Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Piping & Pipeline Engineering: Face-to-face


Face-à-Face : Une Dimension Clé pour les Vannes à Brides dans l'Industrie Pétrolière et Gazière

Dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, la précision est primordiale, et la compréhension de la terminologie spécifique est cruciale pour des opérations fluides. Face-à-face est un de ces termes, vital pour le choix des vannes, l'installation et la conception des tuyauteries.

Définition :

Face-à-face, souvent abrégé en "F2F", fait référence à la mesure de la surface de joint d'un côté d'une vanne à bride jusqu'à la surface de joint de l'autre côté. Cette mesure englobe le corps de la vanne lui-même, y compris les brides et tout composant attaché comme l'actionneur.

Importance :

  • Conception des tuyauteries : Le F2F est crucial pour déterminer la longueur totale de la vanne et assurer un espacement adéquat dans le système de tuyauterie. Cela permet un acheminement précis des tuyaux et minimise les risques de collisions.
  • Sélection des vannes : La dimension face-à-face influence directement l'espace physique requis pour l'installation. Cela est particulièrement important dans les zones confinées ou lors d'un remplacement de vanne.
  • Compatibilité des vannes : Les dimensions F2F doivent être compatibles avec la tuyauterie connectée et les autres composants, garantissant une connexion fluide et étanche.

Types de F2F :

  • F2F nominal : Une mesure standard fournie par les fabricants pour un type de vanne spécifique.
  • F2F réel : La mesure réelle prise sur les surfaces de joint de la vanne, qui peut varier légèrement du F2F nominal.

Considérations :

  • Type et taille de la vanne : Le F2F varie considérablement en fonction du type de vanne (à soupape, à bille, à guillotine, etc.) et de sa taille.
  • Matériau et conception : Les variations de matériau et de conception peuvent influencer les dimensions globales et la mesure F2F.
  • Type et taille de l'actionneur : La présence et la taille d'un actionneur peuvent influencer la valeur F2F.

Standardisation :

Pour faciliter la standardisation et la compatibilité, des organismes de l'industrie comme l'American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) et l'American Petroleum Institute (API) fournissent des valeurs F2F standardisées pour différents types et tailles de vannes.

Conclusion :

Comprendre "face-à-face" est essentiel pour les professionnels du pétrole et du gaz impliqués dans la conception des tuyauteries, le choix des vannes et l'installation. En considérant attentivement la dimension F2F, les ingénieurs et les techniciens peuvent garantir des opérations efficaces, sûres et conformes dans les installations pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Face-to-Face Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "F2F" stand for in the context of oil & gas flanged valves?

a) Face-to-face b) Flow-to-flow c) Front-to-front d) Fixture-to-fixture


a) Face-to-face

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences a valve's face-to-face measurement?

a) Valve type b) Valve size c) Valve material d) Valve color


d) Valve color

3. What is the main purpose of standardized face-to-face dimensions?

a) To ensure valve longevity b) To increase valve efficiency c) To ensure compatibility and proper spacing in piping systems d) To reduce the cost of valve production


c) To ensure compatibility and proper spacing in piping systems

4. Which of the following describes the difference between "nominal F2F" and "actual F2F"?

a) Nominal F2F is a theoretical measurement, while actual F2F is the actual measured value. b) Nominal F2F is the maximum measurement, while actual F2F is the minimum. c) Nominal F2F is used for design, while actual F2F is used for installation. d) Nominal F2F is for older valves, while actual F2F is for newer valves.


a) Nominal F2F is a theoretical measurement, while actual F2F is the actual measured value.

5. Why is it important to consider the face-to-face dimension when selecting a valve for a specific application?

a) To ensure the valve can withstand high pressure b) To ensure the valve fits within the designated space c) To ensure the valve can handle a specific flow rate d) To ensure the valve operates silently


b) To ensure the valve fits within the designated space

Face-to-Face Exercise:


You are designing a pipeline segment that will include a gate valve with a nominal face-to-face dimension of 12 inches. The pipeline is designed to have a center-to-center spacing of 24 inches between valves. The gate valve will be equipped with an actuator that adds 4 inches to the overall length.


  1. Calculate the actual face-to-face dimension of the valve considering the actuator.
  2. Determine if the valve will fit within the specified center-to-center spacing. Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

1. **Actual face-to-face dimension:** Nominal F2F + Actuator length = 12 inches + 4 inches = 16 inches 2. **Fit within spacing:** The actual face-to-face dimension (16 inches) is greater than the center-to-center spacing (24 inches). Therefore, the valve will NOT fit within the specified spacing.


  • Piping Design and Engineering: This textbook by Eugene L. Perry covers piping design principles, including valve selection and face-to-face considerations.
  • Valve Selection Handbook: A comprehensive guide to valve types, specifications, and applications, including detailed information on face-to-face dimensions.
  • ASME B16.34 - Flanged Valves: This ASME standard provides specifications and dimensions for flanged valves, including face-to-face measurements.
  • API 6D - Pipeline Valves: This API standard specifies requirements for pipeline valves, including face-to-face dimensions and other critical parameters.


  • Valve Face-to-Face Dimensions: A Practical Guide: This article discusses the importance of face-to-face dimensions in valve selection and installation, providing practical tips and insights.
  • Understanding Valve Face-to-Face: A Guide for Engineers: This technical article delves deeper into the concept of face-to-face, explaining its relevance in piping design and valve compatibility.
  • Valve Selection for Oil and Gas Applications: This article explores various valve types used in the oil and gas industry, highlighting the importance of considering face-to-face dimensions for each valve type.

Online Resources

  • Valve Manufacturers' Websites: Most reputable valve manufacturers provide detailed information on their products, including face-to-face dimensions, in their online catalogs or product data sheets.
  • Engineering Resource Websites: Websites such as Engineering Toolbox, Engineers Edge, and GlobalSpec offer technical articles, calculators, and other resources related to valve selection and design.
  • Online Forums: Industry forums like ASME's PipeFitters Forum or the Oil & Gas Engineering Forum can provide insights and discussions on specific valve-related issues, including face-to-face considerations.

Search Tips

  • Specific Valve Type and Manufacturer: Search for "face-to-face dimensions [valve type] [manufacturer]" to find information on specific products.
  • ASME B16.34 or API 6D: Search for "ASME B16.34 face-to-face" or "API 6D face-to-face" to find detailed specifications from the respective standards.
  • "Valve Face-to-Face Calculator": Using this search phrase may lead to online calculators that help determine the required face-to-face dimension for a specific valve.
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