Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Project Planning & Scheduling: Concurrent


Concurrence : Un outil puissant dans la boîte à outils du pétrole et du gaz

Dans le monde trépidant du pétrole et du gaz, le temps c'est de l'argent. Chaque jour de retard d'un projet se traduit par une perte de revenus et une augmentation des coûts. Pour maximiser l'efficacité et accélérer l'achèvement des projets, l'industrie a adopté le concept de **concurrence**.

**Que signifie « concurrence » dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier ?**

En termes simples, « concurrence » fait référence à des activités qui se déroulent **en même temps**. Cela implique souvent l'**exécution parallèle** de tâches qui étaient traditionnellement effectuées de manière séquentielle.

**Pourquoi la concurrence est-elle si importante ?**

  • **Réduction des délais de projet :** En chevauchant les activités, la durée totale du projet peut être considérablement réduite. Imaginez concevoir et construire une plate-forme de manière concurrente au lieu d'attendre que l'une soit terminée avant de commencer l'autre.
  • **Réduction des coûts :** Des activités concurrentes signifient moins de temps d'arrêt et de ressources inactives, ce qui entraîne une baisse des coûts globaux du projet.
  • **Amélioration de l'utilisation des ressources :** Les équipes peuvent se concentrer sur des tâches spécifiques tandis que d'autres progressent simultanément, garantissant une utilisation efficace de la main-d'œuvre et de l'expertise.

**Exemples de concurrence dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier :**

  • **Construction et approvisionnement :** Les matériaux peuvent être achetés et expédiés pendant que la construction est en cours, ce qui permet d'accélérer la phase de construction.
  • **Ingénierie et fabrication :** Les travaux de conception peuvent être effectués simultanément avec la fabrication, assurant une transition plus fluide entre les étapes.
  • **Forage et complétion :** Les opérations de forage peuvent commencer avant que les activités de complétion ne soient terminées, ce qui permet de gagner un temps précieux.
  • **Production et maintenance :** La production peut se poursuivre tandis que la maintenance est effectuée sur des équipements spécifiques, minimisant ainsi les temps d'arrêt.

**Défis de la concurrence :**

  • **Complexité accrue :** La coordination de plusieurs activités à la fois nécessite une planification méticuleuse et une coordination pour éviter les conflits et les retards.
  • **Obstacles à la communication :** Une communication et une collaboration efficaces sont essentielles pour garantir que toutes les équipes sont sur la même longueur d'onde et travaillent vers le même objectif.
  • **Gestion des risques :** Des activités concurrentes peuvent augmenter le potentiel de risques, nécessitant des stratégies d'atténuation proactives.

**Malgré les défis, la concurrence reste un outil précieux pour l'industrie pétrolière et gazière.** En adoptant cette approche, les entreprises peuvent rationaliser leurs opérations, réduire les coûts des projets et obtenir un délai de mise sur le marché plus rapide, contribuant ainsi à une industrie plus efficace et plus rentable.

**Points clés à retenir :**

  • La concurrence fait référence à l'exécution simultanée d'activités, un outil puissant pour réduire les délais et les coûts des projets.
  • Une mise en œuvre efficace nécessite une planification méticuleuse, une communication solide et une gestion proactive des risques.
  • La concurrence devient de plus en plus importante dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, car les entreprises s'efforcent d'optimiser l'efficacité et de garder une longueur d'avance sur la concurrence.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Concurrent Activities in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "concurrency" mean in the context of oil and gas operations?

a) Activities that are carried out in a specific order, one after the other.


Incorrect. This describes a sequential process, not concurrent.

b) Activities that happen at the same time, often overlapping.


Correct! This is the definition of concurrency.

c) Activities that are performed by different teams in different locations.


Incorrect. While this might be a part of concurrent activities, it's not the core definition.

d) Activities that are completed in a very short period of time.


Incorrect. Speed is not the defining characteristic of concurrency.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using concurrency in oil and gas projects?

a) Reduced project timelines


Incorrect. Concurrency often leads to shorter project durations.

b) Lower overall project costs


Incorrect. Concurrency can lead to cost savings through efficient resource utilization.

c) Increased risk of delays


Correct! While concurrency can accelerate projects, it also increases the potential for conflicts and delays if not properly managed.

d) Improved resource utilization


Incorrect. Concurrency allows for more efficient use of manpower and expertise.

3. Which of the following is an example of concurrency in oil and gas operations?

a) Completing all engineering designs before starting any fabrication.


Incorrect. This describes a sequential approach.

b) Waiting for a platform to be fully built before starting drilling operations.


Incorrect. This is a sequential process, not concurrent.

c) Starting drilling operations while the completion activities are still ongoing.


Correct! This is an example of concurrent activities, saving time by overlapping phases.

d) Performing maintenance on a production facility only when it is shut down.


Incorrect. This is a sequential approach, not concurrent.

4. What is a significant challenge associated with concurrency in oil and gas projects?

a) Lack of skilled personnel


Incorrect. While personnel is important, this is not a unique challenge to concurrent activities.

b) Effective communication and collaboration


Correct! Coordinating multiple simultaneous activities requires strong communication and collaboration to avoid conflicts and delays.

c) The need for advanced technology


Incorrect. While technology can enhance concurrent operations, it's not the core challenge.

d) Unstable oil prices


Incorrect. While market conditions are important, this is not directly related to the challenges of concurrency.

5. What is a key takeaway about concurrency in the oil and gas industry?

a) Concurrency is only useful for large-scale projects.


Incorrect. Concurrency can be applied to projects of all sizes.

b) Concurrency is a complex concept that is difficult to implement.


Incorrect. While concurrency requires careful planning, it is not inherently difficult.

c) Concurrency is becoming increasingly important as companies strive for efficiency and faster project completion.


Correct! This is a crucial takeaway, reflecting the increasing importance of concurrency in the industry.

d) Concurrency is only effective in certain types of oil and gas operations.


Incorrect. Concurrency can be implemented across a range of oil and gas operations.

Exercise: Concurrency Planning

Scenario: You are part of a team building a new offshore oil platform. You need to plan the construction and commissioning phases.


  • Identify at least 3 activities that can be performed concurrently during these phases.
  • Explain how concurrent execution of these activities can benefit the project.
  • Describe potential challenges in implementing concurrency for each activity you identify and how you would mitigate them.


  • Activity: Procurement of materials
  • Concurrency Benefit: Allows construction to start earlier, reducing overall project time.
  • Challenge: Potential delays in material delivery.
  • Mitigation: Establish clear timelines with suppliers, use multiple suppliers, and have backup plans in place for potential delays.

Please provide your answers in the format below:

Activity 1:


Your answer here

Activity 2:


Your answer here

Activity 3:


Your answer here


  • Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry: This general topic will likely have chapters or sections dedicated to concurrent activities, scheduling, and risk management. Consider searching for relevant books in your library or online retailers.
  • Engineering and Construction in the Oil & Gas Industry: This field focuses heavily on project management and efficient execution. Look for books addressing project scheduling, project management methodologies, and risk mitigation.
  • Construction Management: Planning, Scheduling, and Control by J.K. Pinto: While not specifically oil & gas, this book provides a strong foundation on scheduling and managing concurrent activities.


  • Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT): This journal often publishes articles on various aspects of oil and gas projects, including project management, technology, and operational efficiency. Search for keywords like "concurrent engineering," "project scheduling," "fast-tracking," or "project acceleration."
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website and publications offer a wealth of technical information. Explore their journals, conferences, and online resources for articles on project management and concurrency.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly covers news, technology, and business trends. Look for articles discussing project timelines, cost optimization, and efficient project execution.
  • Search for "concurrent engineering in oil and gas" or "project acceleration in oil and gas" on industry-specific websites and news platforms.

Online Resources

  • PMI (Project Management Institute): PMI provides a range of resources on project management, including best practices, methodologies, and tools.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Oil & Gas Group: This group offers a dedicated forum for oil and gas professionals.
  • Construction Industry Institute (CII): CII offers research and tools for improving construction efficiency, including scheduling and project management techniques.
  • International Project Management Association (IPMA): IPMA provides guidelines, certification, and information on project management principles.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific combinations of keywords to narrow your search results. Examples:
    • "Concurrent engineering oil and gas"
    • "Project acceleration oil and gas"
    • "Fast-tracking project schedules oil and gas"
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks forces Google to search for the exact phrase, improving accuracy.
  • Specify file type: Add "filetype:pdf" to your search to only find PDF documents (often containing technical research papers).
  • Filter by date: Use advanced search operators to limit your search to recent publications.
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