Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Drilling & Well Completion: Tailing Rods

Tailing Rods

Tiges de Queue : Une Étape Essentielle dans les Travaux de Réparation de Puits

Dans l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, les travaux de réparation de puits sont essentiels pour maintenir la production et prolonger la durée de vie des puits. Un aspect crucial de ces travaux implique la manipulation des systèmes de pompage à tige de pompe, et un terme clé dans ce processus est « tiges de queue ».

Que sont les Tiges de Queue ?

Les tiges de queue sont essentiellement la partie inférieure de la colonne de tiges de pompe, qui est laissée dans le puits pendant un travail de réparation. Alors que la majorité de la colonne de tiges est remontée à la surface pour inspection et réparation, ces tiges « de queue » restent dans le puits, servant d'ancrage critique pour les tiges nouvellement installées.

L'Acte de « Queue » : Un Processus Précis

L'acte de « queue » des tiges implique une série d'étapes soigneusement coordonnées pendant le travail de réparation :

  1. Récupération de la Colonne de Tiges : La colonne de tiges de pompe existante est récupérée du puits à l'aide d'équipements spécialisés.
  2. Inspection et Réparation : Les tiges remontées sont soigneusement inspectées pour détecter l'usure et les dommages, et les tiges endommagées sont réparées ou remplacées.
  3. Détermination du Point de « Queue » : Une profondeur spécifique dans le puits est désignée comme le « point de queue ». Ce point est généralement choisi en fonction de facteurs tels que la profondeur du puits, la longueur de la colonne de tiges et la production future attendue.
  4. Raccordement de la Colonne de Tiges : Les tiges nouvellement installées, après inspection et réparation, sont raccordées aux tiges de queue restantes à la profondeur désignée.
  5. Descente de la Colonne de Tiges : La colonne de tiges nouvellement raccordée est soigneusement descendue à nouveau dans le puits, en assurant un alignement et une tension corrects.

Avantages des Tiges de Queue :

  • Coûts Réduits : Laisser une partie de la colonne de tiges dans le puits réduit considérablement les coûts et le temps associés au retrait et à la réinstallation de l'ensemble de la colonne de tiges.
  • Efficacité Améliorée : Les tiges de queue permettent des opérations de réparation plus rapides, minimisant les temps d'arrêt et maximisant la production.
  • Risque Réduit dans le Puits : En minimisant le nombre de voyages dans et hors du puits, le risque d'endommager le puits ou de perdre des outils est réduit.
  • Production Simplifiée : Les tiges de queue fournissent une base stable pour la nouvelle colonne de tiges, assurant des opérations de pompage régulières et fiables.

Comprendre les Tiges de Queue : Une Clé pour des Travaux de Réparation de Puits Efficaces

Le processus de « queue » des tiges est une partie complexe mais essentielle des travaux de réparation de puits. Cette technique permet aux opérateurs pétroliers et gaziers d'optimiser la production tout en minimisant les temps d'arrêt et les coûts associés. En comprenant le but et les procédures liés aux tiges de queue, les professionnels peuvent assurer une maintenance des puits efficace et efficiente, contribuant au développement durable des ressources pétrolières et gazières.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Tailing Rods

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of tailing rods during a well workover? (a) To provide a stable anchor for the newly installed sucker rod string. (b) To prevent the sucker rod string from corroding. (c) To lubricate the sucker rod string during operation. (d) To increase the pumping capacity of the well.


(a) To provide a stable anchor for the newly installed sucker rod string.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in the process of tailing rods? (a) Rod string retrieval from the well. (b) Inspection and repair of the pulled rods. (c) Installation of a new pump at the bottom of the well. (d) Connecting the new rods to the remaining tailing rods.


(c) Installation of a new pump at the bottom of the well.

3. What is a major benefit of using tailing rods during workovers? (a) Reduced cost and time associated with the workover. (b) Increased risk of damage to the wellbore. (c) Reduced pumping capacity of the well. (d) Increased environmental impact of the workover.


(a) Reduced cost and time associated with the workover.

4. Why is the "tailing point" carefully chosen during a workover? (a) To ensure the new rod string is securely connected. (b) To prevent corrosion of the tailing rods. (c) To maximize the production rate of the well. (d) To minimize the environmental impact of the workover.


(a) To ensure the new rod string is securely connected.

5. What is the primary function of the tailing rods in a well after the workover is completed? (a) To act as a weight to increase pumping efficiency. (b) To act as a guide for the newly installed rods. (c) To prevent the sucker rod string from being pulled out of the well. (d) To reduce the risk of corrosion in the wellbore.


(c) To prevent the sucker rod string from being pulled out of the well.

Exercise: Planning a Tailing Rod Workover


A well has been producing oil for several years and requires a workover. The current sucker rod string is 4,000 feet long. Inspection has revealed that the top 2,000 feet of the rod string needs to be replaced.


  1. Determine the "tailing point": Considering the information provided, where would you choose to leave the tailing rods? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Identify potential challenges: What potential challenges might you face while implementing the tailing rod process in this scenario?
  3. Outline the steps involved: Describe the steps you would take to execute this workover, including the tailing rod process.

Exercise Correction

**1. Determining the Tailing Point:** The logical choice would be to leave the bottom 2,000 feet of the rod string in place as the tailing rods. This ensures: * **Minimal rod string replacement**: Only the top half requires replacement. * **Optimal anchor**: The existing rods provide a strong base for the new installation. **2. Potential Challenges:** * **Rod string condition:** The bottom section of the rod string needs to be assessed to ensure it's in good condition to support the new installation. * **Wellbore conditions:** Potential issues like corrosion, scaling, or obstructions in the lower portion of the wellbore could hinder the process. * **Connecting the new rods:** Ensuring a secure and proper connection between the new and old rod strings is crucial for preventing failures. **3. Steps Involved:** 1. **Rod string retrieval:** The top 2,000 feet of the existing rod string would be pulled from the well. 2. **Inspection and repair:** The retrieved rods would be thoroughly inspected for wear and tear. Damaged sections would be replaced. 3. **Connection:** The newly installed rods would be connected to the remaining tailing rods at the 2,000-foot depth. 4. **Lowering the string:** The connected rod string would be carefully lowered back into the well, ensuring proper tension and alignment. 5. **Pumping system check:** Once the new rod string is installed, the pumping system would be thoroughly checked and tested for proper operation.


  • Petroleum Production Engineering by Tarek Ahmed (This comprehensive text covers sucker rod pumping systems and workover operations in detail, including tailing rods.)
  • Oil Well Drilling and Production by John M. Campbell (This book provides a thorough understanding of oil and gas production practices, with a section dedicated to sucker rod pumping and workovers.)
  • Production Operations in Petroleum Engineering by William J. McDonald (This text focuses on the practical aspects of oil and gas production, including workovers and tailing rods.)


  • Sucker Rod Pumping: A Comprehensive Overview by SPE (This article offers a general overview of sucker rod pumping systems, including tailing rods, and their applications.)
  • Optimized Well Workover Operations Using Tailing Rod Techniques by [Author Name] (Search for articles specific to tailing rod techniques in workovers on databases like SPE, OnePetro, and Google Scholar.)
  • Analysis of Factors Affecting Tailing Rod Performance in Sucker Rod Pumping Systems by [Author Name] (Search for research papers analyzing the impact of tailing rods on performance.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers and articles related to oil and gas production, including workovers and sucker rod pumping.
  • OnePetro: This platform provides access to a comprehensive collection of industry publications, technical documents, and research papers, including information on tailing rods.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry magazine features articles and news related to all aspects of oil and gas production, including workovers and tailing rod techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "tailing rods," "workovers," "sucker rod pumping," and "oil and gas production" to refine your searches.
  • Include industry terms: Utilize terms like "rod string," "tailing point," "wellbore," and "pumping unit" to locate more specific resources.
  • Focus on academic sources: Use keywords like "research," "analysis," and "study" to find technical papers and research articles.
  • Explore industry forums: Look for discussions on oil and gas industry forums and communities where professionals discuss tailing rod practices and challenges.
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