Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Through Tubing Gun

Through Tubing Gun

Les canons de tir à travers tubage : un outil puissant pour la stimulation des puits dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier

Dans le monde de l'extraction pétrolière et gazière, maximiser la production d'un puits est primordial. L'une des techniques clés utilisées pour y parvenir est la **perforation**, un processus qui crée des ouvertures dans le tubage et le ciment du puits, permettant aux hydrocarbures de s'écouler librement du réservoir vers le puits. Alors que les méthodes de perforation traditionnelles nécessitent souvent des opérations de réparation, un outil spécialisé appelé **canon de tir à travers tubage** offre une solution plus efficace et économique.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un canon de tir à travers tubage ?**

Comme son nom l'indique, un canon de tir à travers tubage est un canon de perforation conçu pour être descendu et remonté **à travers le tubage de production**, éliminant ainsi le besoin de retirer la colonne de tubage pour les opérations de perforation classiques. C'est un avantage significatif, en particulier dans les puits matures où le retrait du tubage peut être complexe et long.

**Fonctionnement :**

Les canons de tir à travers tubage sont généralement **petits et compacts** - souvent avec un diamètre inférieur au diamètre intérieur du tubage - ce qui permet de les déployer et de les récupérer sans perturber l'écoulement du puits. Ils sont descendus dans le puits sur un câble et positionnés à la profondeur désirée. Une fois en place, le canon est **activé par une impulsion hydraulique ou électrique**, tirant des charges perforantes qui pénètrent le tubage et le ciment, créant les passages nécessaires pour l'écoulement des hydrocarbures.

**Principales caractéristiques et avantages :**

  • **Rentabilité :** En éliminant le besoin d'opérations de réparation, les canons de tir à travers tubage réduisent considérablement les temps d'arrêt et les dépenses associées.
  • **Efficacité accrue :** La possibilité d'effectuer des opérations de perforation sans retirer le tubage rationalise le processus et permet une réactivation plus rapide du puits.
  • **Risque réduit :** La petite taille et le fonctionnement simplifié des canons de tir à travers tubage minimisent le risque d'endommagement du puits ou de l'équipement de production.
  • **Application polyvalente :** Les canons de tir à travers tubage peuvent être utilisés pour diverses situations de perforation, notamment :
    • **Repérage :** Créer de nouvelles perforations dans les puits existants pour améliorer la productivité.
    • **Perforation sélective :** Cibler des zones spécifiques dans le réservoir pour un écoulement optimisé.
    • **Stimulation :** Améliorer la productivité des puits en augmentant la zone d'écoulement à travers le tubage.

**L'avenir des canons de tir à travers tubage :**

Alors que l'industrie pétrolière et gazière continue de rechercher des solutions plus efficaces et économiques, les canons de tir à travers tubage devraient jouer un rôle de plus en plus important. Les progrès technologiques conduisent au développement de canons encore plus compacts et sophistiqués, capables d'effectuer des opérations complexes avec une plus grande précision.

**En conclusion,** les canons de tir à travers tubage offrent une alternative convaincante aux méthodes de perforation traditionnelles, offrant des avantages significatifs en termes de coût, d'efficacité et d'atténuation des risques. Alors que l'industrie pétrolière et gazière évolue, ces outils puissants sont appelés à devenir encore plus essentiels pour maximiser la productivité des puits et garantir une extraction durable des ressources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Through Tubing Guns in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Through Tubing Gun?

a) To remove the production tubing string from the well. b) To create openings in the well casing and cement for hydrocarbon flow. c) To measure the pressure within the wellbore. d) To inject chemicals into the reservoir to stimulate production.


b) To create openings in the well casing and cement for hydrocarbon flow.

2. What is a key advantage of using a Through Tubing Gun over traditional perforating methods?

a) It allows for the use of larger perforating charges. b) It requires less expertise to operate. c) It eliminates the need to pull the production tubing. d) It is significantly cheaper to manufacture.


c) It eliminates the need to pull the production tubing.

3. How is a Through Tubing Gun typically activated?

a) By a mechanical trigger. b) By a hydraulic or electrical impulse. c) By a chemical reaction. d) By a manual lever.


b) By a hydraulic or electrical impulse.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Through Tubing Gun?

a) Cost-effectiveness. b) Increased efficiency. c) Reduced risk of wellbore damage. d) Greater reliance on workover operations.


d) Greater reliance on workover operations.

5. What is one potential application of a Through Tubing Gun?

a) Installing new pumps at the bottom of the well. b) Replacing damaged sections of the production tubing. c) Re-perforating existing wells for increased productivity. d) Measuring the temperature of the reservoir.


c) Re-perforating existing wells for increased productivity.


Scenario: A mature oil well has been producing at a declining rate. The operator decides to use a Through Tubing Gun to re-perforate the well and stimulate production.

Task: Explain how the use of a Through Tubing Gun in this scenario can be beneficial compared to traditional perforating methods that require pulling the tubing.

Exercice Correction

Using a Through Tubing Gun in this scenario offers several benefits compared to traditional methods: * **Reduced downtime:** The Through Tubing Gun allows for re-perforation without pulling the tubing, significantly reducing the time needed for the operation and minimizing production downtime. * **Cost-effectiveness:** Eliminating the need for a workover operation saves on costs associated with labor, equipment, and potential wellbore damage. * **Reduced risk:** By not pulling the tubing, the risk of damaging the wellbore or production equipment is significantly lowered. * **Faster well reactivation:** The streamlined process of using a Through Tubing Gun allows for faster well reactivation and increased production sooner. Overall, the use of a Through Tubing Gun offers a more efficient, cost-effective, and less risky approach to re-perforating a mature well, ultimately leading to faster production optimization.


  • "Petroleum Production Handbook" by John M. Campbell: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including well stimulation techniques and perforating technologies.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by Michael J. Economides: This book delves into well completion methods, including perforating techniques, and discusses the role of Through Tubing Guns in specific scenarios.
  • "Oil Well Drilling and Production" by R.P. Anderson: This classic text provides a broad overview of oil well drilling and production practices, including sections on perforating and well stimulation.


  • "Through-Tubing Perforating: A Cost-Effective Approach to Well Stimulation" by Schlumberger: This article discusses the benefits and applications of Through Tubing Guns in detail, highlighting their advantages over traditional perforating methods.
  • "Recent Advances in Through-Tubing Perforating Technology" by Baker Hughes: This article showcases advancements in Through Tubing Gun technology, focusing on improved efficiency, precision, and reliability.
  • "Through-Tubing Perforation: A Case Study in Enhanced Well Production" by Halliburton: This case study analyzes the successful implementation of Through Tubing Guns in a specific well, demonstrating their effectiveness in increasing well productivity.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger website: Schlumberger, a leading oilfield service provider, offers detailed information about their Through Tubing Gun systems, including technical specifications, application guides, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes website: Baker Hughes, another major oilfield service provider, offers similar information on their Through Tubing Gun solutions, including technical details and case study examples.
  • Halliburton website: Halliburton, a well-known oilfield services company, provides information on their Through Tubing Gun services, showcasing their expertise in well stimulation and perforating technology.

Search Tips

  • "Through Tubing Gun" + "oil and gas": This search query will focus on relevant results specific to the oil and gas industry.
  • "Through Tubing Gun" + "perforating technology": This query will bring up results focused on the technical aspects of Through Tubing Gun technology and its applications in perforating.
  • "Through Tubing Gun" + "case study": This search query will lead you to real-world examples of successful applications of Through Tubing Guns in well stimulation.
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