Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans General Technical Terms: ZnCl 2

ZnCl 2

ZnCl2 : Le Composé Polyvalent avec un Côté Mordant

Termes Techniques Généraux : Chlorure de Zinc

ZnCl2, ou chlorure de zinc, est un composé chimique hautement polyvalent avec une large gamme d'applications couvrant diverses industries. Ses propriétés, notamment son caractère hygroscopique, sa grande solubilité et sa réactivité, en font un composant précieux dans de nombreux processus.

Description Sommaire :

  • Apparence : Solide blanc et cristallin.
  • Formule Chimique : ZnCl2.
  • Propriétés :
    • Hygroscopique : Absorbe l'humidité de l'air, ce qui le rend déliquescent (se dissolvant dans l'eau absorbée).
    • Très soluble dans l'eau : Forme des solutions acides.
    • Réactif : Agit comme un acide de Lewis, acceptant des paires d'électrons.
  • Utilisations :
    • Flux de Soudure et de Brasage : Sa nature hygroscopique lui permet d'éliminer les oxydes des surfaces métalliques, facilitant ainsi une meilleure soudure et un meilleur brasage.
    • Catalyseur Chimique : Utilisé dans diverses réactions organiques, notamment la polymérisation et les réactions de Friedel-Crafts.
    • Conservation du Bois : Protège le bois de la pourriture et des infestations d'insectes.
    • Traitement des Textiles : Utilisé comme mordant pour améliorer l'adhérence des colorants aux tissus.
    • Électrolytes de Batterie : Utilisé dans certaines formulations de batteries pour ses propriétés conductrices.
    • Autres Applications : On le retrouve dans le nettoyage des métaux, le traitement des eaux usées et comme composant dans certains mélanges de béton.

Considérations Importantes :

  • Corrosif : ZnCl2 est hautement corrosif et peut causer des irritations de la peau et des yeux. Des précautions de manipulation appropriées sont essentielles.
  • Préoccupations Environnementales : L'élimination des déchets de ZnCl2 nécessite une attention particulière pour minimiser l'impact environnemental.

Résumé :

ZnCl2 est un composé chimique fondamental avec des applications diverses dans diverses industries. Ses propriétés uniques en font un ingrédient essentiel dans de nombreux processus de fabrication, de la soudure à la production textile. Cependant, sa nature corrosive et son impact environnemental potentiel nécessitent des pratiques de manipulation et d'élimination responsables.

Test Your Knowledge

ZnCl2 Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the chemical formula for zinc chloride?

a) NaCl
b) ZnCl2


b) ZnCl2

2. Which property of zinc chloride allows it to remove oxides from metal surfaces?

a) High solubility b) Hygroscopic nature c) Reactivity as a Lewis acid


b) Hygroscopic nature

3. What is a common application of zinc chloride in the textile industry?

a) Dyeing agent b) Fabric softener c) Mordant


c) Mordant

4. Why is it important to handle zinc chloride with caution?

a) It is highly flammable. b) It is highly corrosive. c) It is radioactive.


b) It is highly corrosive.

5. What is a primary environmental concern associated with zinc chloride?

a) Ozone depletion b) Acid rain c) Waste disposal


c) Waste disposal

ZnCl2 Exercise


Imagine you are working in a laboratory and need to prepare a solution of zinc chloride for a specific experiment. You are given a bottle of solid ZnCl2 and a beaker.

*Describe the steps you would take to safely prepare a 10% (w/v) solution of zinc chloride. *


  • Safety precautions: What safety equipment would you wear and why?
  • Calculations: How much ZnCl2 would you need to weigh out to make 100 mL of a 10% solution?
  • Preparation: Describe the step-by-step procedure for dissolving the solid ZnCl2 in water.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise: **Safety Precautions:** * Wear a lab coat, gloves, and safety goggles to protect your skin and eyes from the corrosive ZnCl2. * Work in a well-ventilated area. * Have access to a safety shower and eyewash station in case of accidental spills or contact. **Calculations:** * A 10% (w/v) solution means 10 grams of ZnCl2 per 100 mL of solution. * Since we need to prepare 100 mL of solution, we need to weigh out 10 grams of ZnCl2. **Preparation:** 1. **Weighing:** Carefully weigh out 10 grams of ZnCl2 using a balance. 2. **Dissolution:** * Add about 50 mL of distilled water to the beaker. * Slowly add the weighed ZnCl2 to the beaker while stirring continuously. * Continue adding water and stirring until the ZnCl2 is completely dissolved. 3. **Volume Adjustment:** * Once the ZnCl2 is dissolved, carefully add more distilled water to reach a final volume of 100 mL. 4. **Labeling:** Label the beaker with the concentration, date, and your initials. **Important Note:** Always dissolve ZnCl2 in water, not the other way around. Adding water to solid ZnCl2 can generate significant heat and cause a dangerous reaction.


  • "Chemistry of the Elements" by N. N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw: Provides a comprehensive overview of the chemistry of zinc and its compounds, including ZnCl2.
  • "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" by CRC Press: A standard reference for chemical and physical properties of various compounds, including ZnCl2.
  • "Zinc: Chemistry, Technology, and Applications" by Z. A. Forgacs: Covers various aspects of zinc chemistry and its applications, including ZnCl2 usage in different industries.


  • "Zinc Chloride: A Versatile Reagent in Organic Synthesis" by P. J. Stang: Explores the use of ZnCl2 as a catalyst in organic reactions.
  • "The Use of Zinc Chloride in Wood Preservation" by J. D. B. Marsh: Discusses the effectiveness of ZnCl2 as a wood preservative.
  • "Environmental Aspects of Zinc Chloride Disposal" by A. B. S. K. S. Sarma: Examines the environmental impact of ZnCl2 waste and disposal methods.

Online Resources

  • PubChem: Provides detailed information on the chemical properties, uses, and hazards of ZnCl2. (
  • Wikipedia: Offers a general overview of ZnCl2, its properties, and applications. (
  • NIST Chemistry WebBook: Provides extensive data on the physical and chemical properties of ZnCl2, including thermodynamic data. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "ZnCl2 properties," "ZnCl2 applications," "ZnCl2 toxicity," or "ZnCl2 environmental impact."
  • Combine keywords with specific industries, e.g., "ZnCl2 wood preservation," "ZnCl2 textile processing," "ZnCl2 battery electrolytes."
  • Refine your search using operators like quotation marks for exact phrases or the minus sign to exclude irrelevant results.
  • Check for reputable sources like government agencies (EPA, NIST), academic institutions, and scientific journals.
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