Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Risk Management: Concept Study

Concept Study

Étude de Concept : La Première Étape Vers le Succès dans l'Industrie Pétrolière et Gazière

Dans le monde du pétrole et du gaz, chaque projet commence par une étincelle – une idée, un besoin, une opportunité potentielle. Mais avant que les pelles ne touchent le sol ou que les plateformes de forage ne commencent à forer, il y a une étape cruciale qui jette les bases de toute entreprise réussie : **l’étude de concept.**

**Qu’est-ce qu’une étude de concept ?**

Une étude de concept est un plan à grande échelle qui a lieu bien avant le début d’un projet. C’est l’exploration initiale d’une idée, un examen détaillé de sa faisabilité et une évaluation préliminaire de sa rentabilité potentielle. Considérez-la comme une étude de faisabilité survitaminée, tenant compte de tous les aspects du projet, de sa faisabilité technique à sa viabilité économique et son impact environnemental.

**Pourquoi les études de concept sont-elles cruciales ?**

L’étude de concept sert de filtre essentiel, éliminant les idées qui sont irréalistes ou non viables. Voici quelques raisons clés pour lesquelles les études de concept sont essentielles :

  • **Identifier les risques et les défis potentiels :** Les études de concept permettent d’identifier les risques et les défis potentiels dès le début du processus. Cela permet de développer des stratégies d’atténuation et des plans d’urgence, réduisant ainsi le risque de retards coûteux ou d’échecs de projets ultérieurs.
  • **Évaluer la viabilité économique :** L’étude analyse les conditions du marché, les prix, les coûts de production et d’autres facteurs pour déterminer si le projet sera financièrement viable.
  • **Définir la portée et les objectifs du projet :** Les études de concept définissent clairement la portée, les objectifs et les résultats attendus du projet, fournissant une feuille de route pour les futures phases de développement.
  • **Rationaliser la prise de décision :** En fournissant des informations complètes et une analyse détaillée, les études de concept permettent une prise de décision éclairée par les parties prenantes, les aidant à choisir les projets les plus prometteurs.

**Composantes clés d’une étude de concept :**

Une étude de concept typique comprend plusieurs éléments clés :

  • **Définition du problème :** Quel est le problème ou l’opportunité que le projet vise à résoudre ?
  • **Faisabilité technique :** Le projet peut-il être techniquement exécuté ? Existe-t-il des technologies appropriées ?
  • **Analyse économique :** Quels sont les coûts, les revenus et la rentabilité prévus ?
  • **Analyse de marché :** Quelle est la demande potentielle pour la production du projet ?
  • **Impact environnemental :** Quels sont les impacts environnementaux potentiels du projet ?
  • **Conformité réglementaire :** Le projet respecte-t-il toutes les réglementations pertinentes ?

**Étude de concept : Le fondement du succès**

L’étude de concept est la pierre angulaire de tout projet pétrolier et gazier. Elle garantit que le projet est bien défini, économiquement viable, techniquement réalisable et écologiquement sain. En prenant le temps de réaliser une étude de concept approfondie, les entreprises peuvent minimiser les risques, prendre des décisions éclairées et augmenter leurs chances de succès dans un secteur concurrentiel.

Test Your Knowledge

Concept Study Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a concept study in the oil and gas industry?

a) To secure funding for a project. b) To design the detailed engineering plans for a project. c) To evaluate the feasibility and potential profitability of a project idea. d) To obtain permits and approvals for a project.


c) To evaluate the feasibility and potential profitability of a project idea.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key component of a concept study?

a) Problem Definition b) Technical Feasibility c) Project Timeline d) Environmental Impact


c) Project Timeline

3. How does a concept study help reduce risks in oil and gas projects?

a) By ensuring the project is environmentally sustainable. b) By identifying potential challenges and developing mitigation strategies early on. c) By securing government approvals for the project. d) By optimizing the project budget.


b) By identifying potential challenges and developing mitigation strategies early on.

4. What is the role of market analysis in a concept study?

a) To determine the availability of skilled labor for the project. b) To assess the potential demand for the project's output. c) To identify potential competitors in the market. d) To analyze the environmental impact of the project.


b) To assess the potential demand for the project's output.

5. Why is a concept study considered the "foundation for success" in oil and gas projects?

a) It ensures the project is technically feasible and environmentally sound. b) It secures funding for the project. c) It allows for the rapid development of the project. d) It guarantees the profitability of the project.


a) It ensures the project is technically feasible and environmentally sound.

Concept Study Exercise

Scenario: You are a young engineer working for an oil and gas company. Your team has an idea for a new offshore drilling platform that utilizes innovative technology to minimize environmental impact. Your manager asks you to conduct a preliminary concept study to determine the feasibility of this project.


  1. Identify 3 key aspects of the project that need to be evaluated in the concept study.
  2. For each aspect, describe a specific question that needs to be answered during the study.
  3. Explain how answering these questions will contribute to the overall success of the project.


Aspect: Technical Feasibility

Question: Can existing technology be adapted or are new technologies required for the platform's construction and operation?

Explanation: Answering this question will determine if the project is feasible from a technical standpoint and will identify any technological hurdles that need to be addressed.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible answers for the exercise:

**1. Key Aspects:**

  • Technical Feasibility
  • Economic Viability
  • Environmental Impact

**2. Questions:**

  • **Technical Feasibility:** Can the platform be designed and built to withstand harsh offshore conditions and operate efficiently in a cost-effective manner? (This question focuses on the engineering aspects and challenges associated with building and operating such a platform.)
  • **Economic Viability:** Will the cost of developing and operating the platform be offset by the expected oil and gas production, considering current market prices and potential future fluctuations? (This focuses on the financial feasibility of the project and whether it is a worthwhile investment.)
  • **Environmental Impact:** How will the platform's design and operation minimize potential environmental risks and impacts on marine life and ecosystems? (This question highlights the importance of minimizing the project's footprint on the environment, addressing regulatory compliance and public perception.)

**3. Explanation:**

  • Answering these questions will ensure that the project has a solid foundation by identifying and addressing potential challenges early on. It will help the team determine if the project is feasible, economically viable, and environmentally responsible. This will ultimately increase the chances of project success and avoid costly setbacks or project cancellation later in the development process.


  • "Petroleum Development and Production" by John M. Campbell: This comprehensive text covers various aspects of oil and gas development, including concept studies.
  • "Oil and Gas Production Handbook" by B.K. Paul: Provides a practical guide to the oil and gas industry, including sections on feasibility studies and concept development.
  • "Project Management for Oil and Gas" by John R. Wiley & Sons: Offers guidance on project management principles, including the role of concept studies in the lifecycle of oil and gas projects.


  • "The Importance of Concept Studies in Oil and Gas Exploration" by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): Discusses the value of concept studies in assessing exploration risks and identifying potential opportunities.
  • "Concept Study: A Critical First Step for Upstream Oil and Gas Projects" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Explores the role of concept studies in upstream projects, emphasizing their importance in decision-making and risk mitigation.
  • "Concept Study: A Framework for Success" by Oil & Gas Journal: Provides a framework for conducting effective concept studies, outlining key components and steps involved.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers numerous resources, including technical papers, articles, and presentations on concept studies and their application in oil and gas projects.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): AAPG provides a wealth of information on exploration and development, including resources related to concept studies and feasibility analysis.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): The EIA offers data and analysis on energy markets, which can be helpful in conducting market assessments for concept studies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "concept study," "oil and gas," "upstream," "feasibility study," and "project development."
  • Refine your search: Use operators like "" or "" to limit your search to specific websites.
  • Include quotes: Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "concept study framework" to find exact matches.
  • Combine keywords: Use Boolean operators like "AND" and "OR" to refine your search and get more precise results.
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