Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Pipeline Construction: Slotted anchor

Slotted anchor

Ancrages à fente : Flexibilité pour l'expansion thermique

Dans le domaine de l'ingénierie et de la construction, assurer l'intégrité structurelle est primordial. Cependant, les matériaux présentent souvent des variations de comportement en raison des fluctuations de température. Pour pallier à cela, les ingénieurs utilisent des composants spécialisés comme les **ancrages à fente**.

Les **ancrages à fente**, également appelés **selles**, sont des supports conçus pour gérer l'expansion et la contraction thermique dans les structures. Leur caractéristique unique réside dans leurs **trous de boulon allongés**, qui permettent un mouvement contrôlé le long de l'axe du boulon. Ce mouvement compense l'expansion et la contraction du composant supporté, empêchant l'accumulation de contraintes et les dommages potentiels.

Voici une ventilation des principaux avantages des ancrages à fente :

  • Adaptation de l'expansion thermique : Les matériaux se dilatent et se contractent avec les changements de température. Les ancrages à fente permettent ce mouvement sans exercer de contraintes excessives sur le composant supporté ou la structure d'ancrage.
  • Réduction de la concentration de contraintes : Les trous allongés répartissent la contrainte sur une plus grande surface, réduisant les points de concentration de contraintes qui pourraient entraîner une défaillance.
  • Durabilité accrue : En accommodant les mouvements thermiques, les ancrages à fente empêchent les dommages causés par les forces d'expansion et de contraction, augmentant ainsi la durabilité globale de la structure.
  • Facilité d'installation : La conception à fente permet une installation et un réglage faciles, même dans les espaces restreints.

Applications des ancrages à fente :

Les ancrages à fente sont largement utilisés dans diverses applications, notamment :

  • Systèmes de tuyauterie : Les tuyaux sont sujets à l'expansion et à la contraction en raison du flux de fluide et des variations de température. Les ancrages à fente assurent un support stable tout en permettant le mouvement.
  • Charpentes en acier : Les structures en acier se dilatent et se contractent avec les changements de température. Les ancrages à fente offrent un support flexible pour les poutres, les colonnes et autres éléments structurels.
  • Équipements industriels : Les machines et les équipements peuvent générer une chaleur importante, ce qui entraîne une expansion. Les ancrages à fente offrent une solution de montage stable qui tient compte de ces changements thermiques.
  • Systèmes CVC : Les systèmes CVC impliquent des conduits et des tuyaux qui subissent des fluctuations de température importantes. Les ancrages à fente assurent un support sécurisé et fiable pour ces composants.

Conclusion :

Les ancrages à fente sont des composants essentiels pour garantir l'intégrité structurelle dans les environnements où l'expansion et la contraction thermiques sont un facteur. Leur capacité à accommoder les mouvements tout en maintenant un support sécurisé les rend précieux pour un large éventail d'applications. En comprenant les avantages et les applications des ancrages à fente, les ingénieurs et les constructeurs peuvent créer des structures robustes et fiables qui résistent aux défis des températures changeantes.

Test Your Knowledge

Slotted Anchors Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of slotted anchors?

a) To prevent corrosion b) To provide secure attachment points c) To accommodate thermal expansion and contraction d) To increase the load-bearing capacity of structures


c) To accommodate thermal expansion and contraction

2. What distinguishes a slotted anchor from a standard anchor?

a) The use of different materials b) The presence of a locking mechanism c) Elongated bolt holes d) A larger diameter


c) Elongated bolt holes

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using slotted anchors?

a) Reduced stress concentration b) Increased installation complexity c) Enhanced durability d) Accommodation of thermal movement


b) Increased installation complexity

4. Slotted anchors are commonly used in:

a) Only residential construction b) Piping systems and HVAC systems c) Only bridges and tunnels d) Only high-rise buildings


b) Piping systems and HVAC systems

5. Why are slotted anchors important in structures exposed to temperature fluctuations?

a) They prevent the structure from collapsing b) They minimize stress buildup and potential damage c) They increase the aesthetic appeal of the structure d) They reduce the cost of construction


b) They minimize stress buildup and potential damage

Slotted Anchors Exercise

Scenario: You are designing a support system for a large industrial oven that experiences significant temperature fluctuations during operation. The oven is mounted on a steel frame, and its expansion and contraction can cause stress on the frame.

Task: Explain how slotted anchors can be incorporated into the support system to minimize stress and ensure the oven's stability. Briefly describe the placement and function of the anchors in the system.

Exercise Correction

Slotted anchors can be used in the support system for the industrial oven by attaching them to the steel frame. These anchors should be strategically placed at key points where the oven's expansion and contraction are most likely to exert stress on the frame.

The elongated bolt holes in the slotted anchors allow for controlled movement along the axis of the bolt. This allows the oven to expand and contract without putting undue stress on the frame. The slotted anchors effectively act as a "buffer zone" for the thermal movement, preventing stress buildup and potential damage to the oven or the supporting frame.

By using slotted anchors, the support system will maintain a stable and secure attachment for the oven while accommodating the temperature fluctuations, ensuring the oven's safe and reliable operation.


  • Structural Steel Design by Charles Thornton (This book covers various aspects of structural steel design, including the use of anchors and thermal expansion.)
  • Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler (This textbook covers the principles of mechanics of materials, including stress and strain, which are relevant to understanding thermal expansion and the role of slotted anchors.)
  • Building Construction Illustrated by Francis D. Ching (This comprehensive guide provides insights into various building components, including anchors and their role in accommodating movement.)


  • "Slotted Anchors: A Comprehensive Guide to Design and Application" by [Author Name] (This article would provide a detailed analysis of slotted anchors, focusing on design considerations, applications, and advantages.)
  • "Thermal Expansion and Contraction in Building Structures" by [Author Name] (This article would delve into the concept of thermal expansion and its impact on buildings, including the need for expansion joints and anchors.)
  • "The Role of Anchors in Structural Integrity: A Case Study" by [Author Name] (This article would discuss the significance of anchors in maintaining the integrity of structures, potentially showcasing the use of slotted anchors in specific examples.)

Online Resources

  • Engineering ToolBox: This website offers extensive information on engineering topics, including a section on thermal expansion and contraction.
  • AASHTO Manual for Design of Bridges: The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials provides a detailed guide on bridge design, including sections on thermal expansion and the use of anchors.
  • Building Codes and Standards: Consult local building codes and standards, which often specify guidelines for using anchors and accommodating thermal expansion in structures.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "slotted anchors thermal expansion," "saddles for structural steel," "expansion joints in piping systems."
  • Include relevant keywords like "design," "application," "advantages," "installation," "standards."
  • Utilize quotation marks to find exact phrases, e.g., "thermal expansion accommodation."
  • Combine keywords with specific material types, like "slotted anchors steel," "slotted anchors concrete," etc.
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