Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Traitement du pétrole et du gaz: Supports de tuyauterie

Supports de tuyauterie

Supports de tuyauterie : Garantir la sécurité et la stabilité des pipelines pétroliers et gaziers

Dans le monde dynamique du pétrole et du gaz, où les pipelines transportent des ressources vitales sur de vastes distances, les supports de tuyauterie apparemment humbles jouent un rôle crucial. Ces composants structurels, souvent négligés au milieu de la grandeur des stations de pompage et des usines de traitement, sont les héros méconnus de l'intégrité des pipelines.

Qu'est-ce qu'un support de tuyauterie ?

Un support de tuyauterie, comme son nom l'indique, est un élément structurel conçu pour **supporter le poids** d'une configuration de tuyauterie. Cela comprend le poids du tuyau lui-même, de tous les fluides qu'il peut transporter et de toutes les charges supplémentaires qu'il pourrait rencontrer, telles que le vent ou l'activité sismique.

Types de supports de tuyauterie

Les supports de tuyauterie se présentent dans une grande variété de formes, de tailles et de matériaux, chacun étant conçu pour des applications et des conditions de charge spécifiques. Les types courants incluent :

  • Support constant : Ces supports fournissent un support continu et uniforme sur toute la longueur du tuyau, souvent présents dans les passages horizontaux.
  • Support variable : Ces supports fournissent des niveaux de support variables le long du tuyau, souvent utilisés dans les passages verticaux ou inclinés pour tenir compte de la distribution de charge changeante.
  • Support de guidage : Ces supports limitent le mouvement du tuyau dans une direction spécifique, empêchant un balancement excessif ou des vibrations.
  • Support d'ancrage : Ces supports fixent le tuyau à une structure, empêchant tout mouvement et assurant la stabilité pendant les contraintes opérationnelles ou environnementales.

Sélection des matériaux et considérations de conception :

La sélection des matériaux et la conception des supports de tuyauterie dépendent de divers facteurs, notamment :

  • Taille et poids du tuyau : Les tuyaux plus grands et plus lourds nécessitent des supports plus robustes et plus robustes.
  • Température et pression de fonctionnement : Des températures et des pressions extrêmes peuvent nécessiter des matériaux et des conceptions spécialisés pour résister à la dilatation thermique et aux fluctuations de pression.
  • Conditions environnementales : Des facteurs tels que les charges de vent, l'activité sismique et les environnements corrosifs influencent le choix des matériaux et les considérations de conception.
  • Accessibilité et entretien : La conception doit privilégier l'accessibilité pour l'inspection, l'entretien et la réparation.

Importance d'une conception adéquate des supports de tuyauterie

Des supports de tuyauterie mal conçus ou installés peuvent entraîner de graves conséquences, notamment :

  • Affaissement du tuyau : Un support insuffisant peut provoquer l'affaissement du tuyau, créant des contraintes et pouvant provoquer des fuites ou même une rupture du tuyau.
  • Vibrations et bruit : Un support insuffisant peut entraîner des vibrations excessives, entraînant une pollution sonore et des dommages potentiels aux structures environnantes.
  • Dommages structurels : Des supports de tuyauterie instables peuvent exercer des forces importantes sur les structures de support, entraînant des dommages et des réparations coûteuses.

Conclusion :

Les supports de tuyauterie peuvent paraître simples, mais leur rôle dans la garantie d'un fonctionnement sûr et fiable dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière est primordial. Une conception, une sélection de matériaux et une installation adéquates sont essentielles pour éviter des défaillances coûteuses et maintenir l'intégrité des pipelines vitaux. Ces composants modestes, bien que souvent négligés, sont véritablement des piliers de sécurité et de stabilité dans le monde complexe des infrastructures pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Pipe Supports Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a pipe support?

a) To prevent corrosion of the pipe b) To control the flow of fluids through the pipe c) To carry the weight of the pipe and its contents d) To insulate the pipe from heat loss


c) To carry the weight of the pipe and its contents

2. Which type of pipe support provides continuous, uniform support along the pipe?

a) Guide Support b) Anchor Support c) Variable Support d) Constant Support


d) Constant Support

3. Which factor is NOT typically considered when selecting materials for pipe supports?

a) Pipe size and weight b) Operating temperature and pressure c) Environmental conditions d) Cost of the pipe itself


d) Cost of the pipe itself

4. What is a potential consequence of improperly designed pipe supports?

a) Increased efficiency of fluid transport b) Reduced maintenance costs c) Pipe sagging and potential leaks d) Enhanced insulation of the pipe


c) Pipe sagging and potential leaks

5. Which of the following is NOT a type of pipe support?

a) Anchor Support b) Guide Support c) Variable Support d) Compression Support


d) Compression Support

Pipe Supports Exercise

Scenario: You are tasked with designing pipe supports for a new pipeline carrying natural gas. The pipeline is 10km long and will operate at high pressure. The terrain is hilly, with some sections running uphill and downhill.


  1. Identify the types of pipe supports that would be most suitable for this project and explain why.
  2. Consider the factors that might influence your choice of materials for the supports.
  3. Describe how you would ensure the supports are properly installed to prevent potential problems.

Exercise Correction

**1. Types of Pipe Supports:**

  • Constant Support: These would be needed for the majority of the pipeline, particularly on flat sections, to ensure uniform support.
  • Variable Support: These would be essential for the uphill and downhill sections, as the load distribution changes due to the incline.
  • Anchor Support: These would be used at key points along the pipeline, especially where changes in direction occur, to prevent movement and ensure stability.
  • Guide Support: Depending on the specific terrain and environmental conditions, these might be needed to limit sway and vibration in areas prone to strong winds.

**2. Material Considerations:**

  • Strength and Durability: The material must be robust enough to withstand the high pressure of the natural gas and any potential environmental stresses (e.g., wind, seismic activity).
  • Corrosion Resistance: Choosing a material resistant to corrosion is crucial, as exposure to the elements and potential leaks of natural gas can lead to deterioration.
  • Temperature Tolerance: The material should be able to withstand variations in temperature, especially if the pipeline runs through areas with significant temperature swings.

**3. Proper Installation:**

  • Accurate Placement: The supports should be placed at precise intervals to ensure proper load distribution and prevent sagging.
  • Secure Attachment: The supports must be securely attached to the pipeline and to the foundation (e.g., concrete pads, anchors) using appropriate fasteners and techniques.
  • Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to identify and address any issues early, such as wear and tear, corrosion, or loose connections.


  • Piping Handbook by E.L. Tuma, R.S. Tuma, and T.A. Tuma: A comprehensive guide to piping engineering, including detailed chapters on pipe supports, design considerations, and industry codes.
  • ASME B31.3 Process Piping by ASME: The primary standard for the design, construction, and operation of process piping systems, including specific requirements for pipe supports.
  • The Handbook of Pipe Supports by Arthur A. Furlong: A practical guide to pipe support design and selection, with numerous illustrations and real-world examples.
  • Pipe Support Design Manual by B.P. Singh: A detailed technical manual covering various aspects of pipe support design, including stress analysis, load calculations, and material selection.


  • "Pipe Supports: An Overview of Types, Applications, and Design Considerations" by An introductory article on the fundamentals of pipe supports, covering different types and key design aspects.
  • "Pipe Support Design: A Comprehensive Guide" by Piping Engineer: A technical article exploring different types of pipe supports, design criteria, and best practices for installation.
  • "The Importance of Proper Pipe Support Design in the Oil & Gas Industry" by Offshore Engineer: A discussion on the critical role of pipe supports in maintaining pipeline integrity and safety in the oil and gas sector.
  • "Pipe Support Design and Selection" by ASME: A technical article published by ASME focusing on industry standards and best practices for pipe support design.

Online Resources

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): ASME offers numerous publications, standards, and resources related to piping design and engineering, including pipe support design.
  • Piping Design and Engineering (PDE): This website provides a wealth of information on pipe support design, covering topics like calculations, software, and industry standards.
  • Pipe Support Design & Analysis (PSDA): A website dedicated to pipe support design and analysis, offering tutorials, software, and industry resources.
  • Engineering Toolbox: This online resource provides a comprehensive collection of engineering tools and calculators, including pipe support calculations.

Search Tips

  • "Pipe support design" + "ASME B31.3": Focuses your search on pipe support design within the context of the industry standard ASME B31.3.
  • "Pipe support types" + "application": Finds articles and websites showcasing different types of pipe supports and their specific applications.
  • "Pipe support calculation" + "software": Reveals resources and software tools for performing pipe support calculations.
  • "Pipe support installation" + "best practices": Uncovers information on best practices for installing pipe supports to ensure optimal performance and safety.
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