Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Skirt vents

Skirt vents

Vents de jupe : Soupapes de sécurité pour les navires pétroliers et gaziers

Les vents de jupe sont un élément de sécurité essentiel que l'on trouve couramment sur les grands navires de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Ces vents, généralement constitués de trous régulièrement espacés de 3 à 4 pouces de diamètre, sont stratégiquement percés près du sommet de la jupe du navire. Leur fonction principale est de fournir un chemin de libération sûr et contrôlé pour les gaz toxiques et explosifs qui peuvent s'accumuler dans l'espace confiné sous la jupe.

La nécessité des vents de jupe :

Pendant les opérations normales et la maintenance, l'espace sous la jupe du navire peut être sujet à l'accumulation de gaz. Ce gaz peut résulter de divers facteurs, notamment :

  • Fuites : Même la plus petite fuite d'un tuyau ou d'une bride peut entraîner une accumulation importante de gaz inflammables ou toxiques dans l'espace confiné.
  • Opérations de ventilation : Pendant la maintenance ou les réparations, les opérations de ventilation intentionnelles peuvent involontairement libérer des gaz dans les environs.
  • Evaporation : Les liquides volatils stockés dans le navire peuvent s'évaporer, entraînant une accumulation de gaz.

Le rôle des vents de jupe :

Les vents de jupe agissent comme des soupapes de sécurité, empêchant l'accumulation de concentrations dangereuses de gaz dans la base du navire. En permettant la libération progressive des gaz, ils :

  • Réduisent les risques d'explosion : En empêchant l'accumulation de gaz inflammables, les vents de jupe réduisent le risque d'explosions causées par une ignition accidentelle.
  • Atténuent l'exposition toxique : La libération de gaz toxiques est dirigée vers le haut, minimisant l'exposition potentielle du personnel travaillant à proximité.
  • Assurent une maintenance sûre : En permettant la libération sécurisée des gaz, les vents de jupe facilitent les activités de maintenance et de réparation sans risque de conditions dangereuses.

Considérations de conception :

La conception et le placement des vents de jupe sont essentiels pour des performances efficaces. Les principales considérations comprennent :

  • Taille et espacement : La taille et l'espacement des vents doivent être suffisants pour permettre la libération sécurisée des volumes de gaz attendus.
  • Emplacement : Les vents doivent être placés stratégiquement pour assurer une dispersion optimale du gaz et minimiser le risque d'ignition accidentelle.
  • Matériau : Le matériau utilisé pour les vents doit être compatible avec les gaz libérés et résister aux conditions de fonctionnement.
  • Pare-flammes : Dans certaines applications, des pare-flammes peuvent être installés aux ouvertures de ventilation pour empêcher l'inflammation des gaz libérés.

Vents de jupe : un élément de sécurité essentiel :

Les vents de jupe sont un élément de sécurité essentiel dans les installations pétrolières et gazières. Leur présence fournit une méthode contrôlée et sécurisée pour libérer des gaz potentiellement dangereux, atténuant les risques d'explosions, d'expositions toxiques et de conditions de travail dangereuses. L'inspection et la maintenance régulières de ces vents sont essentielles pour garantir leur bon fonctionnement et contribuer à un environnement d'exploitation sûr et fiable.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Skirt Vents - Safety Valves for Oil & Gas Vessels

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of skirt vents? a) To prevent the buildup of pressure within the vessel. b) To provide a safe release path for gases that may accumulate below the skirt. c) To regulate the flow of liquids within the vessel. d) To enhance the cooling efficiency of the vessel.


b) To provide a safe release path for gases that may accumulate below the skirt.

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to gas accumulation below the vessel skirt? a) Leaks from pipes or flanges. b) Intentional venting operations. c) Evaporation of volatile liquids. d) Regular maintenance procedures.


d) Regular maintenance procedures.

3. What is the main benefit of using skirt vents to release gases? a) They can be used to regulate the flow of gases within the vessel. b) They prevent the formation of ice on the vessel's exterior. c) They reduce the risk of explosions and toxic gas exposures. d) They improve the vessel's thermal efficiency.


c) They reduce the risk of explosions and toxic gas exposures.

4. Which of these factors is NOT considered in the design of skirt vents? a) Size and spacing of the vents. b) Location of the vents. c) Material used for the vents. d) The weight capacity of the vessel.


d) The weight capacity of the vessel.

5. Why are regular inspections and maintenance of skirt vents essential? a) To ensure they are properly functioning. b) To prevent corrosion and damage. c) To ensure compliance with safety regulations. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Skirt Vent Design


You are tasked with designing skirt vents for a new oil storage tank. The tank will hold a volatile liquid that evaporates easily.

  1. Identify the key factors to consider when designing the skirt vents for this specific application.
  2. Explain how these factors would influence the design choices, including size, spacing, location, material, and the potential need for flame arrestors.

Exercice Correction

**Key factors to consider:** * **Type of volatile liquid:** The specific properties of the liquid, such as its flammability, toxicity, and vapor pressure, will influence the design of the vents. * **Tank size and capacity:** The size of the tank will determine the volume of potential gas buildup, influencing the required vent size and spacing. * **Operating conditions:** Ambient temperature, humidity, and potential for ignition sources will need to be factored in. * **Safety regulations:** Local and industry regulations for venting and fire prevention will dictate specific design requirements. **Design considerations:** * **Size and spacing:** Larger vent diameters and closer spacing will allow for faster and more efficient release of potentially hazardous gases. * **Location:** Vents should be positioned strategically to ensure optimal gas dispersion and minimize the risk of accidental ignition, especially in areas where personnel work. * **Material:** The vent material must be resistant to corrosion and be compatible with the stored liquid and its vapors. * **Flame arrestors:** Given the volatile nature of the stored liquid, flame arrestors are highly recommended to prevent ignition of released gases, especially if the tank is in an area with potential ignition sources. **Example design decisions:** * **Large vent diameters:** To handle the potentially high gas volume from the volatile liquid. * **Closer spacing:** To ensure efficient gas dispersion and prevent localized buildup. * **Strategic location:** High on the skirt, away from potential ignition sources, and in a direction that avoids personnel work areas. * **Stainless steel construction:** To resist corrosion and maintain structural integrity. * **Flame arrestors:** As a safety precaution to prevent accidental ignition. **Conclusion:** A thorough understanding of the specific factors and potential hazards involved in this application is essential to design effective and safe skirt vents for the oil storage tank.


  • "Process Equipment Design: A Practical Guide" by John M. Coulson & J. F. Richardson: This comprehensive text covers various aspects of process equipment design, including safety features like vents.
  • "Handbook of Chemical Process Safety" by Daniel A. Crowl & Joseph F. Louvar: A valuable resource for safety professionals and engineers, covering safety analysis, hazard identification, and risk mitigation, including vent design.
  • "API Recommended Practice 541: Design and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices" by American Petroleum Institute: This API standard provides guidelines for the design, installation, and maintenance of pressure relief devices, relevant to skirt vents.


  • "Skirt Vents: An Essential Safety Feature for Oil and Gas Installations" by (Your name) - This article could be a starting point for your research, expanding on the provided text with more technical details.
  • "Safety Venting: Skirt Vents and Other Options for Process Safety" by (Search for relevant journal articles in publications like "Process Safety Progress" or "Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries")
  • "Case Studies of Skirt Vent Failure and Lessons Learned" - Search for case studies published in industry journals or safety conferences.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): Website offers various publications, standards, and resources related to oil and gas safety, including pressure relief devices.
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration): Offers guidelines and regulations on workplace safety, including information on hazardous materials and equipment.
  • NFPA (National Fire Protection Association): Provides standards and resources related to fire safety and prevention, relevant to flammable gas release scenarios.

Search Tips

  • "Skirt vents oil and gas safety" - This broad search will return relevant articles, standards, and discussions.
  • "API 541 skirt vents" - This search focuses on the API standard for pressure relief devices, potentially uncovering specific information about skirt vent design and installation.
  • "Skirt vent failure case studies" - This search will target articles and reports discussing real-world scenarios related to skirt vent malfunctions.
  • "Skirt vent calculation software" - This search will help you locate tools and resources for designing and sizing skirt vents for specific applications.
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