Estimation et contrôle des coûts

Basis of Estimate

Décryptage de la "Base d'Estimation" dans un Arrêt : Guide Détaillé

Dans le monde de la gestion de projet et de l'analyse financière, la "Base d'Estimation" occupe une position cruciale, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de gérer les arrêts de projets. Ce n'est pas qu'un simple chiffre de coût, mais une documentation complète du raisonnement qui sous-tend cette estimation. Cet article explore la signification de la Base d'Estimation dans un arrêt, en examinant ses composantes clés et sa contribution à la prise de décision éclairée.

Qu'est-ce qu'un Arrêt et pourquoi la Base d'Estimation est-elle importante ?

Un "arrêt" en gestion de projet correspond à une pause temporaire dans les activités du projet. Cela peut survenir pour diverses raisons, telles que des contraintes budgétaires, des problèmes techniques non résolus ou des approbations en suspens. Un arrêt nécessite une évaluation approfondie des implications financières du projet, où la Base d'Estimation prend une place centrale.

La Base d'Estimation sert de fondement à la compréhension de l'impact financier de l'arrêt. Elle offre transparence et clarté concernant les estimations de coûts impliquées, permettant aux parties prenantes de :

  • Évaluer les implications financières de l'arrêt : En comprenant les estimations de coûts, les chefs de projet et les décideurs peuvent évaluer les pertes financières potentielles ou les économies associées à l'arrêt.
  • Prendre des décisions éclairées : La justification détaillée des estimations contribue à la prise de décisions éclairées concernant la durée de l'arrêt, les ajustements potentiels du projet et l'allocation des ressources.
  • Négocier efficacement : La Base d'Estimation sert de base solide pour les négociations avec les parties prenantes, garantissant que tous les participants sont alignés sur les considérations financières.
  • Suivre et gérer les coûts efficacement : En établissant un cadre clair pour l'estimation des coûts, la Base d'Estimation facilite le suivi et la gestion efficaces des coûts tout au long de la durée de l'arrêt.

Composantes Clés d'une Base d'Estimation dans un Arrêt :

Une Base d'Estimation solide pour un arrêt de projet doit englober les éléments suivants :

  • Définition de la Portée : Définir clairement la portée du projet et les activités ou livrables spécifiques affectés par l'arrêt. Cela comprend la définition de ce qui est mis en pause et de ce qui reste actif.
  • Méthodes d'Estimation : Décrire les méthodes utilisées pour obtenir les estimations de coûts. Cela pourrait impliquer l'estimation ascendante, l'estimation par analogie ou l'estimation paramétrique.
  • Hypothèses : Énoncer explicitement toutes les hypothèses faites lors du processus d'estimation des coûts. Par exemple, des hypothèses concernant les taux de main-d'œuvre, les coûts des matériaux ou les retards potentiels.
  • Informations sur les Prix : Fournir une ventilation des informations sur les prix utilisées, y compris les taux de main-d'œuvre, les coûts des matériaux et toutes les données de marché pertinentes.
  • Structure de Ventilation des Coûts (SVC) : Présenter une ventilation détaillée des coûts du projet, classés en différents éléments de coûts tels que la main-d'œuvre, les matériaux, l'équipement et les frais généraux.
  • Plans d'Urgence : Décrire les plans d'urgence pour les risques potentiels ou les circonstances imprévues qui pourraient avoir un impact sur les coûts du projet.
  • Justification des Changements : Si l'arrêt nécessite des modifications de la portée ou du calendrier du projet, fournir des justifications claires pour ces modifications.
  • Évaluation de l'Impact : Analyser l'impact potentiel de l'arrêt sur les délais du projet, la disponibilité des ressources et la réussite globale du projet.
  • Calendrier de l'Arrêt : Préciser la durée prévue de l'arrêt, ainsi que les facteurs potentiels qui pourraient influencer sa durée.
  • Plan de Reprise : Détailler le plan pour la reprise des activités du projet après l'arrêt, y compris les ajustements ou modifications nécessaires.

Exemple d'une Base d'Estimation :

Projet : Développement d'un site Web pour un nouveau produit

Raison de l'Arrêt : Problèmes techniques avec la plateforme choisie.

Base d'Estimation :

  • Portée : L'arrêt affecte le développement de la fonctionnalité de commerce électronique du site Web.
  • Méthode d'Estimation : Estimation ascendante, en utilisant des données historiques pour des projets similaires.
  • Hypothèses : Les coûts de main-d'œuvre sont basés sur les taux actuels pour les développeurs expérimentés.
  • Prix : Taux horaire des développeurs : 100 € / heure.
  • SVC :
    • Coûts de Main-d'œuvre : 10 000 € (100 heures de temps de développement).
    • Frais de licence de plateforme : 5 000 €.
  • Urgence : 10 % supplémentaires pour les retards ou les changements inattendus.
  • Calendrier : L'arrêt devrait durer 2 semaines.

Conclusion :

La Base d'Estimation est un élément essentiel pour gérer efficacement les arrêts de projet. En fournissant une justification claire et détaillée des estimations de coûts, elle favorise la transparence, la prise de décision éclairée et facilite la reprise réussie du projet. En documentant soigneusement ces informations cruciales, les parties prenantes du projet peuvent naviguer dans les arrêts de projet avec plus de confiance et minimiser l'impact financier sur leurs projets.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unpacking the "Basis of Estimate" in a Hold

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Basis of Estimate in a project hold?

a) To determine the exact cost of the hold. b) To provide a clear justification for the hold. c) To estimate the potential financial impact of the hold. d) To track project expenses during the hold.


c) To estimate the potential financial impact of the hold.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key component of a Basis of Estimate for a project hold?

a) Scope Definition b) Estimating Methods c) Risk Assessment d) Timeline for Hold


c) Risk Assessment

3. What does the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) in a Basis of Estimate represent?

a) A list of all project risks. b) A detailed breakdown of project costs by category. c) A plan for recovering from the hold. d) The timeline for resuming project activities.


b) A detailed breakdown of project costs by category.

4. Why is it important to include assumptions in the Basis of Estimate?

a) To ensure accuracy in cost estimations. b) To identify potential risks to the project. c) To provide transparency and accountability in the estimation process. d) To track progress during the hold.


c) To provide transparency and accountability in the estimation process.

5. What is the main benefit of having a detailed recovery plan in the Basis of Estimate?

a) To ensure a smooth transition back to active project work. b) To identify potential delays in resuming project activities. c) To negotiate a fair price for the hold. d) To avoid future project holds.


a) To ensure a smooth transition back to active project work.

Exercise: Creating a Basis of Estimate


A software development project is put on hold due to a delay in obtaining necessary regulatory approvals. The project team estimates the hold will last for 4 weeks.


Create a basic Basis of Estimate for this project hold, including the following components:

  • Scope Definition
  • Estimating Method
  • Assumptions
  • Pricing Information
  • Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS)
  • Timeline for Hold

Exercise Correction:

Exercise Correction

**Basis of Estimate**

**Project:** Software Development Project

**Hold Reason:** Delay in regulatory approvals.

  • **Scope Definition:** The hold affects all development activities related to the software's release, including coding, testing, and documentation.
  • **Estimating Method:** Bottom-up estimation using historical data from similar projects and current resource costs.
  • **Assumptions:** * Current salaries for development team remain consistent. * No additional costs incurred for regulatory approval process. * No unexpected delays beyond the estimated 4-week period.
  • **Pricing Information:** * Developer hourly rate: $80/hour. * Tester hourly rate: $60/hour. * Documentation specialist hourly rate: $50/hour.
  • **Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS):** * Development costs: $16,000 (5 developers x 40 hours x $80/hour). * Testing costs: $4,800 (2 testers x 40 hours x $60/hour). * Documentation costs: $4,000 (1 specialist x 40 hours x $50/hour). * Overhead costs (office space, utilities): $2,000.
  • **Timeline for Hold:** 4 weeks.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Seventh Edition. Project Management Institute. (Chapter 8: Cost Management) - Provides a comprehensive framework for cost estimation and management, including the concept of a basis of estimate.**
  • Kerzner, H. (2021). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons. (Chapter 9: Cost Estimation and Control) - Covers cost estimation techniques and best practices, with relevant sections on justifying estimates and developing a strong Basis of Estimate.**
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2016). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation. McGraw-Hill Education. (Chapter 7: Cost Estimation) - Offers a practical approach to cost estimation in project management, emphasizing the importance of a clear basis for estimates.**


  • "The Importance of a Basis of Estimate for Project Holds" ( This article provides a detailed explanation of why a strong Basis of Estimate is crucial for navigating project holds effectively and making informed decisions about the project's future.
  • "How to Create a Basis of Estimate for a Project Hold" (Construction Dive). This article offers practical guidance on developing a detailed Basis of Estimate for project holds in the construction industry. It includes valuable tips on defining scope, identifying cost drivers, and incorporating contingency plans.
  • "Basis of Estimate: Key Components and Best Practices" (Project Times). This article provides a comprehensive overview of the essential components of a Basis of Estimate, highlighting best practices for creating a robust and credible document.

Online Resources

  • - Cost Estimation Techniques: This website offers a wide range of resources on cost estimation techniques, including bottom-up estimation, analogy-based estimation, and parametric estimation.
  • Construction Knowledge (CK) - Cost Estimating: This website provides valuable information and resources on cost estimation for construction projects, including guidelines for developing a comprehensive Basis of Estimate.
  • - Cost Management: The Project Management Institute's website offers a wealth of resources on cost management, including articles, webinars, and research papers related to cost estimation and the Basis of Estimate.

Search Tips

  • "Basis of Estimate + Project Hold": This search will return results specifically related to developing a Basis of Estimate in the context of project holds.
  • "Cost Estimation Techniques + [Your Industry]": Replace "[Your Industry]" with your specific industry (e.g., construction, software development) to find resources tailored to your field.
  • "Basis of Estimate + Examples": This search will provide examples of Basis of Estimate documents, offering insights into their structure and content.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Developing a Basis of Estimate

The Basis of Estimate (BOE) for a project hold requires meticulous cost estimation. Several techniques can be employed, each with its strengths and weaknesses:

1. Bottom-Up Estimating: This granular approach involves breaking down the project into its smallest constituent tasks. Each task is individually estimated, and the totals are aggregated to reach the overall project estimate. For a hold, this means itemizing the costs associated with each paused task, including labor, materials, and any other expenses directly impacted by the standstill. This is highly accurate but time-consuming.

2. Top-Down Estimating: This approach begins with a high-level estimate, often based on historical data or analogous projects. It’s less precise but faster. For a hold, this might involve comparing the current situation to similar project pauses in the past, adjusting for any unique factors.

3. Parametric Estimating: This method uses statistical relationships between project parameters (e.g., size, complexity) and cost. Historical data is crucial for establishing these relationships. In a hold scenario, parameters relevant to the paused work are assessed, and the corresponding cost is extrapolated. This requires strong historical data and careful consideration of relevant parameters.

4. Analogous Estimating: This technique leverages the cost data from similar past projects to estimate the current project’s costs. This is particularly useful for projects on hold where the reasons for the pause are similar to previous experiences. The accuracy depends on the similarity of the past and present projects.

5. Three-Point Estimating: This risk-mitigating approach uses three estimates: optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely. A weighted average is then calculated, incorporating uncertainty. For a project hold, this helps account for potential variations in the duration and costs associated with resuming work.

Choosing the Right Technique: The best technique depends on factors such as data availability, project complexity, and time constraints. Often, a combination of techniques is employed for a more robust BOE. For example, a top-down estimate could be refined using bottom-up details for critical areas impacted by the hold.

Chapter 2: Models for Basis of Estimate Presentation

The BOE isn't just about numbers; it's about clear communication. Several models can be used to effectively present the estimate:

1. Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS): This hierarchical model breaks down the total project cost into smaller, manageable categories. For a project hold, the CBS highlights the costs specifically affected by the pause, allowing for focused analysis. It typically uses a tree-like structure to represent the cost categories and subcategories.

2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with Costing: Combining the WBS—a hierarchical decomposition of the project work—with cost information provides a detailed view of cost distribution across project tasks. For a hold, this clearly shows which tasks are affected and their associated costs.

3. Earned Value Management (EVM): EVM provides a framework to track project performance against the planned schedule and budget. While not strictly a BOE presentation model, it can be integrated to demonstrate the impact of the hold on the project's planned value and earned value.

4. Gantt Chart with Cost Integration: Integrating cost information into a Gantt chart visually represents the schedule and the cost associated with each task. For a project hold, this clearly demonstrates the time and cost impact of the pause.

5. Spreadsheet-based Models: Simple spreadsheets can effectively present the BOE, especially for smaller projects. They can include a summary table of costs, detailed breakdowns, and assumptions.

Choosing the right model depends on audience and project complexity. For simple projects, a spreadsheet might suffice. Complex projects benefit from more structured models like CBS or WBS integrated with cost information. Visual representations such as Gantt charts enhance understanding and communication.

Chapter 3: Software for Basis of Estimate Creation

Several software tools can facilitate the creation and management of a BOE:

1. Project Management Software: Tools like Microsoft Project, Asana, Jira, and offer features for cost tracking, resource allocation, and reporting, aiding in BOE creation. They often integrate with other software for enhanced functionality.

2. Spreadsheet Software: Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets remain popular choices due to their flexibility and widespread availability. They allow for creating detailed cost breakdowns, calculations, and charts.

3. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: ERP systems, such as SAP and Oracle, offer comprehensive project management modules, including sophisticated cost estimation and tracking features. These are typically used in large organizations.

4. Dedicated Cost Estimating Software: Specialized software like CostX and Primavera P6 offer advanced cost estimation features, including parametric estimating capabilities and integration with other project management tools.

5. Cloud-Based Collaboration Platforms: Platforms like Smartsheet and Airtable enable collaborative BOE creation and management, facilitating communication among stakeholders.

The choice of software depends on project size, budget, and organizational needs. For smaller projects, spreadsheet software might be sufficient. Larger, complex projects might benefit from dedicated project management software or ERP systems.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Basis of Estimate Development

Developing a robust BOE requires adherence to best practices:

1. Clear Scope Definition: The BOE must accurately reflect the project scope, specifically outlining what's impacted by the hold. Ambiguity leads to inaccurate estimations and disputes.

2. Transparency and Documentation: Clearly document all assumptions, methods, and data sources used. This ensures traceability and facilitates future audits.

3. Realistic Assumptions: Avoid overly optimistic or pessimistic assumptions. Base estimations on historical data, market research, and expert judgment.

4. Contingency Planning: Include a contingency buffer to account for unforeseen risks and potential cost overruns. The percentage allocated depends on project risk levels.

5. Regular Review and Updates: The BOE is not static; it needs regular review and updates as the project progresses and the situation changes. Changes should be documented and justified.

6. Stakeholder Involvement: Engage stakeholders throughout the process to ensure alignment and buy-in. Their input can help identify potential risks and refine estimations.

7. Version Control: Maintain versions of the BOE to track changes and revisions over time. This allows for easy tracing of updates and adjustments.

8. Use Consistent Units and Metrics: Maintain consistency in units (e.g., hours, dollars) and metrics to avoid confusion and errors.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Basis of Estimate in Project Holds

Case Study 1: Software Development Hold: A software development project was put on hold due to a critical bug discovered in the core functionality. The BOE for the hold included the cost of debugging, redesigning the affected module, and retesting. The bottom-up approach was employed, with detailed task breakdown and hourly rates for developers. A contingency was added for potential unforeseen issues during debugging. This detailed BOE allowed management to justify the delay to stakeholders and secure the necessary budget for resolving the issue.

Case Study 2: Construction Project Hold: A construction project was halted due to unexpected weather conditions and material delays. The BOE for this hold included the cost of idle labor, material storage, and potential claims against suppliers. Analogous estimating was used, comparing costs from similar projects affected by weather delays. The BOE helped assess the financial implications of the hold and allowed for negotiation with contractors and insurance providers.

Case Study 3: Marketing Campaign Hold: A marketing campaign was paused due to insufficient data on target audience response. The BOE comprised the cost of the paused advertising spend, along with the cost of conducting additional market research. A top-down approach was initially used to estimate the cost of paused advertising, then refined by bottom-up estimates of the market research cost. This enabled the marketing team to present a revised budget and timeline to management, demonstrating the financial impact of the delay and the cost of mitigating the risk.

These case studies illustrate how a well-defined BOE helps manage the financial implications of project holds across various sectors. The chosen estimating methods and presentation styles are tailored to the specific context of each project.

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