Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans General Technical Terms: Standard Blue Barrel

Standard Blue Barrel

Le Baril Bleu : Un héritage de Standard Oil dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière

Le terme "Baril Bleu Standard" peut sembler être un vestige du passé, mais il occupe en réalité une place importante dans l'histoire de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Cette simple expression représente les origines d'une unité de mesure fondamentale – le baril (bbl) – et son impact durable sur le commerce mondial du pétrole.

Les débuts de la standardisation :

Avant l'essor de Standard Oil, la mesure du pétrole était incohérente et variait considérablement d'une région à l'autre. À la fin du XIXe siècle, la Standard Oil Company de John D. Rockefeller est devenue une force dominante, cherchant à rationaliser ses opérations et à contrôler le marché. Pour y parvenir, ils ont standardisé le volume du baril à 42 gallons, une taille jugée adéquate pour le transport et le stockage.

Le Baril Bleu :

Pour consolider davantage leur contrôle, Standard Oil a peint ses barils d'un bleu distinctif. Cela est devenu synonyme de leur marque et a garanti la légitimité de leur pétrole. Le "Baril Bleu Standard" est devenu un symbole de qualité et une garantie de volume constant, établissant une base de référence pour toute l'industrie.

L'héritage :

Bien que le monopole de Standard Oil ait finalement été brisé, le baril de 42 gallons, souvent appelé "bbl", est resté l'unité de mesure standard du pétrole dans le monde entier. C'est un témoignage de l'influence de l'entreprise et de l'impact durable de ses efforts de standardisation.

Au-delà du baril :

Le terme "Baril Bleu Standard" revêt désormais une signification historique, représentant une période de formidable innovation et de transformation dans l'industrie pétrolière. C'est un rappel de la façon dont l'initiative d'une seule entreprise a pu révolutionner la manière dont une matière première essentielle était mesurée et commercialisée, laissant une marque durable sur le paysage énergétique mondial.

Aujourd'hui, le bbl reste une pierre angulaire de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, un héritage du Baril Bleu Standard qui continue de façonner les marchés énergétiques mondiaux.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Blue Barrel

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was the main reason for Standard Oil's standardization of the barrel's volume?

a) To increase the price of oil. b) To improve efficiency and control the market. c) To comply with government regulations. d) To reduce the cost of oil transportation.


b) To improve efficiency and control the market.

2. What was the distinctive feature of Standard Oil's barrels?

a) They were made of a special type of wood. b) They had a unique inscription on the side. c) They were painted a distinctive blue color. d) They were smaller than other barrels.


c) They were painted a distinctive blue color.

3. What is the standard volume of a barrel (bbl) in gallons?

a) 30 b) 35 c) 42 d) 50


c) 42

4. What is the term "Standard Blue Barrel" a symbol of?

a) The dominance of Standard Oil in the industry. b) The quality and consistency of Standard Oil's oil. c) The standardization of oil measurement. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the lasting impact of the Standard Blue Barrel on the oil industry today?

a) The use of the barrel (bbl) as the standard unit of measurement. b) The continued dominance of Standard Oil in the market. c) The widespread use of blue barrels for oil transportation. d) The focus on standardizing other oil-related products.


a) The use of the barrel (bbl) as the standard unit of measurement.

Exercise: Historical Context


Imagine you are a historian researching the early oil industry in the late 19th century. You have found a document mentioning "Standard Blue Barrels" being shipped from Cleveland, Ohio, to New York City.


  1. Based on your understanding of the "Standard Blue Barrel," explain what this document tells you about the oil industry at that time.
  2. What are some questions you might have about the document and the shipping process?
  3. How might this document contribute to your understanding of the significance of Standard Oil's impact on the industry?

Exercise Correction

Here are some possible answers:

1. The document reveals the widespread use of Standard Oil's barrels and the importance of their standardization efforts. It suggests that Standard Oil was already a significant player in the industry, shipping large quantities of oil across long distances.

2. Some questions you might have include:

  • What type of oil was being shipped in these barrels?
  • What was the scale of these shipments?
  • What were the transportation methods used?
  • How did the standardization of barrels impact the efficiency of shipping?

3. The document reinforces the significance of Standard Oil's role in shaping the oil industry. It highlights the company's influence on trade and transportation, paving the way for the industry's growth and development.


  • The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power by Daniel Yergin: A comprehensive history of the oil industry, including the rise of Standard Oil and the standardization of the barrel.
  • The Age of Oil: The Mythology of the Modern World by Timothy Mitchell: Explores the social, political, and economic impact of oil, touching upon the significance of standardized measurement.
  • The Standard Oil Company and the Origins of the American Trust, 1869–1882 by Ron Chernow: A detailed account of the early years of Standard Oil and their efforts to establish control over the oil market.
  • John D. Rockefeller: The Rise of an American Empire by Ron Chernow: A biography of John D. Rockefeller that covers his strategies for building Standard Oil and implementing standardization.


  • "The History of the Barrel" by The American Petroleum Institute: Provides a detailed overview of the evolution of the barrel as a unit of measurement for oil.
  • "The Standard Oil Trust and the Rise of American Capitalism" by David Montgomery: Examines the impact of Standard Oil on American industrialization and the role of standardization in their business practices.
  • "Standard Oil and the American Oil Industry: A Historical Perspective" by Michael Thaddeus: Analyzes the significance of Standard Oil's dominance and their legacy in shaping the oil industry.

Online Resources

  • The American Petroleum Institute (API): Website with resources on the history of the oil industry, including information about oil measurement.
  • The National Museum of American History: Website featuring exhibits and resources on the history of American business and technology, including the Standard Oil Company.
  • The Oil & Gas Journal: Industry publication with articles and archives on the history of oil and gas exploration and production.

Search Tips

  • "Standard Oil barrel history"
  • "Oil barrel standardization"
  • "John D. Rockefeller oil industry"
  • "History of oil measurement"
  • "The bbl unit of measurement"
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