Gestion des contrats et du périmètre

Authorized Unpriced Work

Travaux non tarifés autorisés : Naviguer dans la zone grise des contrats pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde dynamique des projets pétroliers et gaziers, des situations imprévues surviennent fréquemment. Parfois, des travaux au-delà de la portée initiale doivent être effectués, créant une zone grise dans les termes du contrat. C'est là qu'intervient le terme Travaux non tarifés autorisés (TNA). Il décrit les **efforts qui ont été approuvés pour procéder, mais pour lesquels un coût spécifique n'a pas été formellement convenu**.

Comprendre le concept :

Imaginez un projet de construction où des conditions géologiques imprévues nécessitent des forages supplémentaires pour assurer la stabilité. L'entrepreneur peut demander l'autorisation de procéder aux travaux supplémentaires, mais le coût exact associé à ceux-ci n'est pas encore déterminé. Cette situation illustre les Travaux non tarifés autorisés.

Caractéristiques clés des TNA :

  • Autorisation : Les travaux doivent être explicitement autorisés par le propriétaire du projet ou son représentant désigné.
  • Non tarifé : Un coût définitif pour les travaux n'est pas établi à l'avance. Cela signifie qu'une procédure de négociation suivra pour déterminer le prix final.
  • Sensibilité au temps : Les TNA sont souvent nécessaires de manière urgente pour éviter des retards ou des problèmes de sécurité. Cela peut conduire à des procédures d'autorisation accélérées, mais nécessite une gestion attentive pour éviter des litiges coûteux ultérieurement.

Avantages des TNA :

  • Continuité du projet : Permet de poursuivre les travaux essentiels sans interruption, empêchant les retards et les pertes potentielles.
  • Flexibilité : Offre un moyen de s'adapter aux défis imprévus sans se conformer rigoureusement au contrat initial.
  • Répondre aux urgences : Facilite une action rapide dans des situations exigeant une attention immédiate, telles que des problèmes de sécurité ou une atténuation environnementale.

Inconvénients potentiels des TNA :

  • Incertitude sur le coût : L'absence de tarification à l'avance peut entraîner des coûts imprévisibles et des litiges potentiels.
  • Ambiguïté contractuelle : Une gestion inappropriée des TNA peut créer des défis juridiques complexes et éroder la confiance entre les parties.
  • Mauvaise interprétation : Des interprétations divergentes de l'accord TNA peuvent entraîner des désaccords sur la portée des travaux et les ajustements de coûts.

Bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des TNA :

  • Autorisation claire : Obtenir une autorisation écrite spécifique du propriétaire, définissant clairement la portée des travaux et la raison de leur autorisation.
  • Communication transparente : Maintenir une communication ouverte tout au long du processus, en tenant toutes les parties informées des progrès, des implications de coûts potentielles et de tout problème qui survient.
  • Documentation détaillée : Tenir des registres méticuleux des travaux effectués, y compris les heures, les matériaux et toute dépense supplémentaire engagée.
  • Protocole de négociation : Établir un processus clair pour négocier le coût final des TNA, en veillant à ce que les deux parties soient satisfaites du résultat.

Conclusion :

Les Travaux non tarifés autorisés sont un outil nécessaire pour gérer la nature complexe et imprévisible des projets pétroliers et gaziers. En comprenant le concept, ses avantages et ses inconvénients potentiels, les parties prenantes peuvent atténuer les risques et garantir une exécution harmonieuse du projet tout en maintenant des relations équitables et transparentes.

Test Your Knowledge

Authorized Unpriced Work Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following BEST describes Authorized Unpriced Work (AUW)?

a) Work that is not part of the original contract but is approved by the owner. b) Work that is done without authorization and needs to be priced afterward. c) Work that is included in the original contract but has a price that needs to be adjusted. d) Work that is done by a third party without the knowledge of the owner.


The answer is **a) Work that is not part of the original contract but is approved by the owner.**

2. Which of the following is a KEY FEATURE of AUW?

a) The cost is predetermined before the work begins. b) The work is always approved through formal bidding processes. c) The work is usually done without any specific documentation. d) The work is authorized by the project owner or their representative.


The answer is **d) The work is authorized by the project owner or their representative.**

3. What is a potential DRAWBACK of AUW?

a) It allows for greater flexibility in project execution. b) It can prevent delays in critical work. c) It can create unpredictable costs and potential disputes. d) It facilitates immediate action in emergencies.


The answer is **c) It can create unpredictable costs and potential disputes.**

4. Which of the following is a BEST PRACTICE for managing AUW?

a) Avoid documenting the work performed. b) Negotiate the price of the work after it is completed. c) Obtain specific written authorization for the work. d) Keep the owner uninformed of the work progress.


The answer is **c) Obtain specific written authorization for the work.**

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about AUW?

a) AUW is always a negative aspect of oil and gas projects. b) AUW should never be used in oil and gas projects. c) AUW is a valuable tool for managing unforeseen situations. d) AUW eliminates all risk and uncertainty in oil and gas projects.


The answer is **c) AUW is a valuable tool for managing unforeseen situations.**

Authorized Unpriced Work Exercise:


You are a project manager on a large oil and gas drilling project. During the drilling process, unforeseen geological conditions are encountered, requiring additional cementing operations to ensure well stability. The contractor requests permission to proceed with the extra work, but the exact cost is yet to be determined.


  1. Identify: List at least 3 key features of AUW that are applicable in this scenario.
  2. Explain: Discuss 2 potential benefits and 2 potential drawbacks of using AUW in this situation.
  3. Suggest: Outline 3 best practices for managing AUW in this scenario to mitigate risks and ensure a fair outcome for both parties.

Exercice Correction

**1. Key Features of AUW in this Scenario:** * **Authorization:** The contractor needs specific authorization from the project owner to proceed with the additional cementing work. * **Unpriced:** The exact cost of the extra cementing operations is not yet known, requiring a negotiation process to determine the final price. * **Time Sensitivity:** The extra work is likely needed urgently to ensure well stability and prevent potential accidents or delays. **2. Benefits and Drawbacks:** * **Benefits:** * **Project Continuity:** Allowing the extra work prevents delays and potential losses due to the unforeseen geological conditions. * **Addressing Emergencies:** The immediate action taken with AUW ensures well stability and mitigates potential safety risks. * **Drawbacks:** * **Cost Uncertainty:** The lack of upfront pricing for the extra work can lead to unpredictable costs and potential disputes later. * **Contractual Ambiguity:** If not properly managed, the AUW situation can create complex legal challenges and erode trust between the contractor and the owner. **3. Best Practices:** * **Clear Authorization:** Obtain specific written authorization from the owner, clearly outlining the scope of the extra cementing work and the reason for its authorization. * **Transparent Communication:** Keep the owner informed of the progress of the extra work, any potential cost implications, and any issues that arise. * **Detailed Documentation:** Maintain meticulous records of the work performed, including hours, materials, and any additional expenses incurred. This documentation is crucial for the cost negotiation process.


  • Oil and Gas Contracts: Drafting, Negotiating, and Litigation: By Robert M. Lloyd, Jr. - This book provides a comprehensive overview of oil and gas contracts, covering various aspects including change orders, variations, and the management of unforeseen circumstances.
  • The Legal and Practical Aspects of Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production: By John M. Parry - This book offers valuable insights into the legal and practical challenges of oil and gas operations, including contract management, disputes, and risk mitigation.
  • Petroleum Contracts: A Practical Guide: By J.P. Vassilopoulos - This resource provides a practical guide to understanding and navigating different types of petroleum contracts, including the negotiation of variations and unforeseen work.


  • "Change Orders and Variations in Oil and Gas Contracts": By (Author Name) - Search online databases (like HeinOnline, LexisNexis, JSTOR) for articles focusing on this topic. These articles delve into the legal framework, procedures, and best practices for managing changes in oil and gas contracts.
  • "Managing Unforeseen Work in Oil & Gas Projects": Search for articles using this keyword combination. These publications often cover the challenges of handling unexpected work, including authorization processes, cost determination, and dispute resolution.
  • "The Importance of Clear Contractual Language in Oil & Gas Projects": This is a broad topic but relevant to AUW. Articles emphasizing the importance of well-defined contract terms and the management of unforeseen circumstances can provide valuable insights.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): A reputable industry publication covering news, analysis, and technical articles. Search their archives for relevant articles related to contract management and unforeseen work.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API publishes standards, guidelines, and best practices for the oil and gas industry, including resources related to contract management and risk mitigation.
  • Energy Institute (EI): Another leading industry association with publications and resources on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including contract management and legal issues.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Authorized Unpriced Work," "Unforeseen Work," "Change Orders," "Variations in Oil & Gas Contracts," "Contract Management Oil & Gas."
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "Oil & Gas contract management," "Oil & Gas project execution," "Oil & Gas legal issues."
  • Refine your search by adding location (e.g., "Oil & Gas contracts Canada") or specific contract types (e.g., "Production Sharing Agreement").
  • Utilize advanced search operators:
    • "+" : To include specific terms (e.g., "Authorized + Unpriced + Work").
    • "-" : To exclude specific terms (e.g., "Authorized + Unpriced + Work - construction").
    • " ": To search for exact phrases (e.g., "Oil & Gas Contracts").


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