Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: Seal pan

Seal pan

Bacs à joint : maintenir les liquides sous contrôle dans les navires pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde du traitement pétrolier et gazier, l'efficacité et la sécurité sont primordiales. Chaque composant d'une raffinerie ou d'une usine de traitement joue un rôle vital, et un élément crucial souvent négligé est le **bac à joint**.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un bac à joint ?**

Un bac à joint est une structure spécialisée en forme de plateau installée sous le plateau inférieur d'un appareil de distillation ou d'absorption. Sa fonction principale est d'empêcher le liquide de contourner les plateaux, en garantissant que le processus de séparation prévu se déroule efficacement.

**Pourquoi les bacs à joint sont-ils importants ?**

Imaginez une colonne de distillation, où différents composants sont séparés en fonction de leurs points d'ébullition. Si le liquide contourne les plateaux, il ne sera pas exposé aux cycles nécessaires de vaporisation et de condensation, ce qui entraîne :

  • **Efficacité réduite :** Le processus de séparation devient moins efficace, entraînant des rendements inférieurs des produits souhaités.
  • **Contamination du produit :** Les liquides qui contournent peuvent contaminer le produit final, entraînant des problèmes de qualité et des risques potentiels pour la sécurité.
  • **Coûts d'exploitation accrus :** Une séparation inefficace peut entraîner une consommation d'énergie plus élevée et des besoins de maintenance accrus.

**Fonctionnement des bacs à joint :**

  • **Piégeage du liquide :** La conception du bac à joint piège tout liquide qui s'écoule le long de la paroi de l'appareil.
  • **Rediriger le flux :** Le liquide piégé est ensuite redirigé vers le plateau supérieur, garantissant qu'il passe par le processus de séparation.
  • **Maintien de la pression :** Les bacs à joint aident à maintenir le gradient de pression souhaité sur les plateaux, essentiel pour un fonctionnement efficace.

**Types de bacs à joint :**

  • **Bac à joint simple :** La conception la plus simple, souvent utilisée dans les appareils plus petits ou lorsque les débits sont relativement faibles.
  • **Bac à joint multiples :** Utilisé dans les appareils plus grands ou lorsque des débits plus importants nécessitent un confinement supplémentaire du liquide.
  • **Type à déversoir :** Un type de bac à joint avec un déversoir, une barrière surélevée, qui restreint encore le flux de liquide.

**Avantages des bacs à joint :**

  • **Efficacité de séparation améliorée :** Garantit une récupération maximale du produit et une séparation optimale.
  • **Qualité du produit accrue :** Minimise la contamination et garantit la qualité du produit souhaitée.
  • **Consommation d'énergie réduite :** Optimise le processus de séparation, ce qui entraîne une consommation d'énergie inférieure.
  • **Sécurité améliorée :** Réduit le risque de déversements et d'accidents causés par des liquides qui contournent.

**Conclusion :**

Les bacs à joint sont des composants essentiels des équipements de traitement pétrolier et gazier. Leur conception apparemment simple joue un rôle crucial pour garantir un fonctionnement efficace et sûr, ce qui conduit à une qualité de produit accrue, à des coûts opérationnels réduits et à des performances environnementales améliorées. En comprenant l'importance de ces structures humbles, les ingénieurs peuvent optimiser la conception des processus et garantir le fonctionnement fiable et efficace des usines de traitement essentielles.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Seal Pans in Oil & Gas Vessels

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a seal pan in a distillation or absorption vessel?

a) To provide a space for liquid to accumulate and settle.


Incorrect. While liquid does accumulate in the seal pan, its primary function is not just to accumulate but to direct the liquid back into the process.

b) To prevent liquid from bypassing the trays, ensuring effective separation.


Correct! This is the primary purpose of a seal pan - preventing bypassing and ensuring the separation process works as intended.

c) To increase the pressure within the vessel for better separation.


Incorrect. Seal pans help maintain, not increase, the pressure gradient across the trays.

d) To act as a safety valve to release excess pressure.


Incorrect. A safety valve has a different function altogether.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using seal pans in oil and gas processing?

a) Improved separation efficiency


Incorrect. Seal pans directly contribute to improved separation efficiency.

b) Increased product quality


Incorrect. Seal pans help maintain product quality by preventing contamination.

c) Reduced energy consumption


Incorrect. Seal pans contribute to a more efficient separation process, reducing energy consumption.

d) Increased risk of spills and accidents


Correct! Seal pans actually reduce the risk of spills and accidents by preventing bypassing liquids.

3. Which type of seal pan is often used in smaller vessels with relatively low flow rates?

a) Multiple Seal Pan


Incorrect. Multiple seal pans are typically used for larger vessels with higher flow rates.

b) Weir-Type


Incorrect. Weir-type seal pans are not necessarily limited to small vessels.

c) Single Seal Pan


Correct. Single seal pans are simple and effective for smaller vessels with low flow rates.

d) All of the above


Incorrect. While all options are types of seal pans, a single seal pan is often the choice for smaller vessels with lower flow rates.

4. What happens to liquid that is trapped in a seal pan?

a) It is discharged directly out of the vessel.


Incorrect. The trapped liquid is not discharged out of the vessel.

b) It is allowed to evaporate back into the vapor stream.


Incorrect. The liquid is not allowed to simply evaporate.

c) It is directed back into the tray above, ensuring it goes through the separation process.


Correct. This is the crucial function of a seal pan - to redirect trapped liquid back into the separation process.

d) It is mixed with the vapor stream before being sent to the next stage of processing.


Incorrect. The liquid is not directly mixed with the vapor stream.

5. Which of the following scenarios would benefit the most from using a seal pan?

a) A process where all components have similar boiling points.


Incorrect. If all components have similar boiling points, a seal pan would be less crucial as bypassing liquid would have less impact.

b) A process with very low liquid flow rates.


Incorrect. Low flow rates might make a seal pan less critical, as bypassing would be less significant.

c) A process where liquid bypassing the trays could contaminate the final product.


Correct. This scenario is where a seal pan is most crucial - preventing contamination by ensuring all liquid passes through the separation process.

d) A process where the pressure gradient across the trays is not essential for separation.


Incorrect. Seal pans help maintain the pressure gradient, which is often essential for efficient separation.

Exercise: Design a Seal Pan Solution


You are designing a new distillation column for a refinery. The column is expected to have high flow rates and is responsible for separating valuable hydrocarbons. You are concerned about liquid bypassing the trays, which could lead to product contamination and decreased efficiency.


  1. Identify the type of seal pan you would recommend for this column and explain your reasoning.
  2. Sketch a simple diagram of your proposed seal pan design, including key features.
  3. Explain how your chosen design will address the concerns about liquid bypassing.

Note: Feel free to use additional resources and research to develop your solution.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible solution, keeping in mind that there is no single "right" answer, and specific design decisions depend on the exact process parameters and constraints.

1. Recommended Seal Pan:

  • Multiple Weir-Type Seal Pans: Due to the high flow rates, multiple seal pans would be recommended to efficiently manage the liquid flow and prevent bypassing. The weir design helps to further restrict liquid flow and ensure it is directed back into the trays.

2. Diagram:

  • You would need to draw a basic representation of a distillation column with multiple trays. Below the bottom tray, you would show a series of seal pans with weirs. The weirs could be depicted as raised barriers within the seal pans.

3. Explanation:

  • The multiple seal pans would provide ample capacity to capture the high flow rate of liquid. The weirs in each pan would act as additional barriers, preventing liquid from flowing directly down the vessel wall and ensuring it is directed back into the tray above. This process would prevent bypassing and maintain the separation efficiency of the column.


  • Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook: This classic handbook provides in-depth coverage of various process equipment, including distillation columns and trays. While not specifically dedicated to seal pans, it provides a strong foundation on distillation principles and related components.
  • Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design: This comprehensive text covers design aspects of chemical plants, including process equipment like distillation columns and seal pans.
  • Handbook of Separation Process Technology: This book explores various separation techniques and the associated equipment, with a section dedicated to distillation and related components like trays and seal pans.


  • "Design and Optimization of a Distillation Column with Seal Pans": Search for articles using this keyword combination in online databases like ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and Google Scholar. These articles may discuss specific designs, optimization strategies, and the impact of seal pans on column efficiency.
  • "Effect of Seal Pan Design on Distillation Column Performance": Similar to the previous suggestion, search for articles using this keyword combination. These articles will explore the relationship between seal pan design and the overall performance of distillation columns.
  • "Troubleshooting Distillation Columns: Identifying and Addressing Liquid Bypassing": Search for articles focusing on troubleshooting distillation column issues, specifically addressing liquid bypassing. These articles will likely discuss the role of seal pans in preventing such issues.

Online Resources

  • Process Equipment Suppliers' Websites: Websites of companies specializing in process equipment for the oil and gas industry (e.g., Sulzer, Koch-Glitsch, etc.) often have technical documentation, case studies, and product information on seal pans and related equipment.
  • Oil & Gas Industry Forums: Online forums dedicated to the oil and gas industry, such as LinkedIn groups, can be a valuable source of information. Search for discussions related to seal pan design, installation, and troubleshooting.
  • Professional Organizations' Websites: Websites of professional organizations like the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) may offer technical resources and publications related to distillation equipment and seal pans.

Search Tips

  • Use Specific Keywords: Combine keywords like "seal pan", "distillation column", "absorption tower", "oil & gas", "design", "optimization", and "performance" to refine your search.
  • Include Industry Terminology: Use industry-specific terms like "downcomer", "weir", "tray efficiency", and "liquid entrainment" to target relevant articles and resources.
  • Use Boolean Operators: Utilize operators like "AND", "OR", and "NOT" to refine your search. For example, "seal pan AND distillation column AND design" will only return results that include all three terms.
  • Explore Related Search Terms: Use "People Also Ask" and "Related Searches" sections on Google to discover other relevant search terms that might lead to additional resources.
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