Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Washover Pipe

Washover Pipe

Tuyau de lavage : Un outil indispensable pour la récupération de tubes perdus dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

Dans le monde exigeant de l'extraction pétrolière et gazière, des défis imprévus surviennent souvent, conduisant à des dysfonctionnements de l'équipement et à des pertes potentielles d'actifs essentiels. L'un de ces défis est le tube perdu, une situation où une section de tube se coince ou devient inaccessible dans le puits. Cela peut perturber considérablement la production et nécessiter des mesures correctives coûteuses. Heureusement, il existe des outils spécialisés comme les tuyaux de lavage conçus pour s'attaquer de front à ce problème.

Qu'est-ce qu'un tuyau de lavage ?

Un tuyau de lavage est un outil de récupération spécialisé conçu pour récupérer les tubes perdus en s'adaptant au diamètre extérieur (DE) du tube coincé. Il agit essentiellement comme une manche ou un gainage qui fournit un passage pour le fluide de forage afin de contourner le tube perdu et de poursuivre les opérations de forage. Ce mécanisme permet une récupération efficace du tube coincé tout en permettant la progression du puits.

Fonctionnement des tuyaux de lavage :

  • Installation : Le tuyau de lavage est soigneusement descendu dans le puits, guidé sur le tube perdu. Il utilise généralement une pression hydraulique pour s'attacher solidement au DE du tube coincé.
  • Circulation du fluide de forage : Une fois en place, le tuyau de lavage crée un canal de dérivation pour le fluide de forage. Ce fluide est ensuite pompé à travers le tuyau de lavage, ce qui permet de poursuivre les opérations de forage tandis que le tube perdu reste en place.
  • Récupération : Une fois la profondeur souhaitée atteinte, le tuyau de lavage peut être récupéré, ramenant le tube perdu à la surface avec lui.

Avantages des tuyaux de lavage :

  • Récupération efficace : Les tuyaux de lavage améliorent considérablement les chances de récupérer avec succès les tubes perdus, minimisant ainsi les temps d'arrêt et les mesures correctives coûteuses.
  • Forage continu : Ils permettent la poursuite des opérations de forage malgré la présence de tubes perdus, évitant ainsi les retards de projet.
  • Application polyvalente : Les tuyaux de lavage peuvent être utilisés dans divers scénarios de puits, s'adaptant à différentes tailles et types de tubes perdus.
  • Rentabilité : En facilitant une récupération rapide et en minimisant les temps d'arrêt, les tuyaux de lavage contribuent à un processus de forage plus rentable.

Conclusion :

Les tuyaux de lavage sont des outils essentiels dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, offrant une solution fiable et efficace pour gérer les incidents de tubes perdus. Leur capacité à fournir un chemin de dérivation pour le fluide de forage tout en permettant la récupération du tube perdu en fait un atout précieux pour toute opération de forage. En intégrant ces outils spécialisés dans leur arsenal, les entreprises pétrolières et gazières peuvent atténuer les risques associés aux tubes perdus et assurer une production ininterrompue, contribuant ainsi à un secteur plus sûr et plus rentable.

Test Your Knowledge

Washover Pipe Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a washover pipe?

a) To prevent lost pipe incidents. b) To seal off the wellbore during drilling operations. c) To recover lost pipe by creating a bypass channel for drilling fluid. d) To increase the speed of drilling operations.


c) To recover lost pipe by creating a bypass channel for drilling fluid.

2. How does a washover pipe attach itself to the lost pipe?

a) By using a specialized adhesive. b) By friction generated by drilling fluid flow. c) By hydraulic pressure. d) By welding it to the lost pipe.


c) By hydraulic pressure.

3. What is the main benefit of using a washover pipe in lost pipe recovery?

a) It eliminates the need for remedial actions. b) It allows for continuous drilling while recovering the lost pipe. c) It reduces the overall cost of drilling operations. d) It increases the lifespan of the wellbore.


b) It allows for continuous drilling while recovering the lost pipe.

4. Which of the following scenarios would NOT benefit from using a washover pipe?

a) A section of pipe becomes stuck in a wellbore. b) A drilling operation is interrupted due to a lost pipe incident. c) A wellbore requires a temporary seal to prevent fluid leakage. d) A section of pipe needs to be retrieved after a drilling operation is completed.


c) A wellbore requires a temporary seal to prevent fluid leakage.

5. What makes washover pipes a valuable asset in the oil and gas industry?

a) They are a cost-effective solution for handling lost pipe incidents. b) They reduce the risk of environmental damage during drilling. c) They improve the overall efficiency and profitability of drilling operations. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Washover Pipe Exercise:

Scenario: A drilling operation encounters a lost pipe incident at a depth of 5,000 feet. The lost pipe is a 4-inch diameter steel pipe. The drilling crew has a washover pipe available with an outer diameter of 6 inches and an inner diameter of 4.5 inches.

Task: Explain how the washover pipe would be used to recover the lost pipe. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The installation process of the washover pipe.
  • The role of drilling fluid circulation.
  • The recovery process of the lost pipe.

Hints: * The washover pipe is designed to fit over the lost pipe, creating a space for drilling fluid to flow. * The drilling fluid helps to secure the washover pipe in place and aids in the recovery of the lost pipe.

Exercice Correction

The washover pipe is designed to recover the lost pipe by creating a bypass channel for drilling fluid. Here's how it works in the given scenario: 1. **Installation:** The washover pipe would be carefully lowered into the wellbore, guided over the 4-inch diameter lost pipe. Its outer diameter (6 inches) is larger than the lost pipe, providing a space for the drilling fluid to flow. The hydraulic pressure would then be used to firmly attach the washover pipe to the lost pipe. 2. **Drilling Fluid Circulation:** Once the washover pipe is securely attached, the drilling fluid is pumped through its inner channel (4.5-inch diameter). This fluid flows through the bypass created by the washover pipe, bypassing the lost pipe and enabling the drilling operation to continue. 3. **Recovery:** Once the desired depth is reached, the washover pipe can be retrieved. As the washover pipe is pulled back to the surface, the lost pipe will be secured within the washover pipe and lifted along with it. In this scenario, the washover pipe provides a safe and effective solution to recover the lost pipe, minimizing downtime and allowing the drilling operation to progress without significant delays or additional complications.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. Davies: This comprehensive text covers various drilling techniques, including detailed sections on lost pipe recovery methods and the use of washover pipes.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" edited by William C. Lyons: This widely-used handbook offers extensive information on oil and gas well drilling, including specialized sections on wellbore problems and recovery techniques, which may mention washover pipes.
  • "Wellbore Completions" by H.J. Ramey, Jr.: This book provides a detailed analysis of wellbore completions and challenges, potentially including sections on washover pipes and their application in retrieving lost equipment.


  • "Lost Circulation Control: A Comprehensive Review" by G.W. King: This article discusses various lost circulation problems and solutions, potentially including a section on washover pipes as a method for recovery.
  • "The Use of Washover Pipes in Lost Pipe Recovery" by [author name (if available)]: Searching for articles with this specific title might lead to publications highlighting the specific use and benefits of washover pipes in retrieving lost pipe.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE's website offers a vast collection of technical publications, presentations, and research papers related to oil and gas drilling. Searching for "washover pipe" or "lost pipe recovery" within SPE's digital library may lead to relevant resources.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal often publishes articles on drilling technology and solutions for wellbore challenges. Searching their website for "washover pipe" might reveal relevant articles and case studies.
  • DrillingInfo: DrillingInfo's database provides industry data and analysis, potentially including information on washover pipes and their usage in specific oil and gas fields.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "washover pipe", try phrases like "washover pipe drilling", "washover pipe oil and gas", or "lost pipe recovery washover pipe".
  • Combine keywords with specific operators: Use operators like "AND" to refine your search. For example: "washover pipe AND lost pipe recovery".
  • Include file type in your search: You can specify file types like "pdf" or "doc" to limit your results to downloadable documents.
  • Use quotation marks for exact phrases: When searching for a specific phrase, enclose it in quotation marks. For example: "washover pipe mechanism".
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