Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Oil & Gas Processing: Pipe rack

Pipe rack

Supports pour canalisations : L'épine dorsale des installations pétrolières et gazières

Dans le monde effervescent du traitement du pétrole et du gaz, une structure apparemment simple joue un rôle crucial : le support pour canalisations. Ce cadre apparemment modeste constitue l'épine dorsale de nombreuses installations, offrant un chemin vital pour le flux de matériaux essentiels.

Qu'est-ce qu'un support pour canalisations ?

Essentiellement, un support pour canalisations est un cadre structurel composé d'une série de colonnes verticales interconnectées par des éléments horizontaux. Ces éléments créent un réseau de plateformes et de passerelles sur lesquelles des canalisations de différentes tailles et matériaux sont solidement fixées. Ce système complexe constitue la principale voie pour les canalisations transportant des liquides, des gaz et d'autres substances essentielles au sein d'une installation de traitement.

Importance dans le traitement du pétrole et du gaz :

Le rôle des supports pour canalisations va bien au-delà de la simple organisation. Ils sont essentiels pour :

  • Efficacité du flux : La disposition structurée des supports pour canalisations facilite le mouvement fluide et efficace des fluides et des gaz dans l'ensemble de l'usine. Ce processus rationalisé optimise la production et minimise les temps d'arrêt.
  • Sécurité et maintenance : Les supports pour canalisations offrent un accès facile pour l'inspection, la maintenance et la réparation des canalisations. Les plateformes surélevées permettent aux techniciens d'atteindre en toute sécurité des points hauts, réduisant les risques potentiels et assurant un fonctionnement fiable.
  • Optimisation de l'espace : En regroupant et en organisant efficacement les canalisations, les supports pour canalisations maximisent l'utilisation de l'espace au sein de l'installation. Cela permet une plus grande flexibilité dans la disposition et optimise l'utilisation des terres disponibles.
  • Protection de l'environnement : Une conception et une installation appropriées des supports pour canalisations minimisent le risque de fuites et de déversements, favorisant la sécurité environnementale.

Types de supports pour canalisations :

Les supports pour canalisations sont conçus et construits en fonction des besoins et des conditions spécifiques. Les types courants comprennent :

  • Supports pour canalisations en acier structurel : Le type le plus répandu, caractérisé par une construction en acier robuste capable de supporter des charges lourdes.
  • Supports pour canalisations en béton : Utilisés dans les situations nécessitant une résistance accrue au feu ou une stabilité sismique.
  • Supports pour canalisations composites : Une option relativement nouvelle, offrant une construction légère et une résistance à la corrosion.

Conception et construction :

La conception et la construction de supports pour canalisations est un processus méticuleux impliquant :

  • Sélection des matériaux : L'acier, le béton ou les matériaux composites sont choisis en fonction de facteurs tels que la capacité de charge, les conditions environnementales et le coût.
  • Ingénierie structurelle : Les calculs garantissent la stabilité du support et sa capacité à résister aux contraintes et aux charges prévues.
  • Systèmes de support de canalisations : Divers colliers, supports et supports sont utilisés pour fixer solidement les canalisations au support.
  • Protection contre les incendies : Incorporer des mesures telles que des revêtements ignifuges, une isolation résistante au feu et des systèmes d'extinction d'incendie.

Conclusion :

Les supports pour canalisations sont des éléments essentiels des installations pétrolières et gazières, offrant un système structuré, efficace et sûr pour gérer le flux de matériaux cruciaux. Leur conception et leur construction impliquent une planification et une ingénierie méticuleuses, assurant un fonctionnement fiable et la sécurité environnementale. En tant qu'épine dorsale de ces opérations industrielles complexes, les supports pour canalisations jouent un rôle essentiel et souvent invisible dans la production de l'énergie qui alimente notre monde.

Test Your Knowledge

Pipe Racks Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a pipe rack? a) To store pipes for future use. b) To provide a platform for workers to access equipment. c) To facilitate the efficient flow of fluids and gases within a facility. d) To protect pipes from corrosion.


c) To facilitate the efficient flow of fluids and gases within a facility.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using pipe racks? a) Improved safety for workers. b) Reduced space utilization in facilities. c) Enhanced environmental protection. d) Increased production efficiency.


b) Reduced space utilization in facilities.

3. What is the most common type of pipe rack construction material? a) Concrete b) Composite materials c) Structural steel d) Aluminum


c) Structural steel

4. Why is fire protection important in pipe rack design? a) To prevent fires from spreading to other parts of the facility. b) To minimize the risk of leaks and spills. c) To ensure the stability of the rack under extreme temperatures. d) To prevent corrosion of the pipes.


a) To prevent fires from spreading to other parts of the facility.

5. Which of the following is NOT a crucial aspect of pipe rack design and construction? a) Pipe support systems b) Environmental impact assessment c) Structural engineering calculations d) Material selection


b) Environmental impact assessment

Pipe Racks Exercise


Imagine you are a structural engineer designing a new pipe rack for an oil and gas processing plant. The facility will handle highly flammable materials, and the rack will be located in a region prone to earthquakes.

Based on this information, describe the key design considerations and any special features you would incorporate into your pipe rack design. Briefly explain your choices.

Exercice Correction

Here are some key considerations and features to incorporate:

  • Material Selection: Choose a material with high strength and fire resistance. Concrete would be a good option, as it offers excellent fireproofing and earthquake resistance.
  • Structural Engineering: Perform detailed structural calculations to ensure the rack can withstand seismic loads. Consider using special seismic bracing or dampening systems.
  • Fire Protection: Incorporate fireproofing coatings, fire-resistant insulation, and fire suppression systems throughout the rack. Consider using sprinkler systems designed for flammable materials.
  • Pipe Support Systems: Select robust and reliable pipe supports capable of handling the weight and potential vibrations of the pipes. Ensure they are designed for quick access for maintenance and inspection.
  • Access and Safety: Provide safe and easy access for workers to inspect and maintain the pipes. This may include walkways, platforms, and ladders with proper safety railings and lighting.


The emphasis on fire resistance and seismic stability is critical due to the flammable materials and earthquake-prone location. Concrete offers excellent performance in both aspects. Robust structural engineering and fire protection systems are essential to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of workers and the environment.


  • "Piping Handbook" by Eugene S. Pipes - A comprehensive guide to piping design, installation, and maintenance, covering various aspects including pipe racks.
  • "Structural Steel Designer's Handbook" by Charles G. Salmon and John E. Johnson - Provides in-depth information on structural steel design principles, relevant for understanding pipe rack construction.
  • "Handbook of Industrial Piping" by Norman P. Lieberman - Offers a practical guide to the design, installation, and operation of industrial piping systems, including chapters on pipe supports and racks.
  • "Oil and Gas Pipelines: Design, Construction, and Operation" by Gregory J. Krohn - This book delves into the specific challenges and considerations for pipeline design in the oil and gas industry, including pipe rack design.


  • "Pipe Rack Design: A Guide for Engineers" by ASCE - Provides a detailed overview of pipe rack design principles and considerations.
  • "Pipe Rack Design Considerations for Seismic Regions" by B.C.K.M. Engineering Consultants - Focuses on seismic design aspects for pipe racks in earthquake-prone areas.
  • "The Importance of Pipe Rack Design in Oil & Gas Facilities" by PetroWiki - A comprehensive overview highlighting the critical role of pipe rack design in ensuring operational efficiency and safety.
  • "Pipe Rack Maintenance: A Critical Task for Safety and Efficiency" by Oil & Gas 360 - Emphasizes the importance of regular maintenance and inspection of pipe racks.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API) - API offers various standards and guidelines related to pipe rack design, construction, and maintenance, including API RP 521 "Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore Platforms."
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - ASCE provides valuable resources and standards related to structural engineering, relevant for understanding pipe rack design.
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - NFPA offers standards and guidelines for fire protection, including those relevant to pipe racks in hazardous environments.
  • Piping Engineering & Design Online (PED) - PED provides a comprehensive platform for professionals in the piping industry, offering articles, resources, and discussions related to pipe rack design and construction.
  • Google Scholar - Use relevant keywords like "pipe rack design," "pipe rack construction," "oil and gas pipe rack," "pipe rack safety," and "pipe rack maintenance" to find scholarly articles and research papers.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific terms like "pipe rack," "oil and gas," "design," "construction," "safety," and "maintenance" to narrow down your search results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases, like "pipe rack design standards," to find exact matches.
  • Use operators: Employ operators like "+" (AND), "-" (NOT), and "OR" to refine your search, e.g., "pipe rack" + "safety" - "corrosion".
  • Filter by date: Specify a date range to find more recent information.
  • Check related searches: Explore suggestions provided by Google to discover relevant terms and resources.
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