisse de construire un gratte-ciel ou de lancer un logiciel. Au fur et à mesure que le projet avance, les estimations de coûts initiales doivent souvent être ajustées en raison de l'évolution de la portée, des défis imprévus et des conditions changeantes du marché. C'est là que les **analyses des coûts** entrent en jeu.

Les analyses des coûts sont des **réévaluations planifiées, systématiques et rigoureuses du coût estimé à la fin de la portée des travaux dans une classe de coûts**. Elles impliquent un examen détaillé de l'état actuel du projet, comparant les coûts réels engagés aux estimations initiales, et identifiant toute déviation potentielle.

**Caractéristiques clés des analyses des coûts :**

  • Planifiées : Les analyses des coûts ne sont pas ponctuelles, mais programmées à intervalles réguliers tout au long du cycle de vie du projet. Cela garantit une identification rapide des écarts de coûts et permet de prendre des mesures correctives proactives.
  • Systématiques : Elles suivent une approche structurée, impliquant généralement :
    • Collecte de données : Recueillir des informations précises sur les coûts réels, le travail accompli et le travail restant.
    • Analyse : Comparer les coûts réels aux coûts prévus, identifier les écarts et analyser leurs causes profondes.
    • Rapportage : Communiquer les conclusions et les recommandations aux parties prenantes.
  • Rigoureuses : Elles examinent les détails, scrutant chaque catégorie de coûts pour garantir une compréhension complète de la santé financière du projet.

Avantages des analyses des coûts :**

  • Précision accrue : Les analyses des coûts aident à affiner les estimations de coûts et réduisent le risque de dépassements de coûts.
  • Contrôle amélioré : Elles fournissent un mécanisme de suivi et de contrôle des coûts du projet, permettant des mesures proactives pour corriger les écarts de coûts.
  • Prise de décision éclairée : Les analyses des coûts fournissent aux parties prenantes des informations précieuses, permettant des décisions plus éclairées concernant la portée, le calendrier et les ressources du projet.
  • Système d'alerte précoce : Elles servent de système d'alerte précoce, identifiant les problèmes de coûts potentiels avant qu'ils ne dégénèrent en problèmes majeurs.

Analyses des coûts et analyses de la conception :**

Chaque analyse de la conception devrait être accompagnée d'une **re-prévision des coûts**, assurant que les changements de conception sont reflétés dans les estimations de coûts révisées. Ce processus de re-prévision fait partie intégrante des analyses des coûts, permettant des projections de coûts précises tout au long du cycle de vie du projet.

Estimation à la fin (ETC) :**

Le résultat d'une analyse des coûts aboutit souvent à une **Estimation à la fin (ETC)**. Il s'agit d'une projection du coût restant nécessaire pour achever le projet en fonction de l'état actuel et des écarts de coûts identifiés.

En conclusion :**

Les analyses des coûts sont un élément essentiel d'une estimation et d'un contrôle des coûts réussis. En analysant méticuleusement les coûts du projet, en identifiant les écarts et en prévoyant les dépenses futures, elles fournissent des informations précieuses pour une gestion efficace du projet et une stabilité financière. Des analyses des coûts régulières et complètes permettent aux équipes de projet de surmonter les défis potentiels, de prendre des décisions éclairées et, en fin de compte, de réussir le projet dans les limites du budget.

Test Your Knowledge

Cost Reviews Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of cost reviews?

a) To identify and address potential cost issues early in the project. b) To create a detailed budget for the project. c) To track project expenses and reconcile them with the budget. d) To negotiate with vendors and secure favorable pricing.


The correct answer is **a) To identify and address potential cost issues early in the project.** Cost reviews aim to proactively identify and address cost variances to prevent major problems and ensure project success within budget constraints.

2. What is a key characteristic of cost reviews?

a) They are conducted only at the end of a project. b) They are conducted on an ad-hoc basis, as needed. c) They are planned and scheduled at regular intervals. d) They are optional and depend on project complexity.


The correct answer is **c) They are planned and scheduled at regular intervals.** Cost reviews should be conducted at regular intervals throughout the project lifecycle to ensure timely identification of cost variances and proactive corrective measures.

3. What is the "Estimate to Complete (ETC)"?

a) The original budget allocated for the project. b) The actual cost incurred for the project so far. c) A projection of the remaining cost to complete the project. d) A comparison of actual costs with planned costs.


The correct answer is **c) A projection of the remaining cost to complete the project.** The ETC is calculated after a cost review, considering the current project status and identified cost variances.

4. What is the relationship between cost reviews and design reviews?

a) Cost reviews are independent of design reviews and have no connection. b) Design reviews should be conducted before cost reviews to inform the cost estimations. c) Cost reviews should be conducted before design reviews to establish a budget baseline. d) Each design review should be accompanied by a cost reforecast to ensure changes are reflected in the estimates.


The correct answer is **d) Each design review should be accompanied by a cost reforecast to ensure changes are reflected in the estimates.** Design changes can significantly impact project costs, so reforecasting costs after each design review is crucial for maintaining accurate cost projections.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cost reviews?

a) Improved accuracy in cost estimates. b) Enhanced control over project costs. c) Informed decision-making regarding project scope and resources. d) Eliminating the risk of cost overruns completely.


The correct answer is **d) Eliminating the risk of cost overruns completely.** While cost reviews can significantly reduce the risk of cost overruns, they cannot guarantee their complete elimination. Unforeseen circumstances and external factors can still influence project costs.

Cost Reviews Exercise:

Scenario: You are managing a construction project with an initial budget of $1 million. After 6 months, the project has incurred $600,000 in expenses. However, a recent design change has added new features that will increase the overall project scope and complexity.


  1. Conduct a cost review to assess the impact of the design change on the project budget.
  2. Identify the key factors influencing the cost increase and provide an initial estimate of the new total project cost.
  3. Prepare a report to your stakeholders explaining the cost review findings and your recommendations for moving forward.

Exercise Correction

The exercise requires a thorough analysis of the project's current status, considering the design change and its impact on the budget. Here's a possible approach:

1. Cost Review:

  • Data Gathering: Collect information on:

    • Actual costs incurred so far ($600,000)
    • Work completed to date
    • Work remaining to be done
    • Details of the design change and its impact on the remaining work
    • Cost estimates for the additional work required due to the design change
  • Analysis:

    • Compare actual costs with planned costs, highlighting any significant variances.
    • Analyze the root causes of the variances, focusing on the impact of the design change.
    • Assess the feasibility of completing the remaining work within the original budget, given the increased scope and complexity.

2. Cost Increase Estimate:

  • Based on the analysis, determine the estimated cost of the additional work required due to the design change.
  • Add this cost to the original budget ($1 million) to arrive at a new total project cost estimate.

3. Report to Stakeholders:

  • Summarize the cost review findings, highlighting the impact of the design change on the project budget.
  • Explain the reasoning behind the revised cost estimate and any potential risks.
  • Outline possible strategies for addressing the cost increase, including:
    • Negotiating with vendors and contractors to reduce costs
    • Optimizing project scope and reducing unnecessary features
    • Seeking additional funding from stakeholders
  • Recommend a course of action for moving forward, considering the project's financial implications and overall goals.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. - Chapter 10, "Cost Management" covers cost estimation, budgeting, and cost control, including cost reviews.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons. - Chapters 7 and 8 discuss cost management and control, with sections dedicated to cost reviews.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons. - Chapter 9 covers cost management, including topics like cost reviews and cost analysis.


  • "Cost Reviews in Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide" by [Author's Name (If Available)]. - Look for articles on reputable project management websites or journals (e.g., PM World Journal, Project Management Institute publications).
  • "Cost Management and Control: A Practical Approach" by [Author's Name (If Available)]. - Search for articles on online platforms like Harvard Business Review, McKinsey Quarterly, and Deloitte Insights.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): - Offers resources, articles, and training materials on various aspects of project management, including cost management.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Knowledge Center: - Provides articles and research on project management topics, including cost reviews.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Podcast: - Offers episodes related to project management, potentially covering topics like cost management and control.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "cost reviews" with other relevant keywords like "project management", "construction", "software development", or "engineering".
  • Include "PDF" in your search: This will filter your results to show PDF documents, which often contain more detailed and in-depth information.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "cost review process" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Try different search engines: Explore other search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo, or Wolfram Alpha to broaden your results.
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