Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Safety Training & Awareness: Snubbing Stack

Snubbing Stack

Empilage de Snubbing : Les héros méconnus du contrôle des puits de pétrole et de gaz

Dans le monde à haute pression et à enjeux élevés de l'extraction pétrolière et gazière, le contrôle des puits est primordial. Un élément essentiel de ce contrôle est l'**Empilage de Snubbing**, un assemblage spécialisé de joints de tuyauterie et de vérins aveugles utilisés dans l'opération critique de **snubbing**.

**Qu'est-ce que le Snubbing ?**

Le snubbing est une technique spécialisée utilisée pour contrôler en toute sécurité le flux de fluides (pétrole, gaz ou eau) dans un puits tout en manipulant simultanément l'équipement à l'intérieur du puits. C'est essentiel pour diverses opérations, notamment :

  • **Stimulation du puits :** Injection de fluides comme de l'acide ou de la proppante pour augmenter la productivité du puits.
  • **Opérations de tubage et de tubage :** Installation, réparation ou retrait des chaînes de tubage et de tubage.
  • **Travaux en fond de trou :** Effectuer des inspections, des réparations ou la maintenance de l'équipement en fond de trou.

**L'Empilage de Snubbing : Un regard plus approfondi**

L'Empilage de Snubbing est un élément crucial de l'opération de snubbing. Il se compose de deux composants clés :

  • **Vérins d'étanchéité de la tuyauterie :** Ces vérins sont conçus pour sceller le puits autour du tubage ou du tubage, empêchant l'échappement de fluides à haute pression. Ils agissent comme une barrière, permettant un accès contrôlé au puits pour la manipulation de l'équipement.
  • **Vérins aveugles :** Ces vérins sont utilisés pour isoler complètement le puits de la surface, offrant un environnement sûr pour effectuer diverses tâches en fond de trou.

**L'Empilage de Snubbing en action**

Lors d'une opération de snubbing, l'Empilage de Snubbing est stratégiquement positionné sur la tête de puits. Les vérins d'étanchéité de la tuyauterie sont utilisés pour retenir la pression du puits, permettant à l'équipement d'être descendu dans le puits. Une fois le travail terminé, les vérins aveugles sont activés pour sceller complètement le puits, permettant à l'équipement d'être récupéré en toute sécurité.

**Avantages de la technologie de l'Empilage de Snubbing :**

  • **Contrôle amélioré des puits :** Fournit un contrôle précis de la pression du puits, assurant la sécurité lors d'opérations critiques.
  • **Efficacité accrue :** Permet des interventions de puits plus rapides et plus efficaces, minimisant les temps d'arrêt.
  • **Risque réduit :** Minimise le risque de dégazage du puits et d'autres dangers pour la sécurité, protégeant le personnel et l'environnement.

**Conclusion :**

L'Empilage de Snubbing est un outil essentiel dans l'industrie pétrolière et gazière, jouant un rôle vital dans le maintien du contrôle des puits lors d'opérations complexes en fond de trou. Cet assemblage spécialisé de vérins garantit la sécurité, l'efficacité et la productivité, contribuant à l'extraction sûre et fiable de ressources précieuses.

Test Your Knowledge

Snubbing Stack Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Snubbing Stack in well control? a) To increase well productivity by injecting fluids. b) To control the flow of fluids in a well during equipment manipulation. c) To perform inspections and maintenance on downhole equipment. d) To prevent the escape of high-pressure fluids during tubing installation.


b) To control the flow of fluids in a well during equipment manipulation.

2. Which of these is NOT a typical application of snubbing operations? a) Well Stimulation b) Tubing and Casing Operations c) Drilling new wells d) Downhole Work


c) Drilling new wells.

3. What are the two main components of a Snubbing Stack? a) Pipe seal rams and blind rams. b) Tubing and casing strings. c) Proppant and acid. d) Downhole equipment and surface equipment.


a) Pipe seal rams and blind rams.

4. What is the primary role of the pipe seal rams in the Snubbing Stack? a) To completely isolate the wellbore from the surface. b) To seal the wellbore around the tubing or casing, preventing fluid escape. c) To lower equipment into the well. d) To retrieve equipment from the well.


b) To seal the wellbore around the tubing or casing, preventing fluid escape.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a Snubbing Stack? a) Enhanced well control. b) Increased efficiency in well interventions. c) Reduced risk of well blowouts. d) Increased production of oil and gas.


d) Increased production of oil and gas. While snubbing can support well productivity by enabling efficient interventions, it's not directly responsible for increasing production levels.

Snubbing Stack Exercise

Scenario: An oil and gas company is preparing for a well stimulation operation using a Snubbing Stack. They need to inject a high-pressure mixture of acid and proppant to increase well productivity. Explain the steps involved in using the Snubbing Stack during this operation, highlighting the role of each component.

Exercice Correction

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how a Snubbing Stack is used during well stimulation:

  1. **Preparation:** The Snubbing Stack is positioned on the wellhead, with the pipe seal rams in place. This creates a seal around the existing tubing or casing, ensuring the wellbore pressure is contained.
  2. **Injection Equipment Setup:** The equipment for injecting the acid and proppant mixture is lowered into the well. This equipment is typically attached to the tubing string. The pipe seal rams allow controlled lowering while maintaining wellbore pressure control.
  3. **Injection Process:** The acid and proppant mixture is injected into the wellbore through the specialized injection equipment. The pipe seal rams ensure that the pressure remains controlled and that fluids do not escape during this process.
  4. **Injection Completion:** Once the injection process is complete, the injection equipment is retrieved from the well.
  5. **Well Isolation:** The blind rams are activated, completely isolating the wellbore from the surface. This step ensures the safety of personnel and the environment during the retrieval process.
  6. **Equipment Removal:** The equipment is retrieved safely from the well, thanks to the complete isolation provided by the blind rams.
  7. **Well Re-opening:** After the equipment is safely removed, the blind rams are opened, and the pipe seal rams remain in place, allowing for continued well control.

Role of the Snubbing Stack Components:

  • Pipe Seal Rams: Control the wellbore pressure during the entire operation, allowing for safe equipment manipulation and injection of fluids.
  • Blind Rams: Provide a complete seal for the wellbore, creating a safe environment for retrieving equipment after the injection process is complete.


  • Well Control: A Practical Approach to Safety and Efficiency by Mark D. Zoback: This book covers various aspects of well control, including snubbing operations and the Snubbing Stack.
  • Oil and Gas Production Operations by John R. Fanchi: This book delves into the technical aspects of oil and gas production, including a chapter on well intervention techniques like snubbing.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering by T.N. Beicip: This comprehensive textbook covers the principles of petroleum engineering, including sections on well completion and intervention techniques.


  • "Snubbing: A Versatile Well Intervention Technique" by Schlumberger: This article provides a detailed explanation of snubbing operations, including the role of the Snubbing Stack.
  • "The Evolution of Snubbing Technology" by Baker Hughes: This article explores the history and development of snubbing technology, highlighting its advancements and benefits.
  • "Snubbing Stack: A Critical Component of Well Control" by Halliburton: This article focuses specifically on the Snubbing Stack, its components, and its role in ensuring well safety.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of articles, technical papers, and presentations related to oil and gas production, including information on snubbing and well control.
  • OnePetro: This website provides access to a comprehensive collection of oil and gas industry publications, including articles and research papers on snubbing technology.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry journal publishes articles and reports on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including well control and intervention techniques.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Snubbing Stack", "Snubbing Operation", "Well Control", and "Downhole Intervention".
  • Combine keywords with specific operators like "" or "" to focus your search on specific websites.
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches, for example "Snubbing Stack design".
  • Use advanced search operators like "filetype:pdf" to find specific file types, such as technical papers or manuals.
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